Воспитателю дошкольного учреждения на заметку: чтение в старшей группе художественной литературы

A child of 5-6 years old, according to physiologists, psychologists and teachers, is just at the age when his memory, processes of thinking and perception are fully prepared for comprehensive development. He really wants to learn, and physiologically, the children’s body corresponds to the loads associated with developing learning. Senior preschool age is the most effective time to begin to actively learn not only the basics of reading, but also to move forward in this direction.

Goals and objectives

reading in a senior fiction group

Like any program, reading in the senior group of fiction is not a process of spontaneous or neglected. Its main goal is to foster a strong interest in the book. Another, no less significant, is associated with it: the formation of fluent, meaningful reading skills. The goal defines the objectives:

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  • And finally, reading in the senior group of fiction pursues such serious, especially acute problems now, like love for the book, caring, careful handling and active enrichment of the vocabulary of preschool children, teaching them the culture of speech, the ability to express their thoughts accurately, correctly and beautifully .

Baggage for school

reading fiction senior group

What skills should fiction read in preschool children? The older group is the last link before students move to school. Therefore, they should have a fairly deep understanding of literary art genres, analyze the actions of the characters, give them an assessment, retell the content of the entire work or its individual episodes, and structure their speech in accordance with the rules of Russian style.

Selection of works

reading fairy tales in an older group

Reading fairy tales in the older group should not occupy the prevailing position. It is important for the educator to correctly combine age-appropriate works of different genres: poetry, dramatic fragments, etc. If we talk about fairy tales as the main type of works, then we should offer children not only Russians, but also other peoples of the world, as well as literary ones. For instance:

  • folk tales "Sivka-Burka", "Hare-boaster";
  • the story of Carlson, the works of the Brothers Grimm, S. Perro, some stories about Mowgli, Pushkin's tales;
  • stories for the children of Tolstoy, Bianchi, Cassil;
  • poems about nature, homeland, seasons, friendship, etc., with memorization.

Guided by the general provisions of the program, each educator can choose a list of works that will be studied by children of the older group with pleasure.

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