Duties of the wife before the husband

Each woman is responsible for her family. The atmosphere and well-being depend on her. After all, a woman is obliged to keep the house clean, to educate children and pay attention to her husband. How to manage everything and at the same time remain kind, gentle and soft? It turns out that becoming an ideal spouse is not as easy as it seems. In the article, we consider what responsibilities of a wife to a husband are allocated.

wife's duties

What is conjugal duty?

Many couples believe that in this case, sexual relations are implied. However, psychologists say the opposite. Marital duty is a moral relationship, such as fidelity, honesty, duty to the second half, conscience. Every person who marries, must remember that on his shoulders lay a great responsibility for the family.

In life together, morality is paramount. After all, intimacy will not always help to solve problems. Therefore, many couples value their partner's support, care and friendships.

In the family, much depends on the wife. As she initially distributes responsibilities, so in the future the life of the spouses will develop. Support your other half, take care of her - and you will have a strong, friendly family.

Basic female household chores

Each married couple together establishes life. As a rule, a man is a getter, and a woman is a keeper of a hearth. Therefore, it is necessary to create such conditions that a loved one wants to go home after work. To do this, the home should be cleaned and created a pleasant cozy atmosphere.

The duties of a wife at home include many tasks. One of them is cooking. The wife must prepare dinner before her husband arrives. It’s best to create a romantic atmosphere. In such an environment, the husband will be happy to come.

wife's duties to husband

Try to never leave dirty dishes after eating. This is considered bad form. Perhaps your loved one will not make you comments, but it will not be pleasant for him to contemplate dried mud in the kitchen.

Meeting a loved one is necessary with a smile. After all, after a hard day I want to relax and get positive emotions. Arrange romantic evenings as often as possible, where there are candles and light pleasant music.

When a husband is going to work in the morning, he should put on clean, ironed clothes. That is, the wife must care for her beloved. Prepare the necessary things in the evening so that the husband does not run in the mornings and does not look for what to wear.

The wife's family responsibilities are not limited to this. In fact, there are a lot of them. Read on.

Beauty and grooming

When you wait for your husband from work, you have prepared dinner, the house is clean and comfortable, you need to remember about yourself. Despite her tiredness, the wife should always look clean and tidy. A husband is pleased when he comes not only to a cozy house, but also sees a beautiful wife.

Try to change clothes, do a hairstyle, apply light make-up by the time your beloved arrives. After all, many women eventually forget about themselves. They argue that for household chores there is no time to put yourself in order, but you can spend only five minutes on your appearance! Self-care is also part of the wife's conjugal duties.

responsibilities of the wife in the family


It is important for any person to have a good and reliable friend. Therefore, spouses should be not only excellent lovers, but also devoted friends. It is very important for a man to know that he can completely trust his beloved. After all, no matter what happens, the wife should always support her husband and be on his side.

A woman must inspire her lover. If he doesn’t get along at work, there’s no need to blame him. Perhaps he has not yet found his place. Try to help your spouse find yourself. After all, a man, like any person, only thanks to support will be able to change his life for the better.

Give your beloved your positive energy. A wife is the foundation by which a spouse becomes a successful person. Do not complain, do not be offended by your spouse when he does not succeed. This makes the relationship worse. After all, your depressive state is transmitted to your husband, then he becomes irritable and insecure. The responsibilities of a wife in marriage are very important. After all, the future of the family depends on it.

A man likes when a woman admires him. Try to talk about his abilities, talents and masculinity as often as possible. For the stronger sex, the opinion of a loved one is very important. If he sees that he is admired, then he will exceed all your expectations with his achievements.

rights and obligations of a wife

Husband's authority is an important criterion in marriage

Since ancient times, it has been established that a man is the head of the family. Trust your loved one, prove to him that you value and respect his opinion. Do not teach him life, because you are not a mom to your husband, but your beloved woman. Remember: a man must be an authority for a family.

When your loved one makes an important decision, support him. Explain that you trust him. After all, he is the main person in the family. If you have children, then they should know: dad is authority, he must be obeyed and respected.

A man is a leader, protector and breadwinner. This position will not allow your loved one to give up and get down. He will always know what his family needs, that is, his wife and children.

