Pascal program structure: programming for beginners

The most accessible programming language for beginners is Pascal. This is due at least to the fact that it is studied in the upper grades of secondary schools, as well as in the first courses at the university. It is used as a base for mastering many other languages. However, it is now irrational to use it as the main one for development, since technical equipment has gone far ahead.

Now there are quite a few tools that preserve syntax. They differ only in the programming environment of a language such as Pascal. The structure of the program will be studied during the article. As a rule, acquaintance with programming begins with the program “Hello World!”.

Pascal program structure

Language history

1970 , , . – . , , .

1968 1969 . 1970. , «», , . . . «» Pascal «-2». .

, . – , .

  1. . , . . . Turbo Pascal . ETH . , «_».
  2. . (), . .
  3. . BEGIN-END.

, , . - – . , : Var, vAr vaR.

pascal program structure

. , :

  • , , ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ( , . .);
  • ;
  • ().

Turbo Pascal PascalABC. , . , , , , .

, : (*..*).

Pascal , . :

  1. ( );
  2. ( );
  3. ( , b, . .).

: . : Integer Real . . , ( ) 1, , ( ) . Char Spring.

program structure in pascal

. . . , . – .

, . , , . , . , , , , . , .

, . , , .

BEGIN-END . , . , .

, .

program structure on turbo pascal

, , . . Label, Type, Const, Var . ., . Begin ; END , . , , , Then Else, .

END , , .

pascal program structure

. :

  • Readln, Read.
  • – .
  • Constant. In this case, data is entered in the var parameter.

The output of the obtained information can be performed using a combination of Write and Writeln operators. In some cases, it may be absent, but this only means that it is already built into the production method.

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