How important is a woman in labor to know what contractions are?

No matter how beautiful or terrible the pregnancy is, in the end it will necessarily end in the contractions that precede the baby's birth. That is why it is so important to correctly recognize them and go to the hospital on time. Especially it is necessary to know what contractions are for women who give birth for the first time. So these are the deliberate and systematic contractions of the uterus. They arise so that it opens wide enough.

what are contractions

If the uterus does not open properly, then the baby will not be able to appear on its own. As you can see, without fights such a miracle is impossible to happen.

Preparation for them begins 3-4 weeks before the birth. Initially, pulling pains occur in the lower abdomen, lower back hurts, sometimes pressure on the pubis is felt. The uterus can be constantly in tension, as it prepares for childbirth in advance. It is also important for the expectant mother not to confuse real contractions with false ones, which can occur long before delivery. They are periodic contractions of the uterus, but the woman does not feel pain. That is why women giving birth for the first time, most often ask the question: "How to understand that childbirth begins?" False contractions cause some discomfort. They occur once every half an hour and are not very long.

pregnancy period

The time between false contractions is constant. Therefore, it is important to know what real fights are. To stop the false, the future woman in labor needs more rest, you can take a shower to relieve the sensation of pain. It is good to massage the sacrum.

Before the onset of labor and labor, the mucous plug may go away , and with it some blood. No need to be scared, but it is better to abandon all movements and stay at home until the onset of prenatal contractions. If there is a large discharge of blood, it is best to go to the hospital. The discharge of amniotic fluid also indicates the onset of labor. If the waters diverted before the start of labor, then you do not need to wait any longer, it is best to contact the hospital immediately. What are contractions, you will learn later. Remember the time of departure of the waters and their color.

Fights and all about them

how to understand that labor begins

Real fights are very unpleasant. The pain with them takes on an increasing character. They occur in waves: gradually increasing, and then subsiding. The longer the contractions last, the more often and longer they become. If the interval between them was reduced to 8 minutes, then you just need to go to the hospital. With non-periodic contractions, one also does not need to hesitate.

During this period you do not need to worry, stay calm and balanced, take a comfortable position, breathe correctly. Try to listen to the advice of an obstetrician. Screams during contractions do not help, think better that the period of pregnancy is coming to an end.

You can prepare for this at the 6-7th month in special schools for pregnant women. And you need to train the uterus with the help of special exercises. After you survive the contractions and the attempts begin, this means that the time has come to give birth, and after a while the baby will be in your hands. Now you can learn from your own experience what fights are!

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