Carrots during pregnancy: doctor's recommendations

During the period of gestation, the woman is attentive to her health. She tries to eat healthy foods. Expectant mother needs the right diet. Many substances that have a beneficial effect on well-being are part of vegetables. The article talks about the benefits of carrots during pregnancy and tips on its use.

Positive properties of the root crop

Carrots have a rich and balanced composition.

fresh carrot

It contains such substances:

  1. Vitamins of group B, A, K, C, E.
  2. Sugar of natural origin.
  3. Fiber
  4. Essential oils.
  5. Bioflavonoids.
  6. Minerals.
  7. Antioxidants.
  8. Fixed oils.

Thanks to the beneficial substances that make up the root crop, carrots during pregnancy are an important part of the diet.

Effects on the body

Doctors note that eating vegetables during the period of gestation improves well-being. The benefits of the root crop are as follows:

  1. Carrot helps protect against pathologies of the organs of vision. This effect is explained by the presence of beta-carotene in its composition.
  2. The root crop protects the body from infectious ailments.
  3. Fiber helps cope with stool retention, and helps digestion.
  4. A vegetable helps cleanse the oral cavity of germs.
  5. The product normalizes the processes of excretion of urine and bile.
  6. Carrots during pregnancy help to cope with high blood pressure.
  7. A vegetable provides the body with iron and prevents the development of anemia.
  8. The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  9. Boiled root vegetables are useful for patients suffering from diabetes. In addition, the vegetable prevents the collection of excess pounds.

The use of the product in the early stages of gestation

In the first trimester, a woman experiences malaise, which is manifested by a feeling of nausea, weakness, hypersensitivity to certain smells, heartburn. A change in the concentration of hormones causes a deterioration in immunity. Gynecologists advise the regular use of carrots during pregnancy in the early stages, as this helps to protect the body from infectious ailments. In addition, the root crop protects a woman from anemia, nausea and heartburn.

eating carrots

The use of vegetables in the second trimester

During this period, the rapid growth and development of the embryo. The body needs vitamins and minerals. These substances are needed in order to cope with increased stresses on the heart muscle, urinary system. Recipes with carrots, which include grated apples and vegetable oil, contribute to better health. Juice from this healthy root vegetable prepared at home is a source of iron and vitamins.

Late-use product

During this period, the formation of the central nervous system of the child occurs. The activity of a woman decreases as a result of an increase in body weight and, in particular, the size of the abdominal cavity. The expectant mother is worried about frequent urination and stool retention.

constipation during pregnancy

The use of root vegetables allows you to normalize the digestion process. A vegetable, according to doctors and reviews of women, helps to improve blood properties and prepare the body for delivery. In addition, carrots for pregnant women are a useful snack that prevents the appearance of excess pounds, strengthens the nail plates and hair.

In what cases should you refrain from eating carrots?

There are situations when a vegetable is contraindicated during gestation. It is undesirable to eat in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Disorders of the intestines, pancreas. With these pathologies, it is not recommended to use the root crop in its raw form.
  3. Diabetes. Patients with this ailment can only eat boiled vegetable.

The expectant mother should be aware of the composition and properties of carrots, the benefits and harms to health during pregnancy.

cooking carrots

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is not worth abusing the product. The optimal dose of root crops is 150 grams per day. Exceeding this norm leads to malaise, which is manifested by digestive disorders, pain in the head, weakness. You should not choose perfectly flat and too bright vegetables. They may contain chemicals that adversely affect the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

Consuming carrot juice

This drink is useful during gestation. It provides the body with the necessary substances, gives strength, improves well-being.

carrot juice during pregnancy

In addition, carrot juice has the following beneficial qualities:

  1. Helps strengthen immunity, prevents the appearance of infectious ailments.
  2. Increases the elasticity of the skin, helps to avoid stretch marks after delivery.
  3. Improves the digestive system, removes harmful substances from the cells of the body.
  4. Lowers blood cholesterol.
  5. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system.

Juice from carrots with cream, cooked at home, helps the expectant mother get rid of the symptoms of gastritis. In order to make such a drink, you will need 100 g of orange root. It should be wrung out. Add 20 grams of cream. The resulting juice should be consumed twice a day. Every day you need to make a fresh drink.

Tincture made from carrot tops helps to cope with hemorrhoids, which often appears during gestation. To prepare such a tool, a large spoonful of fresh raw materials is poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 milliliters and left for thirty minutes. Drink 3 times a day before meals.

Other uses

Speaking about the properties of carrots, health benefits and harm, it should be noted that moderate use of the product improves the condition of a woman during gestation. Experts advise every day to eat one or two vegetables, fresh or boiled, or to make juice and soup from them.

carrot soup

In addition, the root crop can be used as a method of combating various pathologies, for example:

  1. In case of impaired renal activity, use a salad seasoned with sunflower oil or sour cream.
  2. In the inflammatory process in the bronchi, drink juice from carrots with the addition of honey.
  3. A decoction of root seeds eliminates the symptoms of hypertension.
  4. In case of stool delay, it is recommended to eat salads with the addition of other vegetables.

Korean carrots during pregnancy

Fresh or boiled root crop brings only benefits to the body of the expectant mother. However, salads with spices are not recommended for inclusion in the diet. During the period of gestation, such a product can provoke the following phenomena:

  1. Negative effect on the functions of the stomach and intestines. With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such a dish is contraindicated.
  2. Deterioration of the urinary system. The dish contains a lot of salt.
  3. Individual intolerance to the components that make up the salad.

From carrots you can make not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. Recipes for pregnant women allow you to diversify the diet of a woman during the expectation of a child.

Several ways to prepare the root crop

Carrot juice can be easily made at home. For this, the vegetable should be rinsed, dried and peeled. Grind with a blender. Add the mashed apple. You can mix the drink with a drop of lemon juice.

Maternity recipes include vegetable salads. Several options for such dishes are discussed in the article. The food can be made from apples and carrots. Products are ground on a grater. Combine with a large spoonful of granulated sugar and add sour cream.

Another healthy dish is vinaigrette.

vinaigrette with carrot

To make a meal, you will need:

  1. Five potatoes.
  2. Beet.
  3. Three carrots.
  4. Six large spoons of peas.
  5. Sweet onion head.
  6. Three salted cucumbers.
  7. Apple.
  8. 5 large spoons of sunflower oil.
  9. A handful of sauerkraut.
  10. Greens.
  11. A bit of salt.

All root vegetables are boiled. Peel and chop. Beets are combined with two tablespoons of oil. Then put the remaining root crops. Cucumbers, onion and apple cut. Mix with other components. Then put cabbage, peas, greens, oil, salt.

Dishes prepared according to recipes with carrots help provide the body with vitamins and improve well-being.

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