You can often see an advertisement for such a remedy as Joset syrup for children. The reviews of doctors and patients indicate a high therapeutic effect of this drug not only for small patients, but also for adults. What is this tool and will understand further.
Syrup "Josette": description
The above therapeutic agent relates to stimulants of the motor function of the respiratory system and secretolitics.
Syrup "Dzhet" for children, the instructions for use defines as a drug with a strong mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant effect. The main active substance of the therapeutic agent is salbutamol.
This drug is available in the form of an orange-colored syrup, which is in a dark bottle. In addition, a measuring cup is also included in the kit.
Syrup "Josette": indications
The above medicinal product is recommended for the treatment of diseases such as:
- bronchopulmonary diseases;
- chronic bronchitis;
- emphysema;
- bronchial asthma;
- cough with difficulty sputum discharge;
- tracheobronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- pneumoconiosis.
Composition of Joset syrup
This medicinal product contains in addition to salbutamol sulfate the following basic substances:
- bromhexine chloride;
- levomenthol;
- guaifenesim.
Additional auxiliary ingredients are sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid, glycerol, liquid non-crystallizable sorbitol, citric acid, dye, sodium saccharinate, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
In addition, the composition of the drug includes purified water.
Pharmacological group of a therapeutic agent
"Joset" (syrup) due to its constituents is distinguished by a wide spectrum of action. In particular:
- Salbutamol stops and prevents bronchospasm, stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors in the bronchi. This substance has an excellent bronchodilator effect.
- Bromhexine has a coughing effect, has an antitussive effect. This is, first of all, a mucolytic substance. Due to the depolarization of acid mucopolysaccharides and stimulation of cells of the secretory mucosa of the bronchi, the process of reducing the viscosity of sputum occurs. Bromhexine promotes sputum discharge.
- Guaifenesim helps reduce the surface tension of sputum. It also helps to increase the serous component of the bronchial secretion, facilitate the removal of sputum and reduce its viscosity. In addition, the above substance activates the bronchial ciliary apparatus and facilitates the transition of cough from unproductive to productive phase.
- Levomenthol is an excellent antispasmodic substance that has antibacterial properties. It soothes and relieves irritation of the bronchial mucosa, and also provides mild stimulation of the secretion of the bronchial glands.
Recommendations for the use of Joset syrup
The medication under consideration for children can be taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor. The doctor prescribes an individual dose for the child, depending on his age:
- children from 6 years old are shown taking 5 ml of syrup three times a day;
- small patients from 6 to 12 years of age are recommended to use a minimum of 5 ml and a maximum of 10 ml three times a day;
- children after twelve years of age are shown the maximum amount of the drug in 30 ml, which is taken in equal parts three times a day.
It should be noted that syrup is not recommended to drink with drinks that have a high alkaline balance. In no case should you exceed the above dosages.
Syrup "Josette": analogues
The above medicine is part of the bronchial asthma group of drugs. Its analogues in this direction are such therapeutic agents as Aminophylline-Eskom, Adrenaline, Ipratropium Steri-Neb.
In addition, the Joset syrup is part of the Pneumonia and bronchitis group. Its analogues for the treatment of these diseases are: “Vero-Ciprofloxacin” and “Oleandomycin + tetracycline”.
You can also use other drugs to treat cough, instead of Joset syrup. Its analogues in this case are represented by such means as Ambrobene, Ascoril, etc.
Syrup "Josette" for children: reviews
On the use of this tool today there are a lot of responses. Our attention was primarily attracted by the opinions of people who used the Joset syrup for children. Their reviews indicate that this drug is a powerful tool and has an excellent effect in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. They note that during the application they strictly adhered to the instructions, therefore, no side effects were observed.
Consider a few more general comments about the cough syrup "Joset" for children. Many parents claim that before this drug they gave children other therapeutic agents, which are its analogues. But they really felt the difference only when they started using Josette (syrup). According to them, the attacks of severe coughing in children decreased, sputum began to go away without pain, the sore throat disappeared, and it became easier to cough. And the children, apparently, really like the taste of syrup. Therefore, they take it without any problems and even with pleasure. The cough treatment for a child lasts approximately 10 days. Its symptoms completely disappear. Satisfied parents claim that even antibiotics did not help their children as much as this syrup.
There is a group of people who use the "Joset" syrup for children, whose reviews warn to use this tool without the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that the above drug has a strong effect, so you need to choose the right dose for the individual organism of each child. Otherwise, various unpleasant side effects may occur. After all, self-medication, especially for children, is dangerous and does not benefit health.
As for the cost of the drug, it is quite acceptable for the Joset syrup. The price of this drug is about 450 rubles. Depending on the pharmacy and the region, it may be slightly smaller or slightly larger.
Summing up the comments of people who gave this drug to their children, we can say that, in their opinion, it is an excellent therapeutic agent for respiratory diseases, including cough of various etymologies. Therefore, many parents recommend that everyone use the Joset syrup. The price for it is affordable and fully justified.
Contraindications and side effects
In some situations, it is important to use Joset syrup for children with extreme caution. The reviews of experts indicate that there are the following contraindications to the use of the above therapeutic agent:
- heart rhythm disturbance;
- glaucoma;
- decompensated diabetes mellitus;
- gastric bleeding;
- tachyarrhythmia;
- myocarditis;
- aortic stenosis;
- acute kidney disease;
- serious liver problems;
- exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
As a result of an overdose of syrup, the following side effects in children can be observed:
- vomiting
- diarrhea;
- cramps
- insomnia;
- dizziness;
- discoloration of urine (it turns pink);
- spasm of the vessels of the bronchi;
- allergic rash.
With any manifestations of the symptoms of the above side effects of the child, it is urgent to show the doctor.
Joset syrup is an effective therapeutic agent for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children. The drug is potent, therefore, it is not recommended to give it to small patients without the supervision of a doctor.