Binary clock: how to configure and how to use

The history of watches has been going on for centuries. During this time, what only methods of determination were invented by inventive people - starting from those depending on the position of the Sun in the sky to electronic ones. The latest fashion trend at the moment is a binary watch, completely unusual at first glance. So what is it and how to determine what time it is by the lighting points? Let's look at this interesting new product better.

What is a binary clock?

The popularity of these chronometers is growing at an extraordinary rate. However, what is there to be surprised at, just look at this new product. Original appearance, stylish design, unusual working principle - all this allows people with a non-standard vision of the world to stand out from the crowd.

binary clock

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binary wristwatch

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binary clock how to use

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binary clock instruction

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how to set up a binary clock

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