How to tame a Dzungarian hamster in your hands: ways and methods, especially care

A wonderful neighbor has appeared in your house - a cute little dzhungarik hamster? Is this cute creature sitting in a cage, examining those around with bead eyes, but it is not given into his hands, and when you try to pick it up, it starts to run away, loudly expresses indignation with a squeak, or flings its teeth? And how to tame such a friend? Not so difficult, the main thing is to be patient.

Hamster - gray barrel

Let's talk a little about the Dzungarian hamsters. These rodents, despite their small size, are very interesting creatures. And nothing that a hamster weighs less than 50 grams, but did not reach up to 10 cm tall - a brave and proud heart beats in his hamster chest. It will take time to tame the dzhungarik.

Hamsters of this breed are very different from the representatives of the Syrian hamster delegation. Small, chipmunk-like, gray-brown, with dark stripes on the back, large round eyes and neat ears. But you should not draw conclusions, looking at the appearance of the pet, that it is a cute and harmless baby. Nothing of the kind, the Dzungars are still the Shrews! And teeth, sharp as needles, have not been canceled. In addition, the dzhungariki are mobile, so they need a spacious cage with a wheel inside. During the night, the baby can run up to 40 km.

In a cage you need a wheel

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Are the Dzungarian hamsters whimsical? No, not whimsical. As mentioned above, the cage for the baby should be large. Life in modern cells, reminiscent in their appearance of something small and obscene, a sort of box - flour for the dzhungarik.

In the cage you need to install a wheel in which the baby will run. Remember that hamsters are nocturnal animals, so put a house. The rodent hides in the house during the day, and stores supplies there.

What else should be in the cage? Filler for rodents, ideally corn. Sawdust and wood fillers of poor quality do not absorb moisture well, and corn filler absorbs it perfectly and retains odor. It does not cause allergies, even if the hamster decides to taste what lies at the bottom of his cage, this will not adversely affect the health of the pet.

The cage should be washed thoroughly once a week with hot water, soap or powder and wiped dry. Change the filler every three days.

Water in the drinker changes daily. Food is poured into the feeder twice a day. An evening portion may be more than a morning portion.

Actively stuffing cheeks


How to feed a baby jungle? The basis of the diet is dry food for hamsters. Addition to it may be the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables: cucumbers, radishes, carrots, beets, apples, pears, apricots, peach, dried fruits.
  • Meat component: chicken and skinless turkey, low-fat beef, horse meat.
  • Dairy products and eggs: boiled chicken egg, quail egg, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Greens: dill, parsley, dandelion leaves.
  • Special treats for rodents: sticks and balls for hamsters, chips for hamsters.

Milk and meat should be given no more than twice a week.

Goodies for the pet

Can I keep a pair of hamsters?

Of course, it is possible, but only if the owners decided to open a hamster farm. The female’s pregnancy lasts from 28 to 35 days, and she is ready for fertilization 24 hours after delivery. Do owners need such a hamster happiness?

In fact, it’s dangerous to keep a couple of dzhungars. Male and female will begin to produce their own kind exponentially. Two males are able to arrange a fight not for life, but for death in the literal sense of the word. Two females can be planted together only if they were acquired together. If you add a younger girlfriend to an adult female, then they will not succeed in friendship - the older one is quite capable of taking the neighbor’s life.

Taming: general rules

Dzungarian hamster has a cool temper. If he does not want to be touched, he will make it clear both in a completely harmless way - with a squeak, and with fierce protection with strong and sharp teeth. How to tame a Dzungarian hamster in his hands if he fiercely resists?

  1. As soon as the baby was brought home and put in a cage, you need to give him the opportunity to get used to a new place. Addiction lasts from three weeks to a month.
  2. During the period of addiction, you should not try to pull the animal out of the cage on the second day of stay there. It is unlikely that a new pet will appreciate this attempt.
  3. For a month, while the baby is being inspected in a new house, you need to approach the cage and talk with the rodent. No matter how funny it may sound, the hamster will remember the intonations of his master’s voice. Call a new friend by name, speak in a calm tone, do not make sudden movements in front of the cell.
  4. Avoid loud noises and noise in the room where the cage with the hamster is located. These cute rodents are very sensitive to sounds. The hamster can not only be frightened - the heart may stop from fear in the rodent.
Astonished hamster

Second phase

How to tame a dzhungarik hamster at home? The basic tips are given above, but this is only the beginning.

