Aquarium predator fish: names, photos and description, features of keeping and breeding

Predatory fish are the pride of an aquarist. They are unusually beautiful. You can watch their movements for hours.

Are aquarium fish predators suitable for beginners? How whimsical are they in content? What is the optimal aquarium size for predators? This remains to be seen.

Beginner and Cichlids

Man "got sick" with an aquarium. This is normal, as some love dogs, others cats, and others like fish. A man went on an excursion to some oceanarium, admired the fish in the pet shop, watched an interesting documentary about them and realized that he had fallen in love with aquarium fish - predators. A beginner lover may be tormented by some doubts as to whether he can cope by installing an aquarium at home. But the desire to possess this lively silent beauty forces him not to retreat from his intended goal. How justified is it?

Predators are very difficult to care for and keep fish. They require a large aquarium, meat products and certain conditions. Novice experience is usually lacking. He hardly needs to get predators right away.

aquarium fish predators

Aquarium selection

In pet stores you can observe the following situation: the seller and the buyer are standing at the aquarium with cichlids. The latter points to small colorful fish and says that he wants such. He asks if they will grow big. The seller, cleverly wielding a net, catches fish from the aquarium and happily explains to the buyer that these beauties will grow a little more. However, on the price tag in black and white is printed: "Red Parrot." This is the name of the aquarium fish - predator. This parrot will grow up to 15-20 centimeters.

It is profitable for the seller to sell, this is his salary. But not him, but you will have to contain the acquired fish.

Which aquarium should you choose for cichlids? From 250 liters and more. The fact is that all cichlids are schooling fish. 5-6 individuals in the pack should be. Aquarius predators - cichlid fish - refuse to make friends with other similar ones. Frankly, they are fighting with them.

For a family of parrots you need a house of 250-300 liters. Aquarium is only the beginning. Where to put such a colossus? An ordinary bedside table is unlikely to support the weight of such a container of water. Therefore, immediately purchase a kit: an aquarium stand, an aquarium and a lid on it. Kill two birds with one stone: get rid of additional expenses and searches for a curbstone or a cover.

What should be the filter? It is better to buy an external device. He will cope more effectively with the task of cleaning and aeration of water in a large aquarium. For a capacity of 300 liters, an ideal filter is designed for 300 - 500 liters. It is impossible to save on this device, since not only predators, but also any other fish will die without aeration.

All cichlids are thermophilic creatures. The heater will become additional aquarium equipment. It is chosen in the same way as the filter - they look at the volume of the aquarium.

About the thermometer is also worth saying a few words. Any suitable as the simplest on the suction cup, and glued to the glass.

Here are the three “whales” that hold the aquarium: a cabinet, equipment, and a lid.

Angelfish is also a predator

We begin our conversation about the names of aquarium fish - predators from angelfish. This spectacular "plate" of 10 cm in size is a real predator. Beautiful but dangerous.

It is advisable to keep the scalar 3-4 individuals. A 50 liter aquarium will suit them. They reproduce well, no special efforts are needed for this to be done by the owner.

They feed on dry food for scalars. There is one on sale. A frozen bloodworm will be a great treat for pets.

The content is unpretentious, like warm water - 26 degrees. They are friends with the aquarium neighbors. You can even keep with small harmless fish such as neon and guppy (provided there is a fairly spacious aquarium).

predatory fish angelfish


The name of the aquarium fish is a predator (a photo of this fish is presented below) is magnificent. And this underwater inhabitant is fully consistent with it.

Astronotus is the king among predatory fish. He is smart, recognizes the owner, gives himself a stroke. Very beautiful creature. But also moody.

To begin with, keep astronotes in pairs. Two fish need an aquarium of 800 liters. Feeding them is not cheap. Meat, seafood, specialized dry food.

They do not want to breed at home. Astronotus are bred on special farms, as they are unlikely to please their owners with offspring.

predatory fish astronotus


Another beauty among aquarium predators is fish. It’s hard to call her a fish. Rather, a fish.

The body length of an aravan reaches 80 centimeters. Can you imagine what kind of aquarium you need for such a monster? 1000 liters, no less. Aravans eat only meat or fish feeds. Do not give up live food: small fish, or mouse.

Due to the fact that the Aravans are very aggressive comrades, they are kept only alone. Therefore, there is no question of reproduction here.

Beauty of aravan


This is an evil representative of aquarium fish - predators. The photo below shows a copy in dark colors, but piranhas are distinguished by a variety of colors. However, she does not occupy viciousness and aggressiveness.

This cutie grows up to 50 cm. For a couple of fish you need a 500 liter aquarium. It is undesirable to keep piranhas in schools. Firstly, what kind of aquarium is needed for such a family? Secondly, the fish are so aggressive that they are quite able to bite with their own brother.

They feed only on live food. In nature, with pleasure they will eat a not very efficient small animal that has come to a watering place. Do not disdain and carrion. In an artificial environment, they are fed, like aravan.

They refuse to breed in aquariums. Where do piranhas come from if they do not bring offspring? They are bred on special farms, like most cichlids.

piranha fish

A parrot

Red, orange and yellow aquarium predators - fish parrots. They are cute, relatively peaceful (when compared with other cichlids) and unpretentious in nutrition.

The smallest of these brothers. Body length - 20 centimeters. Parrots are flocking, as we said above. For a family of 5, 250 liters of water are needed.

How to feed pets? Dry feed for these representatives of cichlids, frozen feed and live. A pipe-maker, a coroter, bloodworms - all these fish are eaten with great pleasure. Do not give up meat and shrimp. Only the delicacy needs to be pre-cooked and cut into small pieces.

Is it possible to get offspring from parrots? Alas, like many cichlids, they do not want to become parents in artificial conditions. More precisely in aquariums, because only very experienced aquarists who know their features breed parrots. The main feature of these fish is that the males are sterile and cannot fertilize eggs.

Red Parrot Fish


Look at the photo of cichlids - discus. How beautiful they are! Looking at them, the imagination draws a spacious aquarium with a large number of these fish. They are flocking, prefer a society of their own kind. You can keep them with other peace-loving cichlids, for example, with parrots. However, their "clan" they look more attractive.

They feed on dry food for discus, frozen bloodworms or artemia. You can treat your pets with a boiled beef heart. It is cooled and finely chopped, after which it is offered to fish.

By the way, discus plants breed in aquariums. To do this, it is enough to increase the temperature of the water in it to 31 degrees. After a while, a couple forms, about which we can say with confidence that these are future parents. Discus begin building a nest.

After a certain time, offspring are born. Kids feed on fry. They have been with their parents for almost two months. We must pay tribute to the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium, they are not trying to offend the young. Then the young people are sedimented, or she remains in the aquarium, if the place allows.

Chic Discus


We examined the main types of aquarium predators, which have gained the greatest popularity among aquarists. Learned how these fish look in the photo. We examined the features of maintenance and care.

The main aspects of the article:

  • Most cichlids do not breed in aquariums.

  • These fish are predators. Some of them can be kept in a flock, others prefer to live in pairs.

  • All representatives of cichlids need a large aquarium. The minimum volume is 250 liters.

  • Scalaria, discus and parrots feed on dry food, live and frozen. Aravana and the rest eat only live food.


The maintenance of aquarium fish - predators will cost a round sum. Undoubtedly, these fish are beautiful. You can watch them all the time. But dreaming of an aquarium with cichlids, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. Think about whether their content will make a big gap in the budget. Food, aquarium care, fish treatment - all this will fall on your shoulders. Can you provide your pets with the necessary care? If you are sure that you can handle it, then you can start predator fish.

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