The choice of which mattress is best for a newborn should be taken seriously

The birth of a child is an undeniably joyful event, but it carries a lot of trouble. In addition, it is necessary to solve many issues related to the care of the baby: where to sleep, which mattress is better for a newborn, whether a pillow is needed, etc.

Newborns sleep most of the day, and therefore, not only their sound sleep, but also their future health depends on the correct choice of crib and mattress. The fact that the baby is not comfortable, he can tell only by crying, and the mother does not always understand what the problem is. In order to correctly solve the question of which mattress is best for a newborn, you need to have at least a minimum of information.

Stores offer a fairly large assortment of such goods, and often you can see the inscription - "orthopedic", and in most cases it appears without any reason. This characteristic means that it heals or corrects existing deformations of the body. But these mattresses are bought solely on the recommendation of the attending physician. However, a really high-quality product helps prevent many diseases of the spine, so many of them are called orthopedic.

In newborns, the skeleton and the spine are only forming and during sleep, its position should be correct, regardless of the posture and the length of stay in it.

Understanding which matrices are better with the diversity of their types is not easy, but possible. The most familiar for us are mattresses, which have a dependent block of springs. On them, when pressed in one place, a fairly large area shifts, which creates conditions that are far from ideal. Of course, the baby’s weight is small, but it increases rapidly, which can then affect its health.

Significantly better qualities are mattresses that have blocks of independent springs. A child, especially a recently born one, does not need such a product because it is light in weight. Therefore, if sellers will persuade to make such a mattress on order because they are produced only for the adult population, it is not necessary to agree. Moreover, the cost of such an exclusive place to sleep will be quite high.

Springless mattresses consist of a layer of filler and cover. They do not have metal parts, which means that a fragile child’s body is not electrostatically affected. Fillers for these products are different, but for the smallest, coconut coir is best suited. It consists of coconut fibers soaked in latex. Today, such mattresses are the toughest.

Which mattress is best for a newborn, of course, is up to parents, but the safety and convenience of the baby should be the main criterion. Definitely, you should not buy a cotton mattress. It is very soft and quickly cakes, becoming uneven. The difference in price between such a mattress and an inexpensive copy with coconut filling is not very large, and such savings are completely not justified.

Many parents, when asked which mattress is best for a newborn, will give an answer - natural. And they will not be especially right, just such an opinion is rooted in our country. Modern components of synthetic origin, which are used when filling mattresses for children, are hypoallergenic and are not able to cause negative reactions. This also applies to the case. If exclusively natural fabrics such as chintz or calico are used for it, then they quickly become worthless. For a very long time covers made of jacquard, in which, in addition to cotton, there are up to 30% synthetic fiber, which gives strength.

Deciding which children's mattress is better is even before the baby is born. After all, he will need a berth right after discharge from the hospital and there will be no time for thought.

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