There are a number of diseases that are common in cats and humans. These include toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis in cats is a contagious disease caused by protozoan parasites. It can become one of the causes of miscarriages, the birth of offspring with deviations, visual impairment, lymphatic, central nervous systems. The disease is spread all over the globe, and all mammals are equally affected.
The causative agent of such a serious ailment as toxoplasmosis in cats is the intracellular parasite of toxoplasma, which is present in the body in the form of cysts or trophosites. The latter multiply in the cells of the body, excluding red blood cells, and can be detected in the acute stage of the disease. Cysts can persist for decades and contain thousands of parasites.
Infection of an animal can occur as follows: when a rodent or feed is eaten infected with toxoplasmosis, the cat swallows cysts, from which toxoplasmas leave the intestine and begin to multiply. After a while, cysts form in the small intestine again. They are secreted by the cat along with feces and serve as a source of infection for everyone around.
Is it worth treating toxoplasmosis in cats whose symptoms may not appear? It depends on the clinical picture. The fact is that toxoplasmosis in cats can have a different course. So, healthy cats usually do not show any symptoms when they first encounter the pathogen, and gradually form an immune response. When re-infected, antibodies already successfully cope with the parasite. In the chronic course of toxoplasmosis, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting can occur, but after 10 days the symptoms disappear and the disease proceeds in a latent form. However, there is an acute form of the disease in which an upset digestive system, muscle tremors, general depression, discharge from the eyes and nose are observed. In addition, the temperature may rise. If the cat became infected during pregnancy, then acute toxoplasmosis often leads to spontaneous abortion or non-viability of the offspring. Usually, during this course of the disease, the animal dies.
Due to the fact that the above symptoms are characteristic not only for toxoplasmosis, but also for a number of other diseases, the diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after preliminary analysis of toxoplasmosis in cats.
The treatment of this disease consists in the use of antiparasitic and symptomatic drugs, the latter include cardiac, sedative and other drugs. Medications are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. Needless to say, only a veterinarian should treat toxoplasmosis in cats at dangerous stages. However, in reality, the course of toxoplasmosis of such severity, which requires the intervention of a doctor, is not observed very often.
As you know, to prevent the disease is much easier than to treat. Therefore, it is better to protect your pet from infection as much as possible. To do this, you must observe the sanitary conditions of the animal, clean its toilet on time, and monitor the cleanliness of the room. Parasitic cysts can be brought from the street on shoes, so when entering the apartment you need to take off your shoes and clean your shoes. In addition, contact of the pet with stray animals, as well as with rodents, should be excluded. Meat, which is included in the cat's diet, must undergo veterinary control.
Some people have an exaggerated fear of contracting toxoplasmosis, which is why their pets can often suffer. It should be remembered that a person can only become infected with toxoplasmosis once, since further antibodies will protect him. For a pregnant woman, a real danger arises only if she first encountered a pathogen during pregnancy. From the moment the cat excrets feces until maturation, the toxoplasma takes some time. Therefore, removing fresh excrement, you will not only not become infected, but also protect yourself and your loved ones in the future. In addition, after three weeks after infection, the cat ceases to secrete cysts with feces and becomes infectious. Thus, even if your cat became infected with toxoplasmosis, this is by no means a reason to part with it or, moreover, put to sleep.