How to get pregnant after 40 years: gynecological advice

Can I get pregnant after 40 years? This question is asked by women who initially decided to devote themselves to a career, and then to motherhood. The same question torments ladies who either want more children when the elders have already grown up, or doubt whether it is necessary to take contraceptives, having a sex life. There is a chance of becoming pregnant after 40 years, if menopause has not yet come, and the menstrual cycle without irregularities. There is a huge chance to become a mother at this age, if there are no bad habits, and a woman adheres to a healthy lifestyle in general. In this article, we suggest learning how to get pregnant after 40 years. But in addition to this, at the end of the article it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the possible risks for both the woman in labor and the child in late pregnancy.

Gynecologist consultation

You can become pregnant after 40 years, but you should not act without consulting a doctor. You need to inform your gynecologist about the desire to become a mother at this age. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, which will show if the body is ready to bear the child. If the test results are poor, the gynecologist will tell the woman about this and warn about the risks that may arise in relation to the health of the woman herself and the planned child. The specialist will advise you to avoid pregnancy, because your own health is more important, and the baby may be born with abnormalities.

pregnancy planning

You can always take custody of an orphan and fully raise a child, while remaining a healthy woman. If this prospect is not satisfactory, and the woman still wants to give birth to a baby on her own, using at least one chance to become pregnant after 40 years, then the specialist will offer to undergo a full examination.

What can prevent pregnancy?

If a woman under 40 did not have a single pregnancy, and at this age she decided to use all the options to become a mother, then a full diagnostic study will be required. Perhaps there are violations in any body. what can interfere with reproduction. It is likely that a woman or her partner is infertile. There are situations when partners are in good health, but they simply are not suitable for each other in terms of conceiving a child. If the problem is the latter, then the gynecologist will advise you to use IVF, which we will talk about later.

All women who already have children and who have no malfunction in the menstrual cycle have a chance to become pregnant after 40 years. Most forty-year-olds cannot become pregnant for one reason - the ovulation period is incorrectly calculated, the most favorable day for conception. With age, women have fewer days in a year that are favorable for the conception of a child, and the farther from forty years, the less likely to become a mother, because there can only be 1-2 days in a year.

late pregnancy

The hormonal background is changing, the number of eggs that can be fertilized is getting smaller, and some of them have an abnormal structure, which will cause deviations in the health of the child. Changes in the uterus prevent her from accepting and carrying out the embryo. There is a huge risk of preterm birth, even in the early stages of pregnancy. All these factors affect the ability to become pregnant after 40 years and have a baby. The risks associated with late pregnancy will be discussed in the following.

How to get pregnant after 40 years?

In order to maximize the chances of conceiving and bearing a child, it is necessary to go through several stages during the planning of pregnancy:

  1. Together with a partner, be examined and undergo treatment if any diseases are detected.
  2. If you are planning a pregnancy, you will need to adjust your weight. Neither extra pounds nor their lack contribute to conception and successful bearing. If there is excess weight, then it is necessary to lose it; if there is a deficiency, fill it. Choose for the diet only high-quality and wholesome foods, adhere to proper nutrition.
  3. Lifestyle must be made more mobile if work does not require stress. Walk more, breathe fresh air, do gymnastics, do morning exercises, focusing on strengthening the back and abdominal muscles. But do not strain, try to get enough sleep, do not lift weights, relax if you are tired.
  4. Give up bad habits completely, including morning coffee.
  5. From the menu, exclude all processed foods, fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as products with dyes and preservatives.
  6. Consult your doctor about taking additional vitamins and a mineral complex, including dietary supplements that help you conceive and bear your baby.

If a woman in 40 years became pregnant after an abortion, which was at least a month, at least five years ago, you will need to especially take care of yourself. In the first trimester, minimal activity is recommended, more rest, preferably bed rest. The embryo should grow stronger, as well as the walls of the uterus.

Folk methods for successful conception

If a woman already has children, the pregnancy proceeded well, all the tests are ideal at the moment and there are no diseases, but it is not possible to conceive a child after 40 years, then the fault is low fertility. It reaches its peak at the age of 20-25 years, and after 30 years it is rapidly declining. Is it possible to get pregnant after 40 years? Of course, there are chances, but you need to try to increase fertility, and folk methods will help in this.

herbal decoctions

  1. Use more vitamin E. You can buy capsules, or you can simply add pumpkin pulp, sea buckthorn berries to the diet. This vitamin is found in sea buckthorn leaves and rose petals, make decoctions and drink instead of tea.
  2. With infertility, our grandmothers fought with decoctions of herbs, for this purpose they are used: sage, knotweed, red brush, pine forest uterus.
  3. Where traditional medicine is powerless, wheat juice will help. It increases the reproductive ability of the body at times if you drink half a glass every morning.
  4. Ovarian inflammation, even in the past, can make it impossible to get pregnant. A decoction will help from the collection of coltsfoot, sweet clover, pharmacy chamomile and marigolds.

Is it easy to get pregnant after 40 years if the cycle still goes smoothly and the body is completely healthy? In this case, the chances of conception are very high, and if the plans do not have a baby, then you need to use contraceptives, and not rely on low fertility.

Popular signs for a successful conception

No matter how ridiculous it may sound to some, women who want to get pregnant, and who do not succeed, are ready to do anything. Here are such folk tips, using which you can conceive a baby at any age:

  • in the bedroom you need to put a willow branch brought from the church;
  • touch the stomach of a pregnant woman, asking permission before doing so;
  • drink with a pregnant woman from one glass (after a pregnant woman);
  • wait for the woman in position to get up from her seat and sit on him.

