We teach the child to the bath: practical tips

A child is just like us, just a little one. If we, the parents, have experienced the beneficial effects of a bathhouse or sauna, it means that a child, an organism carrying our genetic code, must not only fall in love with this activity, but also take a healing effect from visiting the bathhouse.

Traditionally, a bathhouse and a sauna are considered useful for children for the prevention of colds, for children with atopic dermatitis (but not in the acute period), and overweight. It is a bath with wet steam that is suitable for children with chronic bronchitis (but not in the acute period), bronchial asthma (but not in the acute period), and children with biliary dyskinesia. If a child suffers from any specific disease, then parents are required to consult a doctor. Any disease in an acute form is already a contraindication to visiting a bath. Always the question must be approached reasonably, without extremism.

Which bath to choose for the child?

Any that parents visit if there are no contraindications. The full catalog of dry and wet baths in Moscow can be found in the catalog http://www.allsauna.ru/msk/ A wet bath is not suitable for a child suffering from bronchial asthma with frequent attacks. Everyone else - welcome!

What age should I start?

We recommend after 3 years. There are fans to accustom a child to a bath with diapers, but this question is quite individual. At such an early age there is always some kind of “but” and “if”. And 3 years is such a magical age when parents are already familiar with the characteristics of their child’s body, the baby is already talking and can express his attitude to the process, he can be prepared psychologically for the bath, having previously told how wonderful it is and warning that now it will be a little hot.

So, you have decided, psychologically prepared the child.

Where to start practically?

Start with a minimum: minimum temperature, minimum time, minimum number of visits, minimum related procedures.

Very first time

Ideal for the first time go to the steam room with a temperature of 60 ° C, sit on the lower shelf, look around and immediately exit. Depending on the reaction, you can go again, no more than 2-3 minutes. And that’s all. Enough for a first visit.

Next we look at the reaction, analyze the failures, do the work on the mistakes. We fix errors no earlier than in a week.

Second time

You can go to the second visit 3 times, with an interval of at least 10-15 minutes and no more than 3 minutes, the temperature can be increased to 70-80 ° C.

Third time and all subsequent visits

Parents themselves should see by the child's reaction how he reacts to a particular procedure. If it reacts poorly to the aroma component, then temporarily remove or change the smells to more pleasant for the child. You do not need to immediately pour a font over the baby or throw it into the ice pool, just start taking a warm shower, and at the end turn on the cold for a couple of seconds, gradually the baby will get used to the cold shower and will be ready for the next stage.

Take your time and be consistent. Having formed a positive attitude to visiting the bath, you will take the most important step on the road to healing the baby, because a positive attitude is the key to the success of any undertaking.

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