"Arbidol" during pregnancy: indications and instructions for use

A pregnant woman should protect herself from infections and viruses. If the disease nevertheless has occurred, then it is necessary to take timely care of its correct treatment, which will correspond to the "interesting" position. Most often, gynecologists and therapists recommend Arbidol during pregnancy. The features of its use in each trimester will be discussed.

6 cases when Arbidol is needed

a woman has a runny nose

"Arbidol" during pregnancy is not a harmless drug. Therefore, it is prescribed only when an urgent need arose. In total, 6 main indications for its use can be distinguished:

  • penetration into the body of viruses of groups A and B, settling on the mucous membranes of the nose and in the respiratory tract;
  • complication resulting from exposure to viruses: bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis;
  • ARVI.
  • post-influenza complications;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

The instructions to "Arbidol" stipulate that the drug is intended for the prevention of viral pathologies. Doctors recommend taking it only if there is an urgent need.

Features of use in the first trimester

The first trimester of expectation of the baby is the most important. During this period, the embryo is laid organs, tissues, individual groups of cells. Any intervention (hormonal failure, stressful situations, etc.) can negatively affect this serious process. Therefore, it is better to refuse to take medication.

Reception of "Arbidol" during pregnancy in the first trimester is possible only if the woman has a disease that could negatively affect the full development of the fetus. It is important that you prescribe the drug and choose the optimal dosage by a specialist. Do not self-medicate.

Features of use in the II trimester

The period from 12 to 28 weeks from the date of conception can be called golden. By this time, all the baby's organs are formed, now they have only to grow. A woman begins to feel good, as a rule, the symptoms of toxicosis are not so pronounced, or even absent, the stomach is small and does not interfere with full life. But this is not a reason to relax! You still need to protect yourself from viral diseases.

belly and pink dress

If this was not possible, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The instructions for use of "Arbidol" during pregnancy do not indicate how the drug may affect the development of the baby. This means that no relevant studies have been conducted. This medication can be used as therapeutic therapy in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but only in a small dosage (up to 200 mg per day) and for viral diseases accompanied by complications.

Features of use in the III trimester

In rare cases, the gynecologist prescribes "Arbidol" during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. High fever and poor health can cause premature birth. It is worth noting that by the 28th week all the organs of the child are already formed, now the baby is preparing for the birth. The disease at this moment poses a greater threat to him than taking an antiviral drug.

Very often, women give preference during pregnancy to the children's "Arbidol", believing that it has a more gentle composition. However, the preparation for adults, that for children the same active substance, the dosage is simply different.


There are three forms of release of the drug - capsules, tablets for oral administration and powder for the preparation of a suspension. Take the drug according to the instructions required strictly before eating.

arbidol antiviral

The instructions for "Arbidol" do not indicate the dosage for pregnant women. Therefore, it is worth following the recommendations for an adult:

  • The daily dosage of the drug is 200 mg. One capsule contains 100 or 50 mg of active substance. Accordingly, 2 or 4 pcs should be drunk per day. with an interval of 6 hours. The general course of treatment is 8-10 days.
  • Tablets are produced in a dosage of 100 mg. For 8-12 days, it is required to take them 2 times a day. In some cases, the course of treatment is extended to two weeks.

For pregnant women, the rules of therapy are subject to change. The specialist will evaluate the patient's condition and give the necessary recommendations for taking the medication.

Possible dangers

Before using Arbidol during pregnancy, you should carefully study the composition of the drug. Contraindication is the individual intolerance of auxiliary components (starch, povidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, gelatin, acetic acid, umifenovir).

arbidol: tablets, capsules, medicine

A possible side effect is the appearance of an allergic reaction that manifests itself as redness, itching, swelling, dizziness and nausea. As a result of the study, no effects were found in case of overdose and when exposed to other drugs.

General recommendations

pregnant and arbidol

"Arbidol" during pregnancy, like many other drugs, violates the natural biochemical process in the body. It is necessary to comply with generally accepted preventive measures so that for 9 months there is no need to conduct treatment with an antiviral agent.

  1. Do not contact with carriers of infections. During the period of the influenza epidemic and SARS, the expectant mother should not visit crowded places and use public transport.
  2. If it is not possible to cancel the mass event, then after its completion it is required to treat the hands with soap with antibacterial effect, take a shower and change clothes.
  3. The living area must be often aired. If you feel good, you need to carry out daily wet cleaning.
  4. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's immunity noticeably weakens. Support it will allow the intake of vitamins and proper nutrition.
  5. In the spring and autumn, after a walk, you need to treat the sinuses with saline.

It is worth the most responsible attitude to your health during pregnancy. Any negative factor can adversely affect the successful development of the baby.

What women think about it

against flu and colds

Many women are prescribed Arbilol during pregnancy as an antiviral agent. In women's forums, you can see a lot of reviews about this drug. They mainly have the following contents:

  • Women claim that this is, indeed, an effective drug that can cure a viral disease in a short time. In this case, there was no negative impact on the body of the mother and her baby.
  • Many patients believe that after treatment with an antiviral agent their immunity decreased: they became more likely to get ARVI.
  • In rare cases, adverse side effects have been observed: minor pathologies of the fetal development according to the results of ultrasound.
  • If you believe the reviews about "Arbidol", then we can conclude that in most cases, taking the drug does not affect the full development of the baby. Nevertheless, many opponents of Arbidol recommend choosing a more gentle method of treating a viral disease during pregnancy.


The period of pregnancy is the very moment when you need to put aside all the chores and pay attention to only one important aspect - your own health. Not every modern woman can afford to spend 9 months in a calm environment, safe for her and her baby. An immunocompromised organism is susceptible to viral diseases. If you feel worse, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the right treatment and choose the optimal dosage for the pregnant patient.

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