With the onset of pregnancy, every woman begins to pay more attention to her health. But it’s not always possible to protect yourself from even the smallest viral diseases, since the immunity of the expectant mother is significantly weakened and all defenses are concentrated on bearing the fetus. That is why women can easily catch a runny nose, cough or other diseases.
For colds, pregnant women are advised to use natural ingredients to help the body cope with the infection. There are many ways to increase immunity folk remedies. But what if the future mother’s diagnosis is more serious, and traditional medicine is powerless? Fortunately, today there are effective drugs for the treatment of diseases of varying complexity.
Rovamycin during pregnancy
This drug is prescribed for infections of the ENT organs, respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), diseases of the skin, joints and bones, toxoplasmosis, as well as infectious diseases of the genital organs. In addition, the drug is administered intravenously in acute pneumonia, bronchial asthma, as well as in cases of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.
As you can see, the spectrum of action of this antibacterial agent is quite wide, but taking it yourself is strictly not recommended. Rovamycin during pregnancy is prescribed only by your doctor, who determines the method and dose of its use. For this, on the basis of the necessary analyzes, a conclusion is made and a drug is prescribed. After all, no antibiotic can be considered completely safe, so its use will depend on a number of individual factors.
As for contraindications, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug while breastfeeding, since the drug passes into breast milk and this can adversely affect the health of the newborn. At the same time, Rovamycin during pregnancy is considered quite safe and is prescribed by doctors quite often with the serious diseases mentioned above. But if you have impaired liver function, it should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
The antibiotic Rovamycin is often prescribed for latent genital infections, including ureaplasmosis. This is very important, since pregnant women often suffer from this disease, which can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. If no action is taken, ureaplasmosis can cause a premature birth, doctors say.
Side effects
These include: vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, itching, hives, and in rare cases, the drug causes a change in liver function tests, ulcerative esophagitis, acute colitis and others. But if you are not taking the drug on your own, but as prescribed by your doctor, then you have very few reasons to worry. Rovamycin, an analogue of which is called Spiramycin, is quite effective and the safest among the antibiotics used during pregnancy. But if any of these symptoms bother you, tell your doctor right away.
Foreign experience with Rovamycin
This drug has been used for about 30 years to treat toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in European countries. After all, catching this disease is quite simple, you just have to eat infected meat. In addition, infection can also enter the body through contact with a sick animal. Toxoplasmosis is considered dangerous in the second half of pregnancy - it increases the risk of congenital diseases in the unborn child. This disease can have serious consequences for the health of the newborn, it can be mental disorders, blindness, and even epilepsy. In this case (that is, with infection with toxoplasmosis), it is recommended to take Rovamycin during pregnancy. As European experience shows, the drug significantly reduces the risks of diseases of the unborn child.