Not all people have the ability to keep a cat or dog at home. The circumstances may be different: the absence of the owner of the house until late at night, allergies to wool, living in a rented apartment - usually their owners are categorically against pets that can bite or scratch the furniture. However, I still want to have something warm and fluffy in the house. And people give birth to "cellular" animals: guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and even chinchillas. If you are a fan of cute rodents, the Robor hamster that captivates people all over the world may come to your heart.
The origin of the animal
This small animal has a very interesting history of spreading around the world. The hamster’s historical homeland is desert and semi-desert regions in eastern Asia. This mainly includes Mongolia and China, but the animal can also be found in the Asian part of Russia. The largest population is observed in the foothills of the Tien Shan. The first description of the animal was made only in the 19th century, but as a pet, the Robor hamster became popular even later. In the year 70 of the past century, a batch of rodents was brought to the Moscow Zoo. We can say that this was the first acquaintance with the "robes" of the entire civilized world. It was from here that the hamsters began their journey to other countries: the British and Americans were the first to buy them from the USSR, and other European countries followed them.
Animal description
Roborovsky hamster (or dwarf hamster) is considered the tiniest representative of his tribe. The maximum body length is five centimeters; there are no smaller hamsters. The second remarkable feature is the white eyebrows present in any individual. And the third feature is the furry soles of the paws. The fur of the animal is thick and quite long, on the back - fawn, on the abdomen - almost white. There is a tail, but so small that it is almost invisible due to the coat. The muzzle can be called a snub, the ears are large and rounded, black, but with a light frill.
In general, the animal has such a characteristic appearance that even a layman can recognize it. This is relevant when considering how much Roborovsky’s hamster costs. All over the world it is the most expensive breed. In America, they ask for him from 13 to 30 dollars; in Russia, prices are, of course, lower, but also exceed the cost of other varieties of hamsters. In the market, a Roborovsky hamster will cost 80-100 rubles, but the risk is high that you will come across a sick or old animal. And even worse - the hamster is not Roborovsky at all, so vigilance should be increased. In the nursery or at the breeder, the hamster will cost from 250 rubles, but a passport is attached to it, and the animal will be vaccinated against possible diseases.
The nature of the "robe"
When planning to get a pet, think about how much it matches your aspirations. Those who like to cuddle an animal and play with it a Robor hamster will not do too well: it is very shy. In addition to the fact that the animal will use its teeth, it can get sick from stress, and with regular fright, even die.
On the other hand, hamsters are very active, so watching them is a real pleasure. In addition, the Robor hamster is almost the only subspecies that can be kept in groups. True, only individuals of the same sex should be present in them.
Hamster Roborovsky: content and equipment for him
One of the main advantages of the described animal is its high resistance to disease. And if you bought an animal from a breeder with good genetics, then he will not find hereditary diseases.
The maintenance and care of the Roborovsky hamster is simple and will not cause trouble if you properly equip the house for him. First of all, you should not settle a pet in a cage. No matter how often the rods are, he will still manage to slip away, and given the tiny size, it will be extremely difficult to find him. Better buy a hamster aquarium. Moreover, at least a quarter of the square space is allotted to one inhabitant - the Robor hamster is very mobile, and if there is not enough space, he begins to mope, becomes more aggressive. Additional equipment includes:
- A house or at least a small box where the animal will hide and sleep.
- A running wheel with a continuous surface so that the crumbs do not break the paws.
- Tunnels, sticks and other "climbers".
- Feeding trough and drinking bowl.
The bottom is lined with quartz sand; it is better to change it more often so that a strong animal "spirit" does not appear in the apartment. It would be nice to supplement the landscape with large stones and hay - so the hamster will feel better.
Proper diet
The food of the “robot” differs little from the menu of other hamsters. The key to his health and longevity is diversity. The basis is composed of various seeds, in particular sunflower and millet. Mandatory greens; lettuce and dandelion leaves are perfect. The animals are approved by fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and bread soaked in milk. Occasionally, especially young individuals, need to be fed with flour worms. However, if you feed your pet with ready-made mixtures, you can simply supplement them with green mass: the feed contains everything that the baby needs.
A few words about breeding
Roborovsky hamster in captivity does not breed very willingly due to all the same natural timidity. However, you can still achieve what you want. For this, only one couple should be kept in the aquarium: the presence of strangers will inevitably cause fights either between males or between females. The latter are most often ready for reproduction already at the age of three weeks, although in some cases maturation is delayed up to three months - probably due to the peculiarities of the content or due to stresses.
A pregnant female walks up to 22 days. Babies fluff up by 10 days of life, their eyes cut through on the 13th day. When their age reaches 3 weeks, they must be jailed - they are already completely independent, and the female can begin to prepare for the next gestation.