Oriental cat breed: description with photos, character traits, breeding and grooming rules

Experts believe that the oriental breed of cats is one of the most promising. These animals are smart and beautiful, sociable and graceful. Thanks to their playfulness and gentle nature, they have won the hearts of many pet lovers all over the world. The seeming fragility of these beauties is combined with well-developed muscles and inexhaustible energy.

Oriental cat description

Oriental breed history

These animals appeared in Thailand in the 13th century. For a long time, their export outside the country was prohibited. It was only in the 19th century that the British who visited Thailand took several animals out of the country for presentation at an exhibition in London. The unusual appearance of these cats combined signs of the Siamese breed with an uncharacteristic head size and body shape. This made the jury doubt that a new breed was presented to their court. It was decided that this was just a cross between which reproduction should be prohibited. This decision came into force, and the breed was forgotten for a long time.

In the sixties of the last century, breeders seriously took up the Oriental breed, turning its differences from Siamese cats into virtues. It was officially recognized in 1974. An oriental breed cat, the photo of which is presented in the article, entered the USA in the middle of the 20th century, where breeders appreciated it.

In 1958, a standard was developed for the breed. A characteristic of the breed is the color Havana Brown (chocolate) and black. After that, active work began on the recognition of other plain colors. As a result of this activity, this species was fully legalized in 1977. In the new standards, an elongated shape of the body and head was prescribed, a concept for working with breeding with colors was developed.

Two-color orientals are recognized in 1994. Animals were allowed to breed for certified offspring. In 1997, an oriental breed cat received a longhair gene. It was formed by crossing related species.

Oriental cat: description of the breed

The appearance of these animals indicates their activity and huge unspent energy. The breed standard categorically does not accept excess weight, but cats should not seem thin either. Orientals are medium in size, males, as a rule, are larger and heavier than females. Cats weigh from 2.5 to 3.5 kg, and cats weigh up to 4.5 kg. The height of an adult at the withers is from 20 to 25 cm, and the length can reach 90 cm.

Representatives of the oriental breed (pictured in the article) have a muscular body with a thin skeleton and long legs. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front. To the tip, the long tail thins out.


One of the features of oriental cat breed is the wedge-shaped head shape. The nose is long and even, large, wide at the base and slightly rounded at the tips of the ears. Obliquely set almond-shaped eyes.

Wool and colors

Orientals have a short, shiny and fine coat. The undercoat is practically absent; the spine fits tightly throughout the body. There are many colors for these cats.

Oriental Colors

For convenience, the main shades were divided into several groups:

  • lilac (lavender);
  • Havana (dark chocolate);
  • gray or blue;
  • cinnamon (between chestnut and cream);
  • faun (beige);
  • cream without dark tones);
  • red (red);
  • white;
  • ebony (black).

Most colors can make up a picture, which also exists a lot:

  • smoky (shaded);
  • solid (solid uniform);
  • bicolor;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • tabby (brindle, harlequin, spotted, ticked, silver).

Longhaired orientals: new breed or variety?

Sometimes in the litter of these cats long-haired kittens are born. A group of breeders decided to work with them separately and form a new breed. As a result, this only led to disputes, disagreements, confusion. Felinological organizations relate differently to this species.

TISA considers her a long-haired oriental cat. In CFA and FIFE, cats are recognized as a separate breed called Javanese. American organizations (ACFA, CFF, CFA) consider them balinese with an unconventional color.

Oriental Longhair

Oriental character

In the description of the oriental breed in different sources, special attention is paid to the nature of these oriental cats. They are smart and quick-witted, affectionate and attached to the family, playful and extremely curious. Interest in the fun of these animals persists until old age. Oriental breed cats, photos of which can often be seen in special editions, love to be in the spotlight, sometimes even being annoying.

Thanks to inexhaustible energy, they manage to participate in all household chores - cleaning, washing dishes and even washing. Only loneliness is difficult for them - representatives of the Oriental breed are very bored, being alone in the house for a long time. If the cat is not given proper attention in the family, its character changes, and not for the better. In order for your pet to fully manifest all the positive qualities, it is necessary that, from birth, the kitten should not lack in love and communication with a person.

Orientals are trusting and complaisant. Usually they are very attached to one person. Tolerant of children and calmly relate to their games. Representatives of the oriental breed are smart, easy to train, they love intellectual games and can bring various objects on command. In addition, they are extremely emotional and talkative. This must be taken into account by people who prefer silence. These eastern beauties will “talk” always and everywhere, they voice many of their actions, changing the tone and pitch to express different feelings.

Content Orientals


Representatives of the oriental breed can be brought in even by people who do not have experience with animals. It is enough to provide your pet with everything you need and pay him as much attention as possible. Orientals perfectly tolerate life in the apartment and the absence of walks in the fresh air. Given the high activity of representatives of the oriental breed, experts recommend installing game complexes in the house and be sure to give your pet a choice of several toys.

