Almost every woman wants to discover her pregnancy as early as possible. Usually, special tests are a loyal assistant in this. However, they are practically powerless until menstruation is delayed, since the necessary hormones do not accumulate in sufficient quantities. Is it possible to determine pregnancy before menstruation? Of course, yes, but these are only indirect symptoms that need to be confirmed using a test and ultrasound examination.
How to determine pregnancy before delay? A simple observation of a woman can help in this. In the very early stages, the pregnant woman often feels overwhelmed, fatigue occurs much earlier than usual. Sleep is getting worse, a woman can not fully relax. Moreover, dreams become richer and more colorful. A pregnant woman can constantly feel drowsy, sometimes a headache is observed. In a woman, her mood often changes, irritability and distraction appear, a constant throwing in the cold, then in the heat is noticed.
How to determine pregnancy before delay by signs that are easier to detect? Typically, a woman lowers blood pressure, and basal temperature is kept at 37 degrees or higher. Bloody discharge often appears, which may be pink or yellowish. They pass quickly enough.
If you are interested in how to determine pregnancy before a delay in the symptoms of a change on a physical level, pay attention to the fact that in the early stages of breast sensitivity increases sharply. When you touch her, a woman experiences pain. The chest swells slightly , the nipples can become darkish. It also begins to slightly break the lower back, even pain can be observed. Swelling appears on the arms and legs. There may be a severity, a peculiar state of fullness in the lower abdomen. In general, all these signs are very similar to PMS, but their difference lies in the fact that they do not pass for a long time.
A pregnant woman may develop toxicosis, but milder symptoms are often observed. Food addictions change. A new favorite dish may appear, and some products may have a strong aversion. Appetite often either increases or decreases. Hypersensitivity to aromas appears. Even walking along the street, a woman begins to distinguish all shades of smell. The strength of the manifestation of these symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. You may even get hostile to your body odor. Increased salivation is also observed . One of the most common symptoms is frequent urination. Another classic symptom is morning sickness.
If you want to know exactly how to determine pregnancy before a delay, remember that in the early stages, sexual desire also changes. It can greatly increase, or, conversely, completely disappear. Often this symptom is manifested due to a strong increase in the sensitivity of the whole body.
How can pregnancy be determined before delay? Obviously, this is simple enough if a woman watches for changes in her body. A sign may be any appearance of unusual sensations and conditions. Often, a woman does not have a full complex of symptoms. Therefore, even if you find yourself with 1-2 signs that do not go away for a sufficiently long time, in comparison with PMS, urgently get a pregnancy test. All these symptoms are not accurate, but they are good guidelines for a woman to be able to guess about her early term and undergo an already professional diagnostic system.