How to feed hamsters to ensure their healthy existence

There are many authoritative opinions on how to feed hamsters, so each owner, based on them, must decide for himself what kind of food he will provide his animals. Currently, there is absolutely no problem with the purchase of special feeds, but even without them it is quite possible to provide animals with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. From the very beginning, you should understand what hamsters eat and in what quantities. The health of rodents depends entirely on the quality of the feed and its volume.

The simplest and most affordable solution to the question "how to feed hamsters?" there will be a purchase of special dry food intended for these rodents. It consists of various mixtures, including cereals and seeds of different plants. The recipe for them is carefully developed by appropriate specialists and is as close as possible to the diet of these animals in nature. One of the varieties of such feeds are special food balls and briquettes. Ready-made feeds are specially enriched with microelements and vitamins. The shelf life of these feeds is usually 3-6 months. They should be stored in a sealed container. Various pet treats for rodents can offer you at pet stores, but they should not be abused. They should be given 2-3 times a week.

How to feed hamsters when there is no ready-made dry food? To solve this problem is not difficult. Usually these animals are unpretentious in food. For normal life, they need various cereals (wheat, oats, corn, millet), legumes (dried peas), plant seeds (sunflower). Vegetables (carrots, squash, pumpkin, cucumbers, beets) and fruits (peaches, apples, apricots, pears) should be given as succulent feed. Juicy feed should be given in small quantities. From greens, feeding in a limited amount of lettuce, dill, parsley is allowed. As protein food, you can give a little boiled chicken, cottage cheese and boiled eggs.

The answer to the question "how to feed a hamster?", Is unequivocal - they can not be overfed. These animals constantly create their own food reserves, which are stored in their "pantries". Therefore, for these rodents, it is recommended to periodically arrange fasting days on which they will use feed from their stocks. It is necessary to carefully monitor the calorie intake, as hamsters eat almost constantly, which can lead to various diseases of the animal, in particular - to obesity. In order for a pet to have less risk of getting sick, they need to regularly release animals from their cages so that they can move more. Obesity is one of the reasons why hamsters live longer.

How to feed hamsters for the prevention of various diseases? It is very useful to add fish oil in the amount of 0.1-0.2 g per day. Pet shops sell drugs that are enriched with vitamins such as E, A, D. They are oil-based and should be added to succulent feeds or water. Their use contributes to the normal functioning of the body of rodents.

All types of feed should be given in a certain amount. So, for a day an adult hamster (depending on its type) should be fed 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry feed. On finished feeds, the required dosage is usually written. It is best to feed the rodents at the same time. You can feed the animals 1-2 times a day. The main feed intake usually takes place in the evening.

How to feed hamsters? These animals should not be given chocolate, sweets, salted crackers, nuts and chips. Feeding with various salted vegetables, spicy foods, cabbage, onions, garlic, potatoes, kiwi and citrus is unacceptable. All of the above products can lead to serious disruptions in the entire digestive system of the hamster.

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