Many of us have pets that need proper care. However, no matter how you feed and cherish them, they will still periodically hurt. One of the most common ailments is gum disease in cats. In this case, the whole difficulty lies in the timely diagnosis of the disease, since gingivitis very often proceeds in a latent form, in which there are practically no symptoms. In order for you to provide your four-legged friend with proper medical care, you must have at least the slightest idea of the main clinical manifestations and methods of therapy used for this disease. This and much more will be discussed later.
general information
Gum inflammation in cats (photos of manifestations of the disease will cause compassion even in people with a harsh character), or, as it is called in medicine, gingivitis, is one of the most common pathologies that pet owners seek help from in a veterinary clinic. It can occur both locally, affecting only one tooth, and spread throughout the oral cavity. Many people do not attach any importance to this problem, since they believe that it will go away on its own, but this can be fraught with very serious consequences. If no measures are taken, then in an animal, normal inflammation can cause the development of various diseases. In addition, the daily life of tetrapods becomes simply unbearable due to severe pain.
What are the consequences of gingivitis?
Let's dwell on this in more detail. If you find gum disease in cats, treatment should be started immediately, because otherwise the disease will continue to develop and over time will not only acquire a more complex form, but will also become a catalyst for many complications dangerous to the health and life of the animal.
The most serious among them are the following:
- Periodontal disease is a severe lesion of the posterior tissue, as a result of which the animal begins to collapse and teeth fall out. Along with severe inflammation, purulent sores in the oral cavity are very often observed in cats.
- Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis is an autoimmune disease accompanied by a global ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane of the larynx and esophagus.
- Violation of the functioning of internal organs. As a result of intoxication, not only periodontal damage occurs, but also the whole organism. In the later stages, saving the animal is almost impossible due to blood poisoning.
- Bowel obstruction;
- Violation of metabolic processes.
If you do not treat gum disease in cats, then, in addition to the above complications, the animal also develops osteoporosis, which leads to a fracture of the jaw. As a result of this, the pet cannot take food on its own and very often dies due to severe depletion of the body.
Etiology of gingivitis
Causes of gum disease in cats can be very different.
This issue today remains not fully understood, however, veterinarians identify the following factors behind this ailment:
- poor oral hygiene;
- the formation of stones on the teeth;
- malocclusion;
- soft tissue injury;
- violation of the functioning of the digestive system;
- lack of vitamins;
- contact with household chemicals and toxic substances;
- poor immunity;
- various infectious and viral diseases;
- malnutrition;
- malignant tumor.
It is also worth noting that in representatives of some breeds, gum inflammation in a cat (treatment, photos and basic methods of prevention will be discussed later in this article) can be transmitted at the genetic level. Persians, Maine Coons and Abyssinian cats suffer the most from gingivitis.
What should you pay attention to first of all? One of the very first clinical manifestations of gum disease is the appearance of halitosis. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the purulent process has already begun in the animal. The stench is due to the fact that the remnants of food that clog between the teeth begin to rot.
Then the following symptoms appear:
- increased saliva, which can remotely resemble mucus;
- redness and swelling of the posterior tissues;
- minor bleeding
- decreased physical activity and general depression;
- the animal stops eating due to severe pain during chewing;
- intoxication;
- a sharp decrease in body weight;
- irritability and aggressiveness.
If gum inflammation in cats cannot be treated in any way, then at later stages of the disease bleeding ulcers appear on the mucous membrane and ulcers form, and due to general intoxication and malfunctioning of the digestive system, the animal often has loose stools or, conversely, constipation.
Diagnosis of gingivitis
What is she like? Even on the basis of the general symptomatology that accompanies periodontal inflammation, it is almost impossible to independently determine the disease, so it is best to show the pet to a qualified veterinarian. He will conduct a general examination of the animal and prescribe all the necessary laboratory tests. Most often, cats are sent for a soft tissue biopsy and a general blood chemistry test. In some cases, an abdominal ultrasound may be required, as well as checking for all kinds of viruses.
