Content, Compatibility, and Breeding with Eliot Cichlase

Among the huge variety of aquarium inhabitants in the cichlase of Eliot, perhaps the largest number of Latin names are Thorichthys ellioti, Cichlasoma ellioti, Thorichthys maculipinnis. These amazing, original fish have long and long won recognition among lovers of the cichlid family to which they belong.


The body length of the fish reaches 15 cm. It is quite high and slightly compressed. On the elongated head, thick lips stand out well. Extremely beautiful color cichlase Eliot. The main color is olive-gray or greenish with blue and turquoise tints. Sometimes dark wide transverse stripes are present on the body of the fish. From the eyes to the caudal fin, a longitudinal strip passes along the lateral line, on which a bright black spot is clearly visible in the back of the body.

Eliot's cichlosis

Transparent fins have a beautiful bluish-silver tint. Dorsal and anal are distinguished by a reddish edging and elongated rays. The lower part of the body almost all has a pink-red hue. The gill covers of the same color are covered with tiny blue spangles and marked with a black spot on the side. In females, the coloration is more dull compared to males, and the sizes are slightly smaller. Fish have a lot in common with Meeki's cichlasoma. But this is only at first glance. By many signs, Eliot cichlazoma is easily identified. There are differences in her appearance and behavior.

Natural habitat

The natural habitat of these fish are clean reservoirs located in the territory of Guatemala and Mexico. Although Eliot’s cichlazoma is a schooling fish, during spawning, each individual finds a pair, occupies a certain territory and guards it vigilantly. The basis of the diet is mainly algae and small crustaceans.

Aquarium Conditions

A large aquarium is required for keeping cichlases, the volume of which is at least 100 liters for one adult pair of fish. It must be equipped with a compressor, a temperature regulator and a biological filter. Eliot's Cyclase is distinguished by an increased sensitivity to the purity of water. About a third of the total volume needs to be replaced weekly. Water temperature is maintained at a level of 25-30 ⁰, hardness - from 4 to 15 degrees, acidity pH 7.0–8.0. The content of nitrites and ammonia in water must be controlled - for fish, even a small amount of these substances can be fatal.

eliot cichlazoma differences

As the soil, you can use small pebbles, light-colored gravel, sand. It is advisable to place all kinds of grottoes, stones, pots on the bottom of the aquarium, which will serve the fish as a shelter. Plants are recommended to choose unpretentious, characterized by a developed root system and strong leaves. It is advisable to place small pebbles around them. Tsikhlazomas like to dig up soil, transfer sand from place to place, so not every plant can withstand it. Avoid a large number of decorative elements in the interior design for such an inhabitant as Eliot's cichlazoma. The world of the aquarium should be as close as possible to natural conditions, where the main thing for fish is clean water and plenty of free space.


Although this species of fish belongs to predators, their nature is quite peaceful and non-aggressive. Usually acquired from 8 to 10 fry, which, growing up, form pairs. In no case should they be broken. Each couple chooses their own site in the aquarium and protects it. The role of the boundaries of the territory is usually performed by large stones, grottoes, plants.

Eliot cichlazoma content compatibility

Very important for the normal life of such fish as Eliot's cichlazoma, content. Compatibility with other aquarium inhabitants is especially important in this case and must be taken into account when selecting neighbors. It is most optimal with species such as Meeka, Akara, Severum, which are similar to cichlazoma in size and temperament. This fish gets along well with all representatives of catfish. It is not recommended to hook only larger fish to it, as well as those with veil fins.


Eliot's cichlazoma is omnivorous and undemanding to food. Any food suitable for it: insects, small crustaceans, pieces of meat, squid, daphnia, tubule. Vegetable food is also added to the diet - zucchini, cucumbers, spirulina. Fish also enjoy algae, which are formed on the surfaces of stones and the walls of the aquarium. It can be fed with Eliot's cichlase and dry food. But it is worth considering that the color of the fish will be brighter and richer only if they receive a sufficient amount of live food. A fasting day is arranged approximately once a week. Overeating can lead to foodborne diseases.

cichlazoma eliota aquarium world


The process of breeding these wonderful fish is not difficult. First you need to buy a dozen individuals in a store and keep them together. As they grow, they form pairs on their own. Each of them, when the spawning period begins, cleans a small hole on its surface on its surface, and the female throws up to 500 eggs into it. Three days later, larvae begin to hatch, and parents transfer them to the nest. Already on the fifth day, fry grow up to 2 cm in size and begin their journey through the aquarium. Parents accompany them nearby and vigilantly protect them from communication with other fish. At first, fry are fed with Artemia nauplia or finely ground flakes, then transferred to live food, in accordance with the size of the fish.

Eliot's Cichlazoma Disease

It will not cause special health problems for Eliot's cichlazoma, the content, feeding features of which are provided in accordance with all requirements. Most aquarium fish diseases are caused only by improper care.

eliot cichlazoma content features

Diseases can be caused by diseases such as fin rot, hexamitosis, ichthyophthivirus, oodinium, and ocular eye disease. Outwardly, they appear only at a late stage, when the treatment no longer gives a positive result. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the disease. Ensuring this will help constant monitoring of the chemical balance of the reservoir, maintaining cleanliness in it and ensuring constant aeration. When purchasing new fish, they are kept in quarantine for three weeks elsewhere before being launched into the aquarium. At the same time, they are carefully monitored in order to detect an existing disease in time.

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