Donut, Gingerbread, Froyo, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean are either delicious sweets or various distributions of the Android operating system. This article deals specifically with the second meaning.
While Apple's computer shells are named after big predatory cats (Snow Leopard and so on), while Microsoft chooses an incoherent combination of letters, numbers and words (XP, 7, Vista), Android prefers more subtle, or rather “tasty,” approach. However, this should not relax you - the company’s release schedule is so fast that sometimes it seems even aggressive. For example, eight versions of the operating system were released only between 2009 and 2012.
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3. Connect to a computer. Almost all manufacturers offer their tablets with settings that allow them to interact with other computers. Synchronize your tablet with a PC, launch your proprietary software and follow its instructions. You can reboot your OS in minutes from scratch.
How to update Android on a tablet? Contacting the manufacturer is the best way. It will help you keep the warranty on your device.