What to do if the comp slows down?

The situation when a computer mercilessly slows down and crashes is unfamiliar to those who did not find the glorious times of the formation of the computer industry. Remember how computer resources were valued in the days of Windows 98? Then even 64 MB of RAM was considered a luxury. In a word, then no one thought about why the computer slows down. Often this phenomenon was an inevitable evil with which everyone was forced to put up.

comp slows down

But even now, when you will not surprise anyone with dozens of gigabytes of RAM, SSDs and new high-speed data transfer standards, this phenomenon cannot be called especially rare. Even a top-end computer slows down what to do - you don’t know! Then you forget about the achievements of modern technology, dreaming to smash everything around.

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comp slows down what to do

If everything is in order with the power of components, pay attention to the software. In particular, on your browser. It is known that modern Internet browsers are rare voracity, diverting a lot of computer resources. In the case of Chrome and Firefox, things could be even worse, since both of these browsers use extensions. Unfortunately, among them there are many that cause a memory leak, provoking its lack. When asking yourself why the computer slows down, do not lose sight of the already mentioned antivirus.

why the comp slows down

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