Deworming, both livestock and pets, is a procedure that is carried out not only as necessary, but also systematically in preventive measures. In this field, the veterinary drug "Alvet" has proven itself well, which we will discuss later.
About the drug
The active substance of the drug "Alvet" is albendazole, about which we will talk more. The tool is available in two variations:
- Powder . Light gray, granular, insoluble in water. In 1 g is 200 mg of albendazole, the rest is lactose. Standard packing of Alvet powder for rabbits, cattle, poultry, horses, dogs - 1 and 2.5 kg, 500, 250, 100, 50 g. It is placed in sealed plastic bags or plastic jars, each of which is equipped with instructions.
- Suspension The active substance is the same albendazole, 2.5% or 10%. Auxiliary elements - sodium hydroxide, chlorethone, methyl cellulose, propanediol, citric acid, distilled water. It is a liquid that has a tint from light gray to milky whitish. The packaging of Alvet suspension for animals is supplemented with instructions for use. Standard packing is in one-liter polymer bottles.
Pharmacological properties
Albendazole is an anthelmintic substance with a wide field of effects. Instructions for use "Alveta" for animals indicates the following active properties:
- Proven efficacy in mono- and polyinvasions.
- Activity against the imago of cestodes, both the imago and the larvae of trematodes and nematodes.
- Ovocidal effect.
- Countering the spread of helminth eggs.
The action of the main substance of the drug is as follows: suppression of the polymerization of beta-tubulin, impaired activity of the microtubular structure of the intestinal cavity of the helminth, blocking the movement of secretory granules and other organelles in the muscle cells of the worms, which provokes their death.
The introduction of the drug according to the instructions for use "Alveta" for animals, oral. The active component is absorbed from the digestive tract and, binding to plasma proteins, is distributed throughout the body. The main part is excreted with bile. A small amount - with urine or milk (if there is a period of lactation).
Powder, suspension "Alvet" for pigs, dogs, chickens and so on. refers to low-hazardous substances - 3rd class of hazard assessment according to Gosstandart 12.1.007-76. Subject to the recommended doses, the use of the drug does not lead to complications, sensitizing and hepatotoxic effects.
Indications for use "Alveta"
The drug is used both for therapy and prevention of the following diseases:
- Cestodose
- Nematodosis.
- Trematodosis.
Application features
Instructions for use "Alveta" for animals involves therapeutic deworming as directed by a doctor, and prophylactic - in spring and autumn. For herd animals, this is the time before being assigned to pasture and transferred to a stall.
The medicine is given to animals orally, along with food:
- Once - to dogs, pigs, sheep, horses, cattle.
- Twice - an agricultural bird.
Before the procedure, you do not need to install a special diet for the animal or give laxatives.
When calculating the dose, consider the following information:
- In one without a slide, a teaspoon contains 3.5 g of a powdered preparation.
- In one without a “slide” a tablespoon - 10 g of powder.
Let's move on to specific dosages for each animal species.
Instructions for use "Alveta" for animals (suspension and powder) involves the following dosage.
Kind of animal | Purpose of application | Dosage | Treatment regimen |
Bird | Treatment of ascariasis and heterocridosis | 10 kg - 0.5 g of powder Per 1 kg - 10 mg of albendazole | Adding to feed during morning feeding for 2 days |
Dogs | Cestodosis treatment | 10 kg - 0.75 g 1 kg -15 mg |
Once |
Nematodosis Treatment | 10 kg - 0.375 g 1 kg - 5 mg |
Pigs | Treatment of esophagostomiasis and ascariasis | Per 100 kg - 5 g 1 kg -10 mg | Group feeding - mixing the drug with animal feed. The dose of the drug, calculated for 50 goals, is mixed with 1/2 of the feed norm |
Sheeps | Treatment of chronic fascioliasis | Per 100 kg - 3.75 g Per 1 kg - 7.5 mg | Individual or group application. In the latter case, the preparation rate for 150 sheep is mixed with mixed feed (50-100 kg of feed per animal) and placed in feeders |
Treatment of gastrointestinal and pneumonematoses, monesiosis | Per 100 kg - 2.5 g 1 kg - 5 mg |
Horses | Treatment of cyatostomiasis, parascaridosis, alfortiosis, anoplecephalosis, stongulitis, delafondiosis | Per 100 kg -3.75 g Per 1 kg - 7.5 mg | Individual application |
Cattle | Treatment of chronic fastioliasis | Per 100 kg - 5 g 1 kg -10 mg | Individual application |
Treatment of gastrointestinal, pulmonary nematodosis, monesiosis | Per 100 kg - 3.75 g Per 1 kg - 7.5 mg |
Instructions for use for animals "Alveta" warns you not to distort the timing of taking the drug - this can lead to a decrease in effectiveness.
Side effects, overdose
In experimental trials, side effects from the use of the drug were not identified. This is evidenced by the instructions for use, and reviews of Alveta for animals. If an individual intolerance was found by the patient to one of the components of the drug, then within the treatment he is prescribed symptomatic medications.
The following evidence of overdose is: lethargy, anorexia, motor discoordination. With these symptoms, the use of Alveta should be stopped immediately, and patient therapy should be carried out with the help of symptomatic drugs.
Number of contraindications
Contraindications to the reception of "Alvet" also exist. We list the cases in which it is strictly contraindicated:
- Acute fascioliasis.
- Random period.
- Infectious diseases, depleted animals.
- Pregnant horses and cows in the first third of pregnancy.
- Sheep, dogs, pigs in the first half of pregnancy.
- Laying hens.
Special instructions for use
Consider the points that are important to pay attention to:
- Reception "Alveta" by young animals should be under the supervision of a veterinarian.
- If the drug is used in conjunction with azinox, praziquantel, dexamethasone, then this leads to an increase in the proportion of albendazole in the blood of the animal.
- After deworming, slaughter of poultry is allowed after 5 days, and livestock after 20 days.
- Milk is not recommended for human consumption within 4 days after taking the Alveta dairy patient.
Drug storage
We list the main storage conditions:
- Suitable temperature is 0-25 degrees.
- Storage in factory packaging, away from food.
- Storage location - dark, dry, protected from direct sunlight.
- Shelf life is 2 years. After opening the package - 60 days.
Alvet, according to farmers and pet owners, is a proven and effective anthelmintic agent that has virtually no side effects. As you saw, it can be used to prevent helminthiasis and treatment in various animals.