Caracal domestic - lynx for lovers of exotic pets

Today we will talk about caracal. The name of this beast comes from the word "karakalak". Translated, it means "black ear." Caracal is a medium-sized domestic lynx. Outwardly resembles an ordinary lynx, but a little smaller in size. Now we will tell in more detail about such a beast as a caracal, we will present a photo below. We also touch on the topic of choosing a kitten and its contents. In addition, we will consider how to feed such a lynx at home.

Caracal: Description

caracal domestic lynx

The body length of the caracal is on average 75 cm. Its tail is less - about 27 cm. The weight of such a beast is about 17-18 kg. Although there are larger representatives. The coat of such mammals is thick, short. The colors are different, ranging from the color of wine berries to brownish-sand, and the stomach is white. The outer side of the ears and the area around the eyes is black. There are black spots on the face. Ears are set high on the head, stand upright, reach five centimeters in length, there are tassels at the ends.

Choosing a kitten

To caracal was manual and affectionate, you need to choose it in the nurseries of the home type. If the animal is kept in enclosures, then it can hardly be hoped that a good pet will grow out of such a baby. From childhood, it is necessary that the kitten is in contact with a person. At what age can I buy a baby? This is best done up to six months. And how much is caracal? On average, such a beast will cost 300 thousand rubles, but the price depends on the age of the animal and the region.

lynx caracal description

Very quickly gets used to a new family caracal home. In terms of adaptation, this lynx is very similar to puppies. Animals get used to it easily, friendly and communicative with new people, including young children, as well as other pets.

Before you make a purchase, you must decide why you need a miniature lynx. Caracal is not a domestic cat. He has his own characteristics. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed such cats, then you need to castrate the animal on time (about four months), otherwise there will be problems with tags.

Do you want to breed? Then get ready for the fact that the caracal, regardless of gender, will mark its territory.

If you plan to buy a domestic lynx, then bypass dealers. Very often these people illegally acquire animals from poachers, as a rule, without documents. Such caracals are usually poorly socialized, not accustomed to the tray, it is even possible that they are sick. It is better not to buy animals for the home this way, especially if you have a child.

lynx caracal

You should not start a caracal if:

  • The housing area is small, because the animal needs space to move.
  • You have children under the age of five. If the child is older, but does not know how to communicate with animals, then it is also not worth getting such a beast.

What is the nature of caracal home?

This lynx has high intellectual abilities. Such a beast is very playful, usually affectionate. He tweets beautifully and rumbles. Raise this beast from the first days of appearance in your house. Games for caracal are both communication and training. With pleasure, the beast preys on a ball suspended on a rope.

caracal photo

He loves to swim. With great pleasure, a domestic lynx will bring you a ball. By the way, caracal can be easily accustomed to a leash. As you can see from the article, domestic lynx is very similar to dogs in nature and in games, but it also has feline grace. If the caracal was running, then he breathes faster with his mouth open, just like a dog. It gets along well with other animals, especially if they have been together since childhood.

You can train this beast to the tray. Doing his β€œbusiness” in such a toilet, caracal does not burrow excrement, it leaves them on the surface.

Toys for the pet. How to make the right choice?

what to choose toys for caracal

Toys must be safe for the health of the animal. Small, plastic and foam products are not suitable for a pet. Since such things can be swallowed by a caracal home. This lynx is a bit similar in nature to the dog, so the best option for her is natural toys for dogs. Only periodically such products need to be hidden so that interest does not disappear.

The caracal, the photo of which you see in our article, is a very curious animal, so it will be happy for something new. A potato, an apple or a plastic bottle are the best toys for a domestic lynx. Do not allow the animal to play with your arm or leg. Remember that human hands are for affection only.

Feeding an Exotic Pet

Caracal, as you know, is a predatory animal, therefore the basis of its diet is meat (chicken, poultry, rabbit and beef). Sometimes you can give a raw egg and fish. In no case do not feed the caracal pork. This meat causes a serious illness in the animal. Also, do not add spices and salt to your domestic lynx. You can use special cat food of high quality. In any case, nutrition should be balanced. The first three years of life, caracal needs to be additionally given vitamins and calcium.

how much is caracal

If you plan to feed the animal with meat, then know that per day caracal, which weighs ten kilograms, needs 400 grams of food (4% of its own body weight). You need to feed twice a day, and at the same time. A caracal should have a feeling of hunger. Everything that the beast is fed up with must be removed after feeding. Once every two weeks you need to arrange an unloading day for the caracal.

home caracal

Little conclusion

We found out who such caracal home. Keeping such a lynx is easy, you just need to properly raise it. Then you will grow a beautiful, obedient pet.

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