As you know, water occupies most of the earth's surface. Sea, ocean, river, lake are hydrosphere components that differ in size, composition and other characteristics. In the world there are a total of 63 seas. They also include the Aral and Caspian lakes because of their large size.
There are several criteria by which seas are classified: the degree of separation from the oceans, surface water temperature, salinity, indented coastline, etc. The largest include the Mediterranean, Coral, Caribbean, Arabian and other seas.
World Sea Day
At the 10th session of the IMO Assembly, it was decided to establish World Maritime Day. Since that time, this holiday is recognized throughout the world as one of the most important dates. Between 1978 and 1980 It was celebrated on March 17th. After 1980, the holiday celebration was moved to the last week of September.
In each state, the government determines the exact date at its discretion. World Sea Day is one of UN International Days. In addition to this holiday, there is also World Oceans Day and others dedicated to the water element. All of them are called to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of the hydrosphere.
Goals and objectives of the holiday
World Maritime Day was established to address issues and resolve issues related to shipping, water safety, and the negative impact of human activities on the ecology of biological resources. Enormous damage to water bodies is caused by industrial enterprises that drain their effluents. Accidents on oil tankers, as a result of which huge amounts of oil fall into the seas, and global warming, due to which the level has risen by 25 cm over the past 100 years, etc. are also negatively affected.
Giant landfills formed in parts of the world's oceans are comparable in size to small countries. The sea, ocean and other components of the hydrosphere, as well as other components of the environment, require a rational and respectful attitude, as well as protection from harmful influences. Safety at sea, as well as the protection of the aquatic environment are important issues that require special attention.
In 2016, the theme of World Sea Day was: "Shipping: indispensable for the world." Of the total number of sectors of the economy, this is the most international. This area originated in the distant past. From that time to this day, navigation has been a very important component of the international transport system.
In developed countries, maritime transport services over 90% of foreign trade. In total, its share in international cargo turnover is about 62%. Fluctuations in the global economy greatly affect the amount of shipping. The economic crisis entails a decrease in demand for the transit of goods by water. And, on the contrary, the rise of the global economy provokes an increase in demand for shipping.
Navigation is considered a rather dangerous activity. Ships located at sea, are given completely into the power of the elements. And it is sometimes uncontrollable. Danger is also represented by sea pirates who rob merchant ships. Therefore, there is a need to develop a regulatory framework of requirements that govern all aspects in the shipping industry.
Marine pollution by ships
Maritime transport, unfortunately, with all its advantages, is a source of pollution of water resources. It occurs during the operation of ships, as well as as a result of accidents. The first type of pollution is small, but constant over time. As a result of them, chronic poisoning of the entire marine environment is formed.
Accidental releases are less common. However, they are characterized by the discharge of a large amount of hazardous substances, which can cause irreparable damage to nature. Petroleum products pose the greatest threat to the ecosystem. The international organization has adopted a number of regulatory acts, which, among other tasks, regulate environmental issues. This is necessary so that shipping becomes more productive and safer from year to year.
IMO Activities
During its existence, the International Maritime Organization has adopted many standards that ensure maritime safety, as well as the protection of the marine environment from pollution by ships. IMO aims to constantly improve the mechanisms governing technical, legal and other issues in the field of shipping. To this end, the organization adopts codes, protocols, resolutions, conventions, makes recommendations.
Although maritime safety has always been the most important task, other issues periodically come to the fore. On all issues, IMO is active in order to maximally effectively prevent all risks and adverse consequences.
How to celebrate the Sea Day?
The last week of September is an important period in the lives of those people who have linked their destiny with the sea. Indeed, on one of these days it is customary to celebrate their professional holiday. However, not only representatives of this profession can join the celebration, but all those who love the sea cannot imagine their life without it. In many states, various exhibitions, conferences, and environmental forums are held on this day. World Sea Day is an important holiday, the importance of which is recognized throughout the world.