The last game at the moment from the Grand Theft Auto series is its fifth part, which saw the light in the distant 2013. The game has become not only the most expensive in the history of the industry (in terms of development and marketing costs), but also one of the most popular. Only Tetris and Minecraft have more copies sold.
Most active video game enthusiasts have already tried out GTA 5 on their computer or game console. However, there remained those past whom this game had passed in due time. They are wondering how to get GTA 5 for free, because either they don’t want to pay for it in principle, or they decided to first try out the Rockstar product, and only then decide whether to pay money for it.
How to get a game in Steam
First of all, we will analyze the popular question from users of personal computers how to get GTA 5 for free in Steam. The short answer is no way. Unless your friend gives it to you or you won in some kind of competition. On the Internet you can find many different videos in which you are promised to receive "GTA 5" for free. Know - this is a lie. In such videos, you will either be offered to download a virus program, or it will be clickbait.
How to actually play GTA 5 on PC for free
So how to get GTA 5 for free? There is an exit. The most commonplace way if you play on a PC is to download the game from torrents. This is prohibited by law and is not a good thing from a moral point of view. But the fact remains - torrents exist, and people actively use them. And yes, "GTA 5" is laid out there as well.
There are sites that work like roulette, where you can get a random game for little money. As a rule, you get cheap and unpopular games, which are then given to you in "Steam". But if you're lucky, then the cherished GTA may fall out. However, all such roulettes are created primarily in order to bring income to their owners. Therefore, only units will be lucky, and thousands of people will lose.
But what about the console?
If you are a fan of console games, then here is still more complicated. Owners of One and PS4 in general cannot play anything for free anytime soon, unless their friend lends the game disc to them.
However, as for the owners of older devices, such as the “PS3” or “XBox 360,” everything is more pleasant here. These consoles can be flashed or chipped so that they perceive pirated games. All that remains for you after this is to download the image of the game from the same torrents, “fill” it onto an empty disk and play for your pleasure.