The main methods of therapy
In most cases, veterinarians prescribe antibiotics for gum disease in cats, which are combined with the use of immunomodulators. However, treatment should be comprehensive, so it can include many methods. It is important to understand that the treatment program is selected individually for each animal, depending on the stage of the disease and the overall clinical picture of the health status of the pet. If gingivitis has not yet begun to progress, then you can defeat it using the usual hygiene procedure.
Also, the affected areas of the soft tissues of the oral cavity are treated with various gels, among which the following are most effective:
- "Metragil Dent."
- "Dentavidin."
- "Critter."
To stop the inflammatory process, animals are given Prednisone along with food. In the case when gingivitis has long been developing and ulcers have formed on soft tissues, larynx or esophagus, then Shostakovsky balm or Lugol's solution is used. In addition, cats should be given complex medications that enhance immunity and increase the protective functions of the body. In the later stages of disease progression, hormone therapy is used. If after a certain period of time no improvement is observed and gum inflammation continues to develop in cats, treatment may require radical methods, which include operating the animal.
Surgical intervention
Nowadays, in any city, including Moscow, the treatment of gum disease in a cat can be carried out in many veterinary clinics, however, if it comes to surgery, you need to carefully choose the institution. But here it is important to understand that this procedure is very complex and no matter how experienced the specialist, the animal will remain disabled after it. But despite this surgical intervention is a necessary measure, without which a fatal outcome is simply inevitable.
Each owner is interested in the question of how to remove the cat’s gum disease, because the fate of our four-legged friends is not indifferent to anyone. Unfortunately, there are no methods that give a 100 percent result. Nevertheless, there are some methods of traditional medicine, with which you can help the animals feel better with gingivitis.
If the inflammatory process is pronounced and accompanied by small or heavy bleeding, it is recommended to treat the oral cavity of cats with tincture of marigolds or echinacea. A cotton swab is wetted in the drug and the gum is thoroughly rubbed 2-3 times a day. After a few days, there should be a noticeable improvement, and the pain will not be so severe and your pet will be able to start eating on its own.
Grapefruit extract is also a very effective remedy, however, it is very difficult to find it on sale in our country. But if you still manage to get it, then you can quickly defeat gingivitis, since this composition has antiseptic properties, suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and perfectly removes inflammation. The method of application of the extract is similar to that in the case of calendula.
It is worth noting that if you find gum disease in cats, treatment at home should be carried out in agreement with the veterinarian, since only in this way can you reduce the likelihood of complications of the disease. Self-medication of any ailments without qualified medical care can be fraught with various negative consequences.
Preventive actions
In this article, we examined in detail how to treat gum disease in cats. But any disease is much easier to prevent than to defeat, so if you want your furry pet to be cheerful and healthy, then follow these preventive measures:
- vaccinate the animal in a timely manner;
- provide him with a full balanced diet;
- boost immunity;
- drive your cat to the vet regularly;
- follow the hygiene of the oral cavity;
- buy special chewing toys;
- the use of dental bones;
- regular removal of tartar.
In addition, if you find any disturbing symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.
A few words about nutrition
What should be considered when drawing up a diet for a pet? According to veterinarians, many diseases in cats develop due to improper feeding. Therefore, you must carefully work out the diet of the animal.
He must be given the following foods:
- apples
- carrot;
- celery;
- fruits rich in vitamin C;
- peppermint.
If the animal receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements, then no inflammation of the gums in cats will ever make itself felt.
What to do with an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity?
As mentioned earlier, the very first sign of gingivitis is the stench from the animal's mouth, which causes many problems to the owners. A simple remedy will help you get rid of it, which you can cook yourself at home. Dilute 1/8 of a teaspoon of cinnamon in two tablespoons of warm water and inject the solution into the animal’s mouth with a pipette. A mixture of echinacea and yellow root also kills the stench.
Dental care
The teeth of animals, like human teeth, need to be cleaned. If it is not produced, then the health of the teeth will gradually deteriorate and various diseases may subsequently develop. But you need to use not ordinary toothpaste, but a special one designed for cats, which you can buy at every pet store. Alternatively, you can use the gruel of strawberries. This berry well removes plaque from tooth enamel and prevents its further formation. A mixture of cinnamon, ascorbic acid and baking soda is also excellent for care. This tool is one of the most effective in caring for the oral cavity of animals.