Methods for diagnosing memory in preschool children and methods for its development

How to develop a baby aged 1-5 years? What are the most effective methods for diagnosing memory in preschoolers? Many modern parents dream of their baby being the smartest, most educated, the most wonderful child.

Moreover, they absolutely do not know what is required of them in the educational process in order to obtain the desired result. We will try to analyze the most common methods of early education for children, the use of which always gives the desired result and helps caring dads and mothers.

diagnosis of memory in older preschoolers

Early development

Diagnosis of auditory-speech memory in preschool children is carried out in order to use the Montessori method. Maria Montessori is a famous Italian doctor and teacher.

She became famous worldwide for her own method of early development of children. At the beginning of the last century, she opened her own school, in which the kids were trained according to the methodology developed by her. Special tasks were used, the basis of which was the principle of self-development. Such training yielded unique results.

Children with some developmental disabilities not only caught up with their peers, but sometimes even surpassed them in terms of mental development. Such results so surprised Maria Montessori herself that she decided to spread her method around the world. Maria constantly talked about the fact that with proper organization of education there can be no lagging children!

diagnosis of auditory memory in preschool children

Principles of Early Learning

Diagnosis of memory in children is based on principles. Each of which deserves a separate consideration. The basis is freedom. Game educational technologies, the independence of the implementation of the proposed exercises, all this is used in cases where the attention, memory and thinking of preschool children are assessed.

auditory memory in preschoolers

Important points

Nowadays, there are kindergartens that use the technique of the early development of Maria Montessori's children. It is according to this educational option that each kid has his own development plan, individual tasks set for the child.

The main objective of this upbringing option is to help the teacher (educator) in organizing the independent activities of the child, rather than planning for adult development for him: the teacher and educator.

Specificity of auditory memory

The basis of this methodology laid down in the new federal educational standards of the second generation, which became a confirmation of the significance and relevance of such a method of education.

How is memory diagnosis in preschool children? There are various methods, so we will dwell only on some of them.

diagnosis of auditory memory in preschool children

10 words study

The teacher voices 10 words: elephant, table, legs, viburnum, hand, park, gate, tank, window, chalk. If after the first reading the child is able to reproduce 5-6 words, the auditory memory of preschool children is well developed. Diagnosis is for babies 3-6 years old.

Methodology of D. Wexler

It makes it possible to analyze the visual perception in babies. How is the diagnosis of visual memory in preschool children? Children are offered 4 drawings, you can look at each of them for 8-10 seconds. Next, the child is invited to reproduce them on a blank sheet of paper. Depending on the number of lines, their location, the quality of the pictures, the psychologist concludes that visual perception is developed in babies.

The method of indirect memorization of A. N. Leontyev

How else is memory diagnostics carried out in preschool children? The techniques used by child psychologists are often based on words. For example, children are invited to pick up 10-15 words, as well as consider a set of cards. Pictures are not direct illustrations of the proposed words: night, clothes, milk, field, road, garden, lunch, bird, horse, fur coat, mouse, forest, chair, learning.

On the cards can be: clock, apple, bread, table, plane, pencil, cow, lamp, sleigh, nest, cart, bicycle, lantern, moon, tree.

Diagnosis of visual memory in preschoolers by this technique is as follows. The teacher reads the words, the children pick up cards with pictures to them, in order to better remember the words. For example, on the word "milk", the child is looking for a card with a picture of a cow. Further, the baby explains his choice, and the teacher determines the memory features by their number.

"Shaped memory"

options for effective techniques

How else is memory diagnostics carried out in preschool children? Techniques help determine the figurative memory of babies. The bottom line is that the child is offered to remember 12 images presented in the table in 30 seconds. After the pictures are removed, the baby must draw or explain the presented images. Depending on the number of correct answers, a conclusion can be drawn about the development of the memory of a preschooler.

“Learn the words”

The bottom line is to determine the dynamics of the process of memorizing information. How is such a diagnosis of memory in preschool children? The techniques of this plan are aimed at analyzing the state of thinking, attention, fatigue. The pedagogue-psychologist uses words that do not have a special connection between each other, fixes their transfers by the child in the protocol “+” or “-”. Reproduction of words by a preschooler is carried out in several stages:

  • first 6 words are voiced by the teacher, then the child repeats them in any order;
  • then the words are again listed, the child repeats them, adding those that were missed by him in the first case.