Many believe that using such methods, it turns out even after 40 years to get pregnant quickly. You can find a lot of stories where women tell that they got pregnant almost immediately after, for example, they drank water from the same mug with their future mother, and before that there were many years of unsuccessful attempts. Do such techniques work or is it just a coincidence? One can only guess!

late children

Folk methods and advice only help if there are no serious diseases and disorders that interfere with fertilization both on the part of the woman and on the part of the man. Many couples have already tried everything on the path to family happiness, but they only have one chance to get the long-awaited baby - IVF.

What are the indications for in vitro fertilization?

How to get pregnant after 40 years if no method helps? They may prescribe IVF, or they may not, because there are indications for it.

  1. The tubal-peritoneal factor is a violation of the work of the uterine tubes. There are two ways to conceive: restore patency when contacting a surgeon or perform IVF. It is obstruction of the pipes that is the most common indication for IVF.
  2. Endometriosis There are also two ways: treatment of the disease surgically, and then with medicines, or IVF - to conceive a baby.
  3. Anovulation is a violation of ovulation. The simplest methods for its recovery are: stimulation and intrauterine insemination. But if such methods did not help to conceive a child, then IVF is prescribed.
  4. Male factor. There is such a thing as “lazy sperm,” when the quantity and quality of seminal fluid cannot allow the egg to fertilize naturally.
  5. Inexplicable infertility is an unclear genesis. It happens that a married couple can not conceive children, but analyzes say that everything is fine. With such inexplicable infertility, the couple are offered to try IVF.
  6. Age factor. Can a woman become pregnant after 40 years naturally? It happens that it can, but it happens that it doesn’t - the reasons that prevent conception after 40 years are spelled out above. If you can’t get pregnant, doctors will recommend IVF.

Is IVF successful after 40 years?

There are a lot of discussions about the possibilities of becoming pregnant between women of mature age. In some matters the disputants may be absolutely right, and in others completely wrong. Each individual case of the possibility of becoming pregnant and having a baby needs to be considered separately. Here it is necessary to be based on a medical point of view, but not age. If the body is healthy, there are no severe violations in its work and the woman is ready to bear and raise a baby, then all the possibilities for conception must be considered.

artificial insemination

In most cases, even the first IVF in women older than 40 years is successful. Perhaps the fact is that mature and experienced ladies take the issue of motherhood much more seriously than young and carefree girls. They fulfill all the prescriptions of doctors, not departing from the plan even a millimeter, so the chances of conception and successful bearing after artificial insemination are very high.

An obstacle to IVF after 40 years may be the lack of healthy and full eggs. But even in this case there is no need to worry, you will be offered donor material. With the help of foreign eggs, every woman can bear and give birth, albeit not genetically, but still her baby!

Contraindications for IVF

As with any procedure, artificial insemination has its own indications and contraindications. We have already considered the first point, now we find out what can cause doctors to refuse to give a referral to IVF.

  • mental and physical diseases that do not allow you to normally endure and raise a baby;
  • neoplasms on the ovaries, malignant tumors in any organ;
  • the inability to bear due to congenital pathology or acquired deformation of the uterus;
  • any localization of acute inflammatory diseases;
  • benign uterine tumors that need to be removed promptly;
  • if at all in a woman’s life there were malignant neoplasms.
pregnant women

There is one temporary contraindication in the list - a benign tumor. After its removal and rehabilitation, artificial insemination can be performed. With other pathologies, IVF is not performed due to the possibility of a worsening of the woman's condition.

Risks of late pregnancy for women

We examined a question that worries many about whether a woman can become pregnant after 40 years. There are many ways to fertilize, you just need to take care of your health and follow the recommendations of doctors. But before you think about how to get pregnant after 40 years, you need to evaluate all the possible health risks of both a woman and her planned child.

According to statistics, only 7 out of 1000 pregnancies of women over 40 pass without complications. This is due to the health of women in labor, including many diabetics, with cardiovascular and other diseases. But, according to statistics, more and more women are postponing the birth of a baby to a later date. So, today the average age of a young mother is 30 years old, while as early as 10 years ago twenty-year-olds prevailed.

What can complicate a late pregnancy for a woman?

  1. Miscarriage at any time. After 30 years, women lose their babies in 17% of cases, but older than 40 - in 33% of cases.
  2. Chronic placental insufficiency, premature detachment and presentation.
  3. During pregnancy, the course of chronic diseases worsens.
  4. High risk of gestosis and diabetes.
  5. Complications during childbirth. Often women after 40 years old cannot give birth on their own, and a cesarean section is required.
  6. Arterial hypertension.
  7. Bleeding.
late birth risks

What is the danger of late pregnancy for the baby?

The later the couple plans the birth of the baby, the higher the risk of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities. But this is the most rare complication, more often happen:

  • early birth - a premature baby will require more care and attention;
  • the risk of death of the child during early birth;
  • low weight of the child;
  • fetal hypoxia during pregnancy due to placental insufficiency, its detachment and presentation;
  • baby hypoxia at birth.

Despite the fact that some women fail to get pregnant after 40 years, or they are afraid of complications, many are trying to conceive a child. You can not give up the dream of squeezing your baby to the chest because of fears of risk or refusing treatment or IVF.

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