There are many books and magazines that talk about what a child should be able to do at 9 months. Parents really should use this information to know if their child is developing correctly. Definitely: the kid really likes to play with objects, drag everything in his mouth, put toys in any place. What else should he be able to do at this age?
Let's see what a child should be able to do at 9 months:
- Pronounce sounds; find the eyes, mouth, nose of your mother or doll, show them on your face.
- Crumple plasticine, paper, and can tear it.
- Examining a book with colorful pictures.
- To walk, holding on to a sofa or being in a crib; sit on your own and sit in one place for a long time.
- Get up without mom's help.
- Jump with parental arms.
The kid at this age pronounces syllables, alternating sonorous and deaf sounds, he sounds, he screams, screams, laughs. He tries to speak and “explains” everything with his naughty language. The development of children's speech in this period occurs gradually, but intensively.
Emotions and feelings of a child develop every day. The baby is joyful, surprised, interested, but sometimes he feels a sense of resentment, is wary - it all depends on the state of the mother.
When a mother cuts her baby’s nails or brushes her ears, he can break out, act up, twirl. You can’t scold the baby at this time, you just need to understand if it hurts, feel sorry for the child, and only then finish your procedures. If he is also capricious, explain that you know that he is uncomfortable, but you need to be patient a little.
Monitor the behavior of your child, especially visiting the children's clinic. You can massage, if the baby is healthy, do it at home, as he can be naughty with a nurse. Often, negativity makes it difficult to benefit from the procedures.
A crying child needs attention to himself, so give up all your activities and pay attention to him, caress, calm down.
Remember: the baby carefully watches you and sees where and what you are putting, trying to get items of interest to him. When he notices what interests him, he will ask his grandmother or dad in his arms and try to get this item.
The little man wrinkles with interest and tears the paper. Give him the old paper sheets, while explaining that newspapers cannot be torn. Buy children's books for kids from thick cardboard. He will tear thin pages with his naughty fingers.
For the development of fine motor skills, you need to give the baby to play with small objects, while watching that he does not take them into his mouth.
The child will be interested in how the water flows from one dish to another. This develops hand movements and prepares for independent eating.
Let's talk not only about what a child should be able to do at 9 months, but also about what he already wants to do on his own. Of course, he still does not know how to dress, although he may try. When dressing the baby, teach him to help you by substituting a handle or leg. The sooner he learns to do everything himself, the better for you.
A child up to a year can already wash and wash his hands. At the dinner table, the baby should be planted together with other family members - this is a good example of communicating with people.
So, to summarize: you learned what a child should be able to do at 9 months, take this information seriously. Mom should play a lot with the child up to a year and after, so that it is fun and interesting. Games develop the baby. They can go into classes with plasticine or drawing.