For memorization, you can take the following words: bird, cat, car, bed, dog, fish. Then the diagnosis of auditory memory in preschool children is processed. Methods for evaluating the results, if desired, can even be invented independently or use existing ones. For example, for each correct word, the baby receives 1 point, therefore, with error-free reproduction of all 12 words, you can earn 12 points.

How to make a conclusion about the level of development? The following gradations are assumed:

  • 1-3 points - low;
  • 4-7 points - average;
  • 8-12 points - high.


How is memory diagnosed in older preschoolers? The techniques are based on reading the story by ear, and then playing it back by the kids. The psychologist takes into account the use of semantic links. In addition to diagnostics, such tasks contribute to the development of communication skills in children.

diagnosis of memory in children

We develop motor skills

Wise parents try to find a significant incentive for their baby, which will allow the child to develop their memory, logic, thinking. Teachers consider the fine motor skills of hands as such an incentive.

There are many modern toys that are given the status of educational games. For example, manufacturers of children's toys, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child's age, always indicate on the packaging of the toy what age it is designed for.

Original developmental rugs that rustle (smooth or fluffy) are made specifically for babies 1-2 years old. Touching such a rug, children get an idea of ​​softness, rudeness, elasticity. It is the touch of such rugs that is for kids a way to gain new knowledge, that is, it stimulates his mental activity.

In any home, there are so many items that can be used to develop a child’s motor skills. Among the simplest and budget items that are suitable for the development of motor skills, one can note ordinary cereal.

Taking it, you can spend many interesting activities with preschoolers, come up with a lot of entertaining games. Two different containers are required, then the baby is invited to pour the cereal from one bowl to the other.

You can also sprinkle rice or buckwheat on the table, and invite the child to draw in the cereal with his fingers. From peas, beans, beans, you can lay out the figures shown in the pictures.

The main thing is that not only the kindergarten teachers, but also the parents have a desire to play with their kids.

diagnosis of visual memory in preschool children

Useful Tips

As soon as the baby turns one year old, in his psychology, the differences between the sexes are manifested. During this period of time, it is very important for the baby to grow up in a full-fledged family.

At the age of 1-3 years, the child tries to actively imitate the behavior of their parents, trying to form their own behaviors.

Boys in preschool age are prone to the development of abstract logic, and girls have formed social thinking. Such features must be taken into account in the process of education. That is why the diagnosis of memory development in babies is so important, analyzing the formation of logical and abstract thinking, as well as the ability to remember information.

It is in the preschool period that the formation of the intellectual potential of the baby takes place. In order for him to be able to fully and quickly develop, he needs exercises to help develop fine motor skills. That is why psychologists recommend involving the baby in games with nesting dolls, designers, and draw with him.

The teacher and parents should help their baby, show him how to assemble the details of the designer, how to fold the cubes. After some time, the baby will receive certain skills, and the adult will be able to assess the level of formation of logical memory.

Parents should read books to their child, look at pictures with him, all this is important for the development of the baby. Psychologists advise mothers and fathers to praise him for any, even the smallest “victories,” for example, a learned poem, an acquired story.

Gradually, the baby begins to understand the importance of his peers, he has a desire to communicate. It is important to give the child the skills of social behavior, teach him to clean up toys, make the bed, clean his teeth. If the baby offers help to adults, you cannot refuse it, you need to be patient, cook dinner together, mop the floors, and wipe the dust.

Timely and complete diagnosis of attention, memory, thinking in a preschooler is necessary in order to choose each child's own educational and developing trajectory. The information obtained helps teachers and parents to familiarize the baby with independence, to give him the opportunity to develop as a full-fledged personality.

If you do not conduct timely diagnostics, do not evaluate with the help of various techniques described above the level of mental formation of a child 2-3 years old. By the age of three, a baby may have serious difficulties that are associated with the formation of his character.

Parents, educators, psychologists - these are people thanks to whom the formation of future citizens is carried out. It is they who work on the formation of personality. Therefore, on their interest in the study of preschoolers, the final result depends on the upbringing of a harmoniously formed and developed personality.

According to the requirements of the new federal educational standards introduced into the system of further education, the early diagnosis of various types of memory is an essential element of the work of children's psychologists and educators.

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