Mai-sling came into the use of moms relatively recently. But to say that they invented it in the days of our time means to mislead. Mothers of some countries of the world have long used this simple dressing to carry a child with them.
Is it possible to combine an active lifestyle and motherhood?
Sling provides an excellent opportunity for close contact between the baby and mother, while freeing her hands. This circumstance made this device very popular in the modern dynamic world. Nowadays, many mothers live a rather active life, and the use of sling makes it possible not to part with your baby under any circumstances.
There are quite a few varieties of this device: a scarf, ergo-backpack, fast-sling, models on the rings. Each of these transfers has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of particular interest to moms is May Sling. At what age can a child be used? This is a moot point. To answer it unambiguously, you need to consider the features of its design and use.
Where does May Sling come from?
May-sling was invented in Asian countries. In China and Japan, mothers used this dressing from the very first day of the child's life. A device of this design has nothing to do with a common kangaroo backpack. A May Sling is a rectangle made of fairly dense fabric. Wide and long straps with a synthetic winterizer laid inside are sewn into the corners. Models of various designs allow you to cross the straps behind your mother’s back, tie them, fasten them or wrap them under the baby. May-sling can be equipped with various devices: pockets, fasteners, rivets. It can also be colorfully decorated with embroidery or applique.
Many parents at the sight of this device wonder about when to start using May Sling, at what age. Sling Consultant is a specially trained specialist who has complete information on carrying for children. This person can give practical advice on the use of sling in a specific situation, choose the right model and show a master class on how to wear it.
What are the advantages of May Sling?
May-sling, from whatever age it is used, gives both parents and the child a number of advantages.
- The baby is constantly under the control of her mother, next to her. This is good for both. The mother calmly goes about her business, knowing that everything is in order with the child, he is full, dry, safe and sound. The kid from such close contact grows more confident and develops harmoniously.
- The body heat of the mother helps to get rid of intestinal colic and soothes the baby.
- The process of falling asleep becomes easier, and the sleep next to mom becomes stronger.
- With her baby in May Sling, her mother can freely go hiking in public places, travel in any transport, even on a bicycle.
- You can feed the child without being distracted from household chores, and completely unnoticed by others.
- The design of the May-Sling protects mom from back pain, as the load is distributed evenly.
- This device is compact and practical to use, easy to erase.
- The combination of comfort and beautiful design makes it especially pleasant to wear for a modern mother.
- The age from which May Sling can be used is from birth to 2-3 years.
- The baby is in a physiological pose, spreading his legs wide. This is a good prevention of dysplasia.
- May-sling, at what age of the child you would begin to apply it, is easy to learn and does not require special skills.
- There are many options for wearing the baby: facing you, on your side, on your back.
Minor inconvenience in wearing the May-Sling is due to the fact that it does not have a comfortable lying position, so this device is not provided for a sleeping baby. To change the position of the child in such a carry, you need to untie the straps on the shoulders, which is also not very comfortable.
At what age can I start wearing May Sling?
Here it is - a May Sling device. At what age can a child be used? Many are inclined to believe that the lack of rigid fixation of the head in a horizontal position makes the use of this device unacceptable in infants younger than 4 months.
But historical facts confirm the opposite: Chinese and Japanese women have used May Sling since the birth of a child, and the large number of their nation confirms that it is absolutely harmless.
In addition, the latest research by German orthopedists has proved the following: the optimal physiological fit for carrying a newborn child is a frog pose with legs apart. This automatically clarifies the question of how old you can use May Sling. Using this device, mom provides a comfortable environment for the baby from the first days of life.
But there are some subtleties in ensuring the comfort of the child. It is worth noting that this method of wearing requires reliable fixation of the back of the child, which can be achieved by pulling it to the mother. In a horizontal position, the child can sleep and eat. Moreover, it will be equally convenient for both the baby and the one-year-old baby.
When carried vertically, the weight of the child is evenly distributed on the back, lower back and shoulders of the parent. All unpleasant sensations are thus minimized, fatigue is not felt.
From what age you can use May Sling, decide for parents, but the child is comfortable in it from the first days of life. The back of the device tightly but delicately presses the baby to the mother, the load is removed as much as possible. The straps, crossing on the back of the child, support the delicate spine. The position of the baby in this case is reclining on the parent. The legs of the child are divorced to the sides and grasp the belt of mom.
The load on the spinal column is carried out not in the downward direction, as in kangaroo backpacks, but evenly over the baby's thigh and buttocks. Widespread breeding of legs contributes to the correction and prevention of dysplasia.
Having studied all these features, you should not puzzle over the question of how old you can wear a May-Sling. The progressive world uses it from the first days of the baby’s life and experiences only positive emotions from it .
Carrying a baby on his back in a May Sling
May-sling is very convenient for carrying a child on his back.
Those who use this device in this way claim that it is even easier to carry the baby in this way than in front.
Experienced users of this type of device claim that the age from which you can carry a child in a May-sling on his back is 3-4 months. It is then that parents have the experience of using carrying and self-confidence. However, if some practice is already available, and the child is not the first-born, you can safely start wearing it in a May-sling on your back from the first days of life.
How to choose a good May Sling
Regardless of the age at which you decided to use May Sling, there are some recommendations for choosing these devices. Following them, you will provide maximum comfort to the child and yourself. When choosing a suitable May Sling model, pay attention to the following details:
- Carrying straps should be at least 10-14 cm wide, a synthetic winterizer must be sewn inside them. If you neglect this design, the straps will dig into the shoulders and back and twist when worn. A variant of un-lined May-Sling is possible on the straps, but in this case their width should be at least 17 cm. The places where the upper straps are attached to the panel are additionally reinforced with seams in the form of a triangle or square.
- The main part of the May Sling is a banner in the form of a square. Its width reaches 35-45 cm, and the height can be in the range of 45-60 cm. The dimensions are not important here. In the same sling, both the baby and the one-year-old baby will feel comfortable. If the sling is longer than required, then this can be easily solved by folding the waist strap.
- The fabric of which the May Sling is made should be as natural and breathable as possible. Cotton and material based on it are ideal. A small inclusion of a synthetic thread is allowed if the child does not have allergies. A very important requirement for tissues - they should not stretch.
Despite the disagreement of experts regarding the age at which May Sling can be used, they all agree on the benefits of this device for both the child and parents. This wonderful invention of man allows parents to lead an active lifestyle and be constantly with their child.