Dogo Argentina: breed description, dog character, care features and reviews

Many are happy to have a puppy, but which breed is better to prefer? Dog breeders assure that for each person it is necessary to choose an animal individually, it all depends on his character, capabilities, living conditions. Dogs of Argentina are dogs that are not suitable for everyone. And the point is not in their size and awesome appearance, but in their character. They are hunters by nature, they need outdoor walks, active training, and training. If you have enough time to spend it with your pet, this dog is just right for you.

dog argentinian dog

Breed history

The dog breed Argentine Great Dane was officially registered by the Cynological Federation in 1973. But they began work on its creation and derivation much earlier. The fact is that in the 19-20 centuries, dog fights were quite popular. This cruel sight brought huge dividends to the organizers. Mostly Cordoba dogs (crossed bulldog and mastiff) took part. They were distinguished by strong muscularity, embittered character and ideally white color.

The doctor and scientist Martinez wanted to create a breed of dogs that would be just as strong, but not so embittered, and most importantly, possess a wonderful sense of smell. The fact is that in Argentina at that time, hunting for llamas was valued. And for a scientist it was not just a hobby and hobby, but part of his life.

It was decided to cross several breeds. In the Argentinean dogo, the blood of a boxer, bulldog, mastiff, bull terrier, and pointer flows. As a result, a dog with strong muscles, a white color was obtained, ideally capturing odors. After the death of the scientist, his brother continued the work.

It is worth noting that the Argentine dogs are the only dog ​​breed that is officially bred in Argentina and recognized by the cynological federation around the world.


Dogs look intimidating. It seems that they are only suitable for fighting, but the first opinion is deceptive. Behind the exterior is an affectionate animal that is ready to obey its master.

The dog is quite large. The average weight is 40-50 kg. The physique is massive, the chest is well defined. The shape of the muzzle is square. The highlight is the almond-shaped small eyes. The color is hazel or hazel. Ears must be cropped. After this procedure, they have a pointed standing form. If the puppy has not had surgery, the ears are half-hanging. The physique is bulky, especially for the chest and back. The tail is long, lowered. With the manifestation of joy and aggression, it becomes an extension of the back. The coat is short, stiff. The color is only white.

dogo argentino kennel

Dogo Argentino: Characteristic

When buying a dog, you need to consider its nature. Not always a pedigree pet may suit you. What are the virtues of the Argentinean mastiff? The breed characteristics include the following items:

  • Weasel to people.

  • Exposure

  • Agility.

  • High intellectual abilities.

The first impression of an Argentinean mastiff can be misleading. Despite their strong and powerful physique, dogs of this breed are not aggressive towards humans. There have been no reported cases of pets attacking their owners. On the contrary, dogs are very dedicated. It is in their blood. The breed was originally bred to assist in hunting. Dogs did everything possible to please the owner with prey.

An aggressive animal can only be if it is not raised correctly. By this is meant not only the training, but also the content. The dog cannot be left alone for long. Otherwise, she will feel like a master of the territory.

dogo argentino breed characterization

Is it amenable to training?

Dog Argentine Dogo has a wonderful character. She is smart, perfectly amenable to training. This breed is used at customs, in police, rescue services. But to educate puppies, to discipline is necessary from an early age. The dog must clearly understand who is in charge of the house. There will be no business without this. Designate the leader of the pack, and the dog will gladly carry out his commands.

Never humiliate an animal, do not use physical force. Otherwise, the pet may take revenge. Even for the smallest success, it is worth praising and encouraging delicious food.

This breed of dog is often used as a guide for those who see poorly. An excellent animal orientates in space, can protect.

Dog breeders argue that this breed of dog is worth choosing for people who have already dealt with animals. The nature of even puppies is quite complex. This does not mean that you cannot train a pet, it just takes a lot of effort. The owner should have a strong-willed character, only in this case it will be possible to get along with the dog.

argentinian dogs

Who is this dog breed suitable for?

Who should use the Argentinean dog? Hunting, sports and outdoor activities - your favorite pastime? Then this breed is exactly what you need. The puppy will become for you a real friend who will endlessly give affection and warmth.

Do not forget that dogs of this breed are well physically built. To maintain their proper shape, they need to run in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours daily. Count your time. Remember: the dogo of Argentina is not used to sitting in the apartment all alone.

How to care for a dog?

According to the owners, caring for a pet is quite simple. Due to the thin short hair it is enough to comb it once a week. For these purposes, you must purchase a special comb or brush mitten. They bathe an animal extremely rarely, so as not to damage the hair follicles and oily pores.

