How to check the hearing in newborns: methods of verification, norm and deviation, expert advice

Hearing is essential to the normal functioning of any person. Immediately after birth, neonatologists evaluate the general condition of a newborn baby on the Apgar scale. After some time, the baby will again have to undergo an examination - audio screening. It helps to determine the presence of any pathologies or deviations of the baby’s auditory analyzer and to prevent their further development. Timely identified pathology will allow you to take a set of necessary measures in time to correct the situation and normal development of the newborn baby. That is why many newly minted parents care about how they check the hearing in newborns.

This examination is mandatory for each baby and is carried out within the walls of the maternity hospital by specialists of the children's department. That is why many newly minted mothers are interested in the intricacies of the procedure, as well as indicators of norm and deviation. Hearing impairments of varying severity are found in 3-4 children out of one thousand. As a rule, pathology is detected already in the first month of the baby's life.

That is why audio screening, along with other studies, is included in the mandatory comprehensive examination of infants - newborn screening.

What is audioscreening. When a newborn baby's hearing is checked

how to check the hearing in newborns

Audio screening is a procedure for examining an auditory analyzer for a newborn baby and children up to six months old. The massive introduction of hearing research in the walls of state institutions of the Russian Federation occurred not so long ago, in 2008. Although the document should be implemented since 1996, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health.

The study is carried out in two stages; the first - in the walls of the maternity ward 2-3 days after the birth of the baby, and the second - in the walls of the children's clinic a few days after discharge.

Audiometry is, without exaggeration, the most effective way to determine auditory dysfunction at an early age.

Verification Goal

how to check a newborn’s hearing at home

The purpose of the survey is to identify dysfunction of the auditory analyzer of the newborn in the early stages of development. Early diagnosis of hearing impairment can increase the chances of resolving existing problems and restoring normal sensitivity of auditory receptors.

Untimely detection of the pathology of the analyzer system can lead to the development of persistent hearing loss and, as a result, to a delay in speech development.

How to check the hearing in a newborn in the hospital? Description of procedure

how to check the hearing in a newborn at home

How to check the hearing in a newborn with an apparatus? The survey is carried out in two stages. The first - in the walls of the maternity ward a few days after the birth of the newborn.

  • A specialist inserts a tip from an audiological device into the ear of a sleeping baby.
  • Then, using a special device, an audio signal is created that enters the outer ear of the crumbs through the tube.
  • In conclusion, the device records the baby’s hearing acuity according to the data provided by the electrodes, which, in turn, record bursts of activity in certain areas of the baby’s brain when processing sound signals produced by the device.

You can not conduct an examination if the child has a stuffy nose. This can significantly distort audio screening results.

Second audio screening

how to check the hearing in a newborn baby

Where to check the baby’s hearing again? The second audio screening is carried out in the walls of the children's clinic some time after discharge. Re-examination is carried out if, during the first screening, the device was not able to catch fluctuations. In addition, the second stage is necessary when there was no first examination (for medical reasons). As a rule, audio screening is carried out in the first month of the baby's life.

Newly made mom and dad must carefully prepare their crumbs for re-examination of the auditory analyzer. The child must be fed. You should have a diaper, a dummy and a rattle with you (just in case). It is very good if the baby sleeps during the screening. The task of parents is to ensure a calm state of the newborn.

Features of hearing tests in premature babies

how to check the hearing in a newborn with an apparatus

The procedure for examining the auditory analyzer of full-term and premature babies does not have significant differences. The differences are only in the timing of the audio screening.

Due to the morphophysiological immaturity of the systems, examination in babies born earlier than the due date is carried out a little later. Children born before 32 weeks inclusive are examined at 2-6 weeks of life, depending on their general health.

For babies born between 33 and 37 weeks of gestation, screening is done in the second or first week of life. But re-screening the hearing of a premature baby is appointed at the same time.

If the baby has not passed audio screening

where to check a child’s hearing

Parents need to understand that a negative screening result is not a reason to doom themselves and their baby. And even a repeated negative test result cannot indicate the presence of deviations or pathology, but only serves as an occasion for further studies of the hearing of a small child.

Hearing test methods have some margin of error. For example, a study to determine the response of the brain to sound can give up to 4% false results, and the result of checking the inner ear may be incorrect in 21% of cases. That is why the presence of pathology can be discussed only after an audiological check, which is carried out with the participation of an audiologist. A number of additional studies are also underway.

Additional examination

how to check the hearing in a newborn in the hospital

If the result of audioscreening is negative, specialists give a direction for additional examinations, including:

  • examination and consultation of the ENT, which assesses the structure of the ear and auricle of the baby;
  • impedanometry, which includes tympanometry and acoustic reflexometry;
  • objective audiometry KSVP;
  • game tone audiometry;
  • audiopedagogical examination, in which a teacher with a special education, assesses the behavioral reactions of the crumbs to various sounds;
  • genetic examination, the purpose of which is to determine the presence in the baby's body of a gene that causes hearing loss.

Only according to the results of all the above studies, a specialist can talk about the presence of pathology, about the severity of the deviation.

Risk groups

According to the results of a study of the auditory analyzer of a child, risk groups for hearing loss are distinguished. Particular attention is needed for babies whose parents have the indicated deviation. In the first months of life, such babies should be under the supervision of an audiologist.

The risk group includes young children whose mother suffered an infectious or viral disease during pregnancy. Particularly dangerous are diseases transferred in the first trimester, during the period of the laying of the main organs and systems of the body of the unborn child.

Birth problems can cause birth problems.

Instead of a conclusion

Hearing plays an important role in the life of every person. The ability to hear allows a person to fully explore the world around him, to determine the danger and communicate normally with people. Untimely detection of problems with the auditory analyzer in a baby can lead to serious consequences, including deafness. That is why since 2008, audiological examination has become mandatory in all maternity hospitals of the Russian Federation. That is why almost all mothers and fathers are interested in how to check the hearing of a newborn baby and what is the practical significance of this test.

Based on the results of the screening, experts draw conclusions about the presence or absence of hearing problems in the newborn baby. If there is a negative examination result, the baby is assigned a second screening. With a repeated negative result, the infant must undergo a series of additional studies, the results of which are diagnosed.

Early diagnosis allows you to determine the type of pathology, and also prevents complete hearing loss, as well as the development of persistent hearing loss, which, in turn, is fraught with delayed speech development.

Many moms and dads care about how to check a newborn’s hearing at home and whether it should be done. Yes need. Experts strongly recommend periodically conducting audiological studies at home in order to check hearing acuity. For research, there are enough techniques that do not require special equipment. The baby’s hearing can be checked with a regular rattle. The absence of pathologies of the auditory analyzer is indicated by the behavioral reactions of the crumbs. If the baby responds to the voice of mom, dad or loved ones, the likelihood of problems is minimal.

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