The name for the team - whatever you call a ship, it will sail! We are moving towards victory!

Competitions are a great way to prove to everyone around you their superiority. However, it is more difficult to achieve excellent results yourself, which is why team games were invented where everyone has support and can be insured in any situation. But most importantly, what is important to remember when you need to put together your group? The name for the team - this is the moment that should not be forgotten. After all, as they say, as you name a ship, it will sail.

name for team

What to consider?

So, it is worth noting that you can name the team in completely different ways, it all depends on the imagination of its members or the captain himself. However, in this case, most likely, everyone should participate, and the name for the team should be chosen collectively. What is the best idea? It is important to say that it is worth considering the place of competition, level, as well as the age group to which the majority belongs. So, for example, the “Sun” group, consisting of men, will look at least inappropriate in a sports competition . The same applies to children's intellectual competitions with the name, for example, "Inveterate Wolves".

funny team names


It is worth noting that for almost any type of competition - sports, intellectual, humorous - you can name the team by the name of the animal. So, “Cunning foxes”, “Quick hares” or “Skillful beavers” will always be appropriate. However, the adjective can be slightly changed and given a geographical component, which will demonstrate the region from which the players arrived. By the way, this will greatly facilitate the orientation of the fans. It is also very important to remember that it’s not enough to come up with just a name. The emblem, the motto for the team - these are also very necessary elements for the competition. So, the emblem must necessarily reflect a certain meaning: here the first letters of the names of participants can be encrypted, you can simply beautifully encrypt the team name itself. As for the motto, it must necessarily sound the full command name. It is worth noting that it is best to make it comic, the same applies to intellectual competitions. Indeed, the good mood of the fans is one of the keys to the successful game of the team itself (no one will argue that support is very necessary in such situations).

team name for the competition

First thought

It is very good to choose a name for the team from those that first came to the minds of its players. It can be anything, but there is an explanation for everything. If the players somehow came up with a specific name, why not consider this option. It is unlikely that this will be something bad. Rather, it’s just a word that reflects the mood of a certain person. So, often for high-speed competitions choose the name "Speed" or for intellectual - "Clever". What is not an option, simple and tasteful.

Famous names

Another way how you can choose a name for the team: remember the slogan or brand that everyone is hearing.

name emblem motto for the team

And then only redo them a little. The slogan will go like a motto, and the name of the product or film (it can be anything: a song, a cartoon, the name of the favorite hero of the film, etc.) as the name for the team. That's all, simple and fast. And most importantly - everyone understands. As an example, this may be the sports team "Superman", the intellectual "Magnificent Four" or the humorous "Smeshariki".


If you want to choose the name of the team for the contest, why not borrow an idea from the literature? There are just a huge number of options, you just need to decide how you want to look in front of the fans. However, there is a nuance: you can not just take something, but also redo a few. This is especially suitable if you need to name the KVN team. So, for example, the names “War and Fat”, “Dead Sushi”, etc. will look very cool. A little imagination, and everything will turn out just fine.

names of children's teams and mottos

Children's competitions

It is also important to choose the right names for children's teams and mottos. After all, kids are a separate issue. In principle, they don’t really care how they are called in the group, but this can still play a huge role. If the kids don’t like something, the game just won’t succeed. Therefore, choosing the names of children's teams, it is better to consult with young participants. The simplest and most understandable names for the children are “Sun”, “Little Bees”, “Zhivchiki”, etc. It is also important to think carefully about the slogan. Do not come up with too abstruse or long poems, just a simple rhymed sentence is enough, so the crumbs at the crucial moment will not forget the word.

Family contests

It is also important to correctly come up with a name for the family competition. Here you can, however, call yourself anything you like, but it is worth noting that it is quite difficult to find something that will suit adults and children. One thing is for sure, such names as “Superheroes” or “Happy Family” are always relevant. Simple and unpretentious. And, most likely, all participants will like it.


I must say that the most difficult thing is probably to come up with funny team names for such a game as KVN. After all, here you need to get to the exact point and with the name alone you already make the fans laugh. What could it be? So, it is important first of all to take into account the specificity and fullness of the team. If this is a children's KVN, then “Brought by Storks”, “Angel Devils” or “Kids in a Cage” will look great. As for the senior schoolchildren, here you can mock a little bit over your intellectual abilities and call the team “Botany on the Titanic” or note your closeness to graduation: “One Hundred Days Before Graduation”. If a team is distinguished by gender and its members are exclusively ladies, then why not be called "Stiletto Heels", "Bachelorette Party", "Amazon", etc.

competition team name

You can even think a little and become a team of "Marine girl", "Antibarbi", "Pink and fluffy." Teachers often play a game like school KVN with children. How can you name their team? Here such names as “Elbow in chalk”, “Call for the teacher”, etc. are suitable. The main thing for teachers is not to be shy to laugh at your own characteristics.

School competition

Very often, intellectual evenings are organized in schools regarding a particular subject. So, teams can compete in knowledge in chemistry, mathematics, biology, and so on. It is also important to choose the right team name for the competition. However, again, do not forget that it can be humorous, why not. So, for example, if this is a mathematical competition, you can call it “Plus for minus”, “X, Game and all the missing elements”, “Outside the brackets”, etc. As for chemistry, such names as “Sediment”, “Litmus papers”, “Alchemists” are suitable. Ecologists can be called “Past the ballot box” or “Beavers”, and economists - “Gold reserve”, “Salvage and evil”, “Golden children”, etc. In fact, there are still very, very many options. You just need to be creative and come up with something fun, but at the same time, smart and apt.

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