Aquarium fish, which instead of laying eggs give birth to fry, are called viviparous. The fry appear quite large, ready for independent life in the aquarium. This type of fish is very popular among aquarists, as it does not require special care. They are suitable for the first aquarium for beginners who want to learn a small underwater world. In order for the fish to be healthy and to please their owners for a long time, it is necessary to carefully study the specifics of caring for them.
What you need to know about the live-bearing fish family
Photos of live-bearing aquarium fish are confused. These creatures are so diverse that sometimes they seem completely different species. Aquarium residents are represented by the following families:
- four-eyed fish (total of 4 species);
- Gudean (this species has 16 genera and about 35 species);
- pecilli (the most common type of family).
The largest family of viviparous aquarium fish - pecilian - includes at least 26 genera and 186 species. Representatives of this particular family are most often brought as the first fish. Their main habitat is the reservoirs of Central and South America. In huge quantities, these fish are bred in the waters of South Asia. They feel great both in fresh and in sea water.
What should an aquarium be like?
Viviparous fish prefer schooling. Therefore, they simply need a large aquarium, where it will be spacious and light. Its volume can be calculated from 5-10 liters of water per one large individual, depending on its size. Good lighting on the favorable side will emphasize the beauty and colorfulness of the fish.
It is also necessary to take care of the presence of vegetation in the aquarium. Thick greens will create the effect of natural conditions, so the fish will be very comfortable in such a monastery. Looking at photos of viviparous aquarium fish in a beautiful reservoir decorated with greens, everyone will want to make the same house for their underwater babies.
The largest varieties of the family will need more personal space. Especially if the predominant number of males in the aquarium. To retire and hide from constant pursuit, females need not only vegetation, but also all kinds of decor in the form of caves and houses. Dominant individuals tend to crush their brethren and even beat them. A weak male will forever become an outcast in the pack.
The natural environment of viviparous fish is sluggish, almost stagnant water. If you create a small flow effect in the aquarium, using special devices, you can accelerate the development of fish. This result will ensure uniform mixing of water. If you add good aeration to this, you can improve the living conditions of small underwater inhabitants by several times.
The temperature of the water in the aquarium should be constant and without sudden jumps. Depending on the type of fish, it should fluctuate in the region of 21-29 ° C. Given the volume of the aquarium, the heater needs to be selected the best and highest quality. After all, the life and health of the fish depends on it. It is advisable to stay on the model with automatic temperature control.
Also, the aquarium should contain a good water purification filter. So that it performs its functions correctly, it must be selected depending on the volume of the aquarium. The filter cannot be sucked in only born fry. Therefore, you need to warn the consultant at the pet store that he intends for viviparous fish. Taking care of this, you can increase the survival rate of young animals.
Viviparous fish content
Caring for these unpretentious creatures is very simple. They do not require special attention and constant observation. Nothing terrible will happen to the fish, even if you forget to feed them. In their nature lies the ability to adapt to any body of water. Viviparous aquarium fish will calmly endure:
- a sharp change in temperature;
- low oxygen content;
- lack of light in the aquarium;
- lack of aeration;
- hard water.
Of course, it’s better not to test all this on your own fish, risking their lives. For a comfortable life, they need good lighting. It will not only increase their birth rate, but also reveal all the richness of their color. Viviparous fish are the brightest and most unusual representatives of the underwater world. To enjoy their beauty, you should take care of good artificial light above the aquarium.
The water in the tank must be changed weekly. But the substitution should not take place completely. For a favorable environment, up to 30% replacement is sufficient. Experienced aquarists advise settling snails in the aquarium, which will create good microflora in it. Fish care should be tailored to their variety. Despite the fact that they are quite unpretentious, an attentive attitude will guarantee their health and comfortable life.
Viviparous feeding
Description of live-bearing aquarium fish and characterization of the features of the content are impossible without providing information on their nutrition. Choosing the option of high-quality feed, it is worth remembering that their main diet should for the most part consist of plant products. In order for the pecilli to grow faster, they need to be given a variety of food: dry, live or frozen. You can also feed the fish with fresh vegetables, such as cucumbers and cabbage. Previously, the latter should be doused with boiling water to kill all possible bacteria.
Adult fish need to be fed only 1 time per day. Young individuals should be fed 4-5 times a day. Abundant vegetation conditions have the best effect on the well-being of adults and young fish. In such an aquarium, they will feel like in natural conditions.
Fish breeding
The live-bearing species of fish is very easy to breed. Moreover, he is very fertile. Females that have reached maturity can give birth to about 200 fry during childbirth. Sexual differences between these fish are extremely pronounced. Therefore, there will be no problems with the distribution of males and females. Viviparous fish are distinguished by the following sexual characteristics:
- females are much larger than males;
- the tail and back fins of males are more elegant;
- males are slimmer, more flexible and mobile, unlike females;
- males have a brighter and more saturated body color;
- the most important difference between a male and a female is the presence of an anal fin that looks like a tube. He is a conductor of seminal fluid for fertilization.
The age of the female, as well as the conditions of her keeping, are strongly reflected in her ability to reproduce. A good environment affects caviar and the number of fry. Photos and names of live-bearing aquarium fish will help determine which creatures to put in your aquarium.
The most popular types of fish
The most common names for live-bearing aquarium fish are:
- guppies;
- molliesia;
- swordsmen;
- Pecilia
- Gambusia.