After the pet has settled in the new house and began to go out to the owner, barely hearing his nickname, you can begin to tame the hamster in his arms. What is needed for this? Delicacy and patience.

Calmly sits

Pet outraged

How to tame a Dzungarian hamster in his hands, if he squeaks? Squeak is a protective reaction of the body. The kid shows that he does not like the host's invasion of the cage, he tries to defend himself, frightening an outsider with a desperate squeak.

What to do in this case? Of course, you can not grab the baby in his arms against his will. Do as follows:

  • A treat is placed on the palm of the hand, the hand cautiously lowers to the bottom of the cage. As soon as the rodent became interested and approached, you should not immediately cover it with your second hand. It is necessary to give the pet time to get acquainted with the palm of the owner. Dzhungarik sniffs a hand, can taste it. You need to be prepared for this and try not to pull your fingers at the most inopportune moment. If you are afraid of being injured by a pet, think of a glove.
  • After the baby sniffs his hand, he will take a treat from her. This is a small victory for the owner. And let the hamster not immediately climb into the palm of his hand, he will begin to get used to it - the owner’s hand will no longer frighten the baby.

Hamster goes to battle

And how to tame the hands of the Dzungarian hamster, if he bites? This task is more difficult. Perhaps the pet is not yet fully accustomed to the new house, you need to give it more time, approach the cage, talk, but do not stretch your arms yet.

After the extra time has passed, the owner acts as follows:

  • A glove is put on the hand, a treat is placed in the center of the palm. As in the previous version, the palm sinks into the cage. In this case, you need to calmly talk with the hamster, the intonation familiar to him. Once the pet has approached the hand, you need to give him the opportunity to "get to know" her. Rodent sniffed his hand and took a treat? Great, the first step has been taken. A new member of the family flipped their teeth and fled to his house? So, you still have to hold conversations.
  • Taming a biting hamster, you need to remember that each animal has its own character. And perhaps the owner got a copy that responds quite calmly to conversations, but it’s better not to touch it with your hands.

Dzhungarik retreats

If he runs away, how to tame the Dzungarian hamster in his hands? Again, with the help of goodies. As described above, the palm of the treat dips into the cage. In the case of a hamster-coward, you should not make attempts to move your hand so as not to scare him.

If the "mouse" carefully took the treat and sat next to the palm to have a meal, you can continue to act further.

Does taming depend on the exterior

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that large jungariks are more tame than small ones. And it turns out that much depends on eye color. How to tame the hands of a Dzungarian hamster with red eyes? Same as with blacks.

In fact, there is no dependence of character on the appearance of the baby, all these are myths invented by unknown who and when.

Third stage

As we have already said, if the hamster took a treat from the palm of his hand and made no attempt to escape with him to the house, ours took it. Need to continue taming.

In the event that the rodent is resisting, for example, if it bites and breaks free, how can you tame the Dzungarian hamster in your hands? The question temporarily disappears. If all is well, then go to a new level.

  • In previous versions, the treat was laid to the center of the palm. Now it is gradually shifted to the edge, not immediately, of course. Within a week, at least. The hamster will climb into the palm of his hand and move along it for treats.
  • At one point, the question of how to tame a Dzungarian hamster in his hands will disappear by itself. The pet will simply sit in the palm of your hand and will leisurely taste the offered treats. Here begins a new stage.
A lot of hamsters

Fourth stage

Favorite finally settled in the palm of the owner. How to tame the Dzungarian hamster further on? Everything is simple. After making sure that the pet is not going to make an attempt to escape or put his teeth to use, you can safely remove it in the palm of your hand from the cage.

At this moment, there should not be any frightening factors in the room: children, animals, loud music and noise. The hamster is carefully removed from the cage, which must first be put on the floor. This is done in case the rodent gets scared and jumps off his hand. So it will not break, unlike the moment if the palm is in the air.

The first "release" should not be long, just two or three minutes. Then the hamster is returned to the cage and give him a treat for good behavior.

Crumbs in the palm


How to tame a Dzungarian hamster at home, we understand. It will require delicacy, a reserve of patience and observance of simple rules. Taming a pet, you should remember that each animal has its own character. Some hamsters are sociable, calmly sitting on the owner’s hands and can fall asleep in the palm of their hands, curled up in a ball, and some do not like to be touched.

In any case, the hamster is a sea of ​​positive and joy in the house. Even watching him is a pleasure, not to mention how cute it is when a tiny creature sleeps in the palm of your hand, completely trusting its master.

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