Thrush is a disease that many women experience during pregnancy. Due to changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in immunity during the period of gestation, Candida fungi, which are present in almost all healthy women, can be activated. As a result of this, pregnant women begin to complain of intolerable itching in the genital area, as well as swelling and discharge, which look like cottage cheese.
There is an opinion that pregnant women should avoid taking any medications, since their components can harm the baby. This is fundamentally the wrong point of view, because the presence of a focus of chronic infection in the body can cause much more harm to the developing fetus than the treatment chosen by the doctor.
For example, pimafucin - suppositories for vaginal administration are a local drug and do not have any effect on the baby. But the lack of treatment for thrush, on the contrary, is fraught with serious consequences for both the expectant mother and the fetus.
If thrush is not treated, then fungi can affect the umbilical cord, as well as the oral cavity and the skin of the fetus. Infection of the baby can occur during childbirth, if the mother has not received adequate treatment.
Pregnant women are most often prescribed local treatment for thrush, but sometimes you have to resort to taking systemic drugs. As a topical treatment, pimafucin suppositories are the most commonly prescribed drug. The fact is that this medicine is non-toxic, therefore it is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. At the same time, this drug is quite effective in combating fungal infection and helps to quickly get relief.
Even if a pregnant woman knows for sure that it is a fungal infection that causes her concern, she should not self-medicate. The fact is that many antifungal drugs, including those that advertise on television, cannot be used while carrying a child. This remark, to a certain extent, applies to such a drug as pimafucin - vaginal suppositories. Although this medicine is non-toxic, before prescribing it, doctors should check the sensitivity of the fungi to the active components of the drug in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the effect. Without such an analysis, it is impossible to choose a medicine that really will help.
Most often, pregnant women are recommended pimafucin, the use of which is allowed even for newborns. The drug is available in the form of suppositories and is used at bedtime for 3-6 days, depending on the severity of the lesion.
Naturally, the question may arise, how much do pimafucin suppositories cost? Of course, prices are different everywhere, but on average a package of three candles costs from 270 rubles.
Since thrush often develops against a background of weakened immunity, along with antifungal drugs, which include vaginal suppositories pimafucin, general strengthening and immunomodulating drugs are prescribed, including vitamin complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. It is also not recommended to choose such drugs on their own, as the selection should be made taking into account individual characteristics, which can only be done by a doctor who monitors the woman’s health. After all, you need to take into account the features of the course of pregnancy, and the presence of chronic diseases, and a tendency to allergies.
Since thrush can be transmitted during sexual intercourse, most often treatment will be prescribed to the husband (partner) of the pregnant woman. Men are usually prescribed the same medications, but in the form of a cream.
Thrush is a fairly serious disease, especially for pregnant women. Therefore, his treatment should be taken seriously. In no case should you choose the drugs yourself, since in this case, there is a risk of simply "muffling" the symptoms without getting rid of the focus of infection in the body.