Oriental breeds make easy contact and get along well with other pets. True, sometimes they try to take a dominant position, as a rule, this applies to cats.

Maintenance and care


Since orientals have virtually no undercoat, short-haired animals do not require complex hair care. It is enough to comb out during molting once a week with a brush with natural bristles or a special rubber mitten. These animals are clean, and therefore do not need regular bathing. The owner's task is to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the ears, eyes, and the condition of the oral cavity.


An important component of the maintenance of orientals is proper nutrition. Its type depends on the choice of owner and recommendations of breeders and veterinarians. Allowed feeding with natural products and prepared feeds of a super-premium class.

In the first case, the basis of the diet should be meat products:

  • bird;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef.

In addition, your pet should receive fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat sour cream), vegetables, eggs. Meat should be fed lightly scalded or frozen.

Breeders recommend giving orientals professional finished feed. They are fully balanced and meet the needs of the cat. Until the age of one, it is necessary to use feed for kittens, later compositions for active adult animals. There should always be fresh water next to the feed. Since cats of this breed are not prone to overeating, you can offer food in unlimited quantities. In this case, you can use an automatic feeder.

Adult animals are fed 2 times a day, oriental breed kittens - 5 times a day in small portions.

Breeding Oriental Cats

It is interesting to breed cats, but not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It would seem that there could be problems - they found a suitable oriental cat or cat, and the issue is resolved. For amateur breeding of animals of this breed, this approach is quite acceptable, it is enough to master the basic knowledge:

  • features of care;
  • feeding rules;
  • preparation for childbirth, etc.

But to get healthy offspring that meets the standard, this is not enough. The owner will need to understand the nuances of breeding, taking into account the characteristics of the breed, to study the subtleties of this process.

Breeding Oriental Cats


For breeding, breeders recommend knitting an animal once a year or withstanding a minimum period of six months between births. It is necessary to take into account the physiological needs of the cat in this matter. If even during feeding the kittens she shows signs of sexual activity, it is better to carry out the next mating. Otherwise, complications and health problems can be provoked.

Knitting a cat is a responsible process for the owner. The owner should try very hard and choose a suitable partner, calculate the necessary mating time, create a calm atmosphere for the animals. If the purpose of mating is to obtain offspring of a show class, the partner should be selected accordingly.

At the same time, even when the animals are fully consistent with the standard, no one will give a 100% guarantee on getting poster class offspring. Experienced professional breeders intuitively feel the potential of their animals from an early age and almost immediately can accurately tell which kitten has prospects for breeding and which will be content with the pleasant fate of a pet. Therefore, when acquiring a baby, pay attention to this aspect. In addition, in the future, the breeder can recommend a suitable partner. The same information can be provided to you at the breed club.


If the mating has passed without problems, the pregnancy of the oriental cat occurs. It lasts from 58 to 70 days. Special care for a pregnant cat is not required, except for increasing the diet of your pet, which needs to feed the offspring growing not by the day, but by the hour.

During this period, it is advisable to use feed for pregnant cats. They contain more vitamins and minerals that the expectant mother and kittens need.


By the end of the seventh week, you can begin preparing for childbirth. The cat must have a prepared place where she will give birth and take care of her offspring. It should be equipped in a warm, dry and windproof corner. Births in representatives of this breed are the same as in most felines. Before the start of the process, the animal can lie, and can rush from corner to corner and meow plaintively. It depends on the individual characteristics of the cat's body. On average, the delivery process lasts about six hours.

Kitten selection and price

Today, oriental cats are quite widespread, breeders often breed them with Siamese cats, so there will most likely be no problems finding a suitable cattery. If the breed of the animal is not important to you and you are completely satisfied with the external resemblance, you can purchase a kitten in the bird market. But it should be understood that in this case no one can guarantee you the health and character of the baby typical of the breed. Therefore, having decided to start an oriental, decide for what purpose you will buy a kitten. Do you just need an affectionate and playful pet or an animal with an exhibition perspective and the possibility of breeding. The acquisition of a kitten for the family involves further sterilization or castration. After confirming the purchase operation, the breeders give the new owners the pedigree and veterinary passport of the animal.

Oriental breed kittens

In some clubs, interbreeds of orientals and Siamese are allowed. In one litter in this case kittens of different breeds can be born. Kittens, as well as adult animals that have the prospect of breeding, are much more expensive. It is important that they are of a good type. For a buyer, it is considered a great success to purchase an extreme type of kitten - with a thin skeleton, low-set ears, a straight profile, a long muzzle and a very short, tight-fitting coat. The breeding work of modern breeders and breeders is aimed at obtaining exactly this type.

The average price range for orientals ranges from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. The breeder determines the price of animals on the basis of supply and demand, personal considerations, the age of the animal, the quality of the breeding producers. Thoroughbred kittens of a show class can cost up to a thousand dollars, and kittens that are bred from breeding, with some minor defects, are often sold at the lowest price.

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