Can pregnant women go to the bathhouse in the early stages?

Pregnancy for a woman is the most beautiful and exciting period in her life. Within nine months, you need to be very careful about your health, because the well-being of the baby depends on it. Often from reluctance to change their habits or out of simple curiosity in women, the question arises as to whether pregnant women can go to the bathhouse in the early stages, and how this can affect the body.

bath during pregnancy

Why a bath or a sauna is so popular

The mention of the bathhouse in a Russian person evokes warm and good emotions, even if its visit is not a habit and occurs spontaneously.

Both the bathhouse and the sauna allow a person to cleanse himself of toxins, improve sleep quality, train the cardiovascular system, strengthen the immune system to fight colds. For women it will be nice to know that a regular trip to the steam room contributes to weight loss.

With all the advantages, the main thing is to arrange such procedures with close attention to their own health, and especially for women in an interesting position. It is only the attending physician who can determine whether a pregnant woman can take a steam bath in the bathhouse or not.

What recommendations do experts give

First of all, the doctor monitors the condition of the woman, taking into account her lifestyle and health before and during pregnancy. High temperatures in the bathhouse are stress for any organism, even with positive consequences, so whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the bathhouse, the test results and the general tendency of the fetus to develop determine.

The Turkish bath is considered the most sparing, and many experts agree that such a procedure is allowed.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to take a bath, two must decide - a woman and her gynecologist. With the optimal choice of conditions, this can positively affect the health of the expectant mother:

  • The stress level will decrease, the nervous system will relax.
  • Pain will decrease.
  • Varicose veins will recede.
  • Swelling will decrease.
  • Often helps with late toxicosis.

But a woman should not make a decision about going to the bathhouse on her own; by doing so, she can harm the health of the child. Therefore, the advice of friends and numerous forums must be agreed with the doctor.

pregnancy women

What experts are warning against

In the presence of a huge number of pluses, going to the bathhouse for women in an interesting position has a number of very clear contraindications:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Possible recent surgery.
  • Asthma, epilepsy.
  • Oncology.
  • Complicated pregnancy with the threat of miscarriage.
  • Lack of regular bath experience.

The last point is often focused on the basis of the fact that it is better not to add unusual loads to the body during pregnancy.

Depending on the period for which the woman is, any procedures may have different effects. Doctors often have to additionally comment on the issue, can pregnant women in the bath in the early stages or is it dangerous. In this case, the opinion of all experts is the same - such a risk is unacceptable.

This is explained by the fact that in the first weeks the fetus is just beginning to form, the placenta is absent, therefore, the health of the future baby cannot be exposed to such a danger. Overheating of the body of the expectant mother can contribute to the development of defects in the baby, as it will interfere with the access of oxygen to the fetus.

The opinion about visiting the bathhouse in the last trimester is also categorical; visiting the bathhouse in the late stages increases the risk of premature birth.

How to behave in a bath during pregnancy

If there are no contraindications, the attending physician gave the go-ahead, then before running into the steam room, it is important for a pregnant woman to remember several rules:

  • It’s best to go not alone, but with someone who can help if you feel unwell.
  • The head should always be covered with special clothing.
  • Do not walk barefoot so as not to slip and catch the fungus.
  • Do not abuse high temperatures and limit your stay.
  • Drink more water or iced tea.
  • In case of signs of dizziness, stop the procedure immediately.
pregnant woman in the bath

Subject to these simple recommendations, the question of whether a pregnant woman can go to the bath will be resolved and the benefits of the procedure will be invaluable. You can visit the bath during pregnancy no more than once a week, the absence of contraindications should not lead to abuse of the procedure.

Aromatherapy during pregnancy

If the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the bathhouse is more or less clear, then the next question will be whether it is worth abandoning essential oils and aromatherapy.

Not surprisingly, the answer lies on the surface, and first of all you need to listen to your health, consult a doctor and not experiment. Aromatherapy has a positive effect on the nervous system, but if the woman’s body is not used to it, then you can’t experiment during pregnancy.

If the use of oils and other types of aromatherapy is not contraindicated, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Reduce the usual amount of ingredients by about three times.
  • It is better to apply not during a trip to the bath, but after it. When applying oils to the body, mix them with the basic types of oils (vegetable, linseed).
  • If even minimal allergic reactions occur, it is better to refuse.
The benefits and harms of aromatherapy

Baths are different, how to choose?

Choosing the best bath option for your health will help your doctor and knowledge of bath differences.

There are several of the most popular and affordable types:

  1. Russian sauna. The most famous way to steam in Russia. Of the main features, a high level of humidity in the steam room is distinguished, about 60-70%, because of which a temperature of 80 degrees can be felt as higher.
  2. Finnish sauna. Also quite a popular form of wellness. In contrast to the Russian bath in the sauna, the air is kept dry, and the temperature is at least 20 degrees higher.
  3. Hammam or Turkish bath. This species has confidently entrenched itself in the top of places popular for visiting. Against the background of the above options, the Turkish bath is the most sparing for the body, the temperature does not exceed 50 degrees, the humidity is 100%.

Gynecologists are inclined to the last option - the Turkish bath - as the most suitable for women during pregnancy. Her microclimate has the same positive effects on the body, but acts more carefully, which is especially important for the expectant mother.

how to go to the bath

To summarize, the answer to the main question is as follows: is it possible for a pregnant woman to go to the bathhouse - yes. But only on the recommendation of a doctor. Can pregnant women in the bath in the early stages? No, it is too dangerous for the baby’s future health.

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