Particular attention must be paid to the eyes. If mucus appears in the corners, it must be removed with a cotton swab. Do not forget to trim the dog's nails in time , otherwise there will be problems with the paws.

dogo argentinian hunting

Special nutrition

What kind of food is suitable for these pets? The main answer of the owners is balanced. Food should be healthy and contain the necessary minerals, vitamins and other components. There can be no speech about giving the dog sweets, other sweets, flour, exotic vegetables, fruits. In stores, you can often find products for animals. Before you buy it, carefully study the composition. So, in sausage, you can often see the presence of offal, which is contraindicated in dogs.

Pay special attention to bones and other edible pet toys. They may contain GMO products and dyes. After such an acquisition, the dog is allergic.

Premium foods that are rich in vitamins and all the necessary elements are suitable for Argentinean dogs.

Pet health

The Argentinean Mastiff is in good health. According to reviews, dogs with proper care live up to 10-15 years. The main thing for them is outdoor activities and walks in the fresh air.

I would like to note the fact that 10% of all puppies are born deaf, this is due to the fact that the body lacks melanin. When purchasing a pet, be sure to consult a veterinarian and undergo a full examination.

Another common disease for this breed is joint dysplasia. In this case, the animal is threatened with lameness, discomfort when walking, arthritis. To completely eliminate the suspicion of dysplasia, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination. The procedure is absolutely painless. Experts believe that this deviation may be due to improper maintenance of puppies (too much weight) or genetic heredity.

Dogs of Argentina may face the problem of allergic skin reactions - atopic dermatitis. This is due to an improper diet. In no case should dogs be given sweets, flour, exotic fruits and vegetables. This breed does not respond very well to chicken, eggs and beef. But this does not mean that these products must be completely eliminated. It will be enough to give them in small quantities and monitor the skin reaction.

dogo argentino characteristic

Dogo Argentino and children. Are there any restrictions?

Many people wonder if it is possible to get a dog of this breed if there are small children at home. On the Internet there are a lot of horror stories about this. Some are still convinced that fighting the Argentine mastiff is an integral part of life for dogs of this breed. This opinion is erroneous. They never got divorced for these purposes.

In fact, a properly trained animal will be a great friend for a child. These dogs are very friendly, affectionate, love active games. The main rule is not to provoke the animal.

Where to buy a puppy?

Dogs of the Argentinean dog are valued quite expensive. The average cost is 30-40 thousand rubles. It is better to purchase them in the nursery, so that all the appropriate documents are provided to you. Among them should be a pedigree, a photo of parents, a medical book with vaccinations.

Experienced owners argue that you should not buy puppies over the Internet. It is very dangerous. Firstly, the dog may be sick. Secondly, not purebred. Thirdly, a completely different breed.

If you decide to have a pet, responsibly approach the purchase. Consider several options, and most importantly, weigh the pros and cons. Do not forget that he will need care. If you are a workaholic, constantly lingering at work and have little free time, there can be no question of buying an Argentine mastiff. This dog needs space, walks in the fresh air, hiking in the forest, in nature. He is active, cheerful, loves freedom.

If you need an Argentinean dog, a kennel is the place where you can get a puppy. Do not cost to buy. Otherwise, you run the risk of running into a pig in a poke.

dogo argentino puppies

Briefly about the main thing

Based on the reviews, the main pros and cons of this breed can be identified. Of the positive points worth noting:

  1. Character features: courage, friendliness, endurance, high intelligence.

  2. Clean. Due to the fact that the dog is short-haired, there are no problems with grooming, even despite the white soiled color.

  3. Devotee. The owner and his family come first.

There are points that I would like to mention. Everyone who purchases a puppy of this breed may encounter the following difficulties:

  1. The dog needs increased attention. It will not work to close it in the apartment and be at work for days.

  2. Absolutely does not like frost and damp.

  3. Difficult character. You need to immediately show who is in charge of the family.

To properly raise a dog, you need to seek help from a dog handler, and then there will be no problems with the pet.

Dogs of Argentina are a breed of dog that is not suitable for every person. Do not forget that they are quite active, have strong muscles, to maintain health they need constant walks in the fresh air. If you love outdoor activities, live in your own house, not an apartment, play sports and enjoy morning jogging - this breed of dog is perfect for you. The animal will be able to thank you with warmth and affection, and for children it will become a real friend.

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