"Dota 2" is a computer game in the genre of an online battle arena, that is, it is a kind of role-playing project that allows you to choose one of many dozens of characters and take part in short battles for about one or two hours. A feature of this genre is that you do not pump your character in the long run. For each battle, you go with a character of level zero, and end the battle, pumping your hero to the maximum. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but there are definitely more advantages, because Dota has become one of the most famous and beloved multiplayer games in the world, and also created and popularized this genre. Therefore, if "DotA 2" flies out at you, then it definitely will not please you. For this you need to read this article,since here you will find all the necessary solutions. So what to do if Dota 2 crashes?
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