If a spouse increases the authority of her husband in the eyes of parents, children and friends, he automatically becomes a successful person. When your spouse knows that you are hoping for him, he will do everything possible not to let you down. He will manage to earn money, build a career and pay attention to his beloved children and wife. Raising the authority of the husband is also the responsibility of the wife in the family.


Devotion is an important and not always achieved criterion in marriage. Fidelity speaks of love and respect for man. If the wife allowed herself to cheat on her husband in his absence, it is hard to talk about the strength of marriage. Devotion is first and foremost respect for the beloved.

However, in the modern world there are free relations. Spouses agree on this in advance. As practice has shown, such marriages break up quickly. Sooner or later, one of the spouses begins to be half jealous of the opposite sex.

Try to take care of high relations, strive to be necessary, attractive to your spouse. Each person can be faithful to the second half, only you need to really want this. If you want to preserve and strengthen your marriage, do not look for adventures on the side.

In order for a wife to remain faithful to her husband, she needs not only wonderful friendships, but also sexual ones. Much depends on the intimate side of life, including fidelity of spouses. Today there are many ways for a variety of sex. Show your imagination and bring it to life. You will notice right away how your relationship will change for the better.

Wife and kids

Working as a mom is very difficult. How could it be otherwise! Of course, a wife should, even must give birth to children. If the husband works hard, then the majority of the upbringing of the babies falls on the shoulders of the women. This is the most difficult work, which requires a lot of patience, attention and understanding.

wife's responsibilities in marriage

The wife must be affectionate, kind and gentle with the children. Kids should love mom and not be afraid. When a husband sees his wife’s attitude towards children, he appreciates her even more. However, the mother should strive to ensure that the father in his spare time from work helps to raise children. Tell your loved one how to communicate and play with your child. After all, children need not only mom. Father is also very important in the lives of babies.


To keep your husband faithful, try to diversify your sex life. The beloved must satisfy the man so that he doesn’t even have a thought to seek sexual relations with other women.

If your husband loves to be alone with you, try not to tell him daily that you feel bad. Sooner or later, a loved one will get tired of such behavior. Sex is one of the important components in family relationships.

wife's marital duties

Nice talking

A woman should not constantly curse and scream. This behavior does not adorn her. Pleasant and calm communication is an important quality. This behavior speaks of respect for the beloved.

Calm communication is possible to smooth out any conflict, due to which it will be possible to reach a compromise. A polite speech speaks of respect for the spouse and children. The future of your family depends on communication.

Men are more quick-tempered, so the spouse should take the initiative in their own hands. Try to smooth sharp corners, teach your husband to communicate calmly. Nerves and screams greatly affect health. You can’t waste your energy on such trifles. Better to find a way out of a difficult situation together.

Wife's rights in marriage

The spouse has not only family responsibilities. There are also the rights of a wife in marriage. After all, she should not only lead the household, but also do her favorite thing. Therefore, a woman has the right to choose her occupation and profession. The husband should not prohibit the spouse from doing what she loves. Not every woman is able to stay at home for a long time and pay attention exclusively to her family. Only a spouse can combine work with household chores.

If the wife agreed to meet her friends, sit with them in a cafe or go to the movies, she should not be forbidden. Everyone has the right to privacy. Sometimes you want to stay away from home and have fun.

wife's family responsibilities

The wife has the right to pay attention to her beloved. She can visit a beauty salon or go relax. Indeed, sometimes everyday problems depress. After relaxation, she will feel a new surge of strength for household chores.


We examined the basic rights and obligations of a wife to her husband. However, most ladies are unlikely to agree with this. Therefore, in many families the responsibilities of spouses are divided equally. If the wife cooks, the husband washes the dishes. One of the spouses wipes the dust, the other - vacuums, etc. However, do not forget that the woman is the guardian of the hearth. Much depends on her in the family: fidelity, friendship, trust, intimacy and much more.

We found out what responsibilities the wife has in the family. But for a spouse to be an ideal mother and mistress, she needs help in this. A husband can take the initiative himself and send his beloved to relax. Let her go alone. Daily household problems periodically depress a woman. This sometimes causes depression. Therefore, it is necessary to help your beloved.

In order to maintain interest in a man, many women periodically change their image. At the same time, they remain gentle, kind, loving, ideal wives, who I want to cherish and protect.

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