These kids are great as the first home fish. They are often given as a gift to children who love aquarium living creatures. Beautiful, bright and lively fish will create a cozy atmosphere in the house, will please both children and adults. To decide which viviparous fish to purchase for your aquarium, you need to carefully study their most popular species.
Guppies - bright and small aquarium fish
This species of live-bearing aquarium fish is very popular. Guppies can be purchased at any pet store. Its size is not more than 5.5 cm. These are small, oblong fish with a very bright, motley tail. Females are usually larger than males. The widespread prevalence of these creatures is explained by their unpretentiousness in care. They don’t even need a lot of space. For 5 fish you can buy an aquarium with a volume of 20 liters. However, you need to take good care of its filling. Guppies must be kept under the following conditions:
- The temperature in the aquarium should be close to the tropical climate. From 21 to 29 ° C.
- The acidity of water is from 7, but in no case is more than 8.5.
- Stiffness must be between 12 and 18.
To make the fish pleasant and comfortable to live in the aquarium, you should take care of its internal decor. Plant more vegetation and a couple of snails for good microflora. You can also equip a beautiful grotto or put small, open chests and houses. All this will not only decorate the interior of the room in which the aquarium is located, but also improve the mood of the fish. They will be happy to frolic, rushing through thickets and decorative houses.
Also in the aquarium simply must be a filter for water purification. It should have a special net so that little fish are not drawn into it.
Aquarium fish molliesia
These creatures very beautifully dilute the brightness of the tank, as they can be black. They have a pronounced dorsal fin. Very often individuals of golden, red, yellow and spotty color are found. When choosing an aquarium for them, you need to take into account the following scheme: 5 individuals per 60 liters. If you plan to share the fish, then it is better to take a reservoir of 100 liters of water.
Everyone knows about which viviparous aquarium fish are unpretentious, but few people wonder how pleasant it will be to care for them. Even if the fish can safely swim in dirty water, this does not mean that you need to throw it clean. A beautiful and clean aquarium will delight your eyes and provide aesthetic pleasure.
Molliesia are as unpretentious as guppies, but nevertheless they need to be treated with care. They ate to give the fish all the conditions for a favorable life, they will be healthy, energetic and very prolific. An aquarium with mollies should have the following characteristics:
- temperature from 23 to 29 ° C;
- acidity is allowed from 7 to 8;
- water hardness is about 20-30.
Eat mollinsia all natural foods suitable for feeding fish: vegetables, spirulina, fruits. It is also useful to feed them with special food and bloodworms. You can design an aquarium with any decor. We must not forget about the vegetation that enriches the underwater house with oxygen. These fish just love to clean plaque and algae from the leaves. There should be a filter in the aquarium, and every week the tank must be cleaned and filled with fresh water.
Swordsmen - the most tenacious inhabitants of the aquarium
The list of live-bearing aquarium fish is very long. Swordsmen are among the most popular. Their size can reach up to 15 cm, but usually they do not grow so large. Mostly red, yellow and black colors are found. Their feature is the tail in the form of a long sword. In addition to the fact that these fish are very unpretentious creatures, their highlight is that they can get along with almost every kind of their viviparous counterparts. One swordsman will need a volume of water of 30 liters. Putting more than one male in one aquarium is not worth it. This species is prone to rivalry, so battles for the female can not be avoided. For one male, it is necessary to hook 2-3 females. Then between the fish there will be complete harmony.
The temperature of the water in the aquarium should be about 24 ° C, the acidity should go up to 7, and its level of hardness should be average. These viviparous aquarium fish eat food, both frozen and dry, as well as any plant foods containing fiber. The aquarium with them should always be closed. Therefore, when buying, it is better to give preference to models with a lid. Swordsmen are very fond of jumping out of the water. The lid will not let them do it.
Pecilia - aquarium beauties
Viviparous aquarium fish, the photo and description of which amazes the most, are the little beauties of Pecilia. The variety and brightness of their appearance delight. They are pretty small. The adult reaches a size of 6 cm. Males have a narrow body structure, as well as a more pigmented color. These bewitching fish can be settled in an aquarium of not more than 50-60 liters. Usually they put them there in a harem: one male and three females. Water should adhere to a temperature regime of 23-24 ° C, acidity is needed around 7-8, and the water hardness is at the level of 15-30. Change it to a new one once a week. The aquarium should be equipped with a filter and aerator. For a more active lifestyle, fish is recommended to put a special lamp over them.
Pecilia eat any food, vegetable products, boiled vegetables. Particular attention when feeding should be given to foods containing fiber. Fish it is very useful.
Gambusia - the most unpretentious inhabitants of the aquarium
These creatures are not distinguished by the most spectacular appearance. Despite the fact that all types of viviparous aquarium fish are very easy to care for, it is gambusia that are called leaders in this matter. They can live at absolutely any temperature. They normally tolerate low oxygen levels in it, as well as any pollution. Of course, you can’t torture a fish by neglecting the change of water or subjecting it to constant temperature changes. It is recommended to take it as the first underwater resident. Unfortunately, gambusia is rarely seen in pet stores.
They do not need a large volume of an aquarium. One flock will have enough 50 l of water. Of course, the larger the aquarium, the more comfortable the creatures will be in it.