What good mixes for newborns do experts recommend?

Be that as it may, the best infant formula for babies is mother's milk. However, some children from birth have intolerance to breast milk for various reasons: increased fat content or, conversely, reduced allergic reaction due to improper nutrition of the mother. And sometimes a woman just needs to go to work and stop breastfeeding. In these cases, artificial nutrition (mixtures, milk) will help .

As mothers usually define, what are some good mixes for babies?

  1. Buy a mixture of the brand that is given in the hospital. More often it is Nutrilon, Nan, Nestogen, Nutrilak, but each institution has its own option. This method is not suitable for all children.
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    what good mixes for newborns

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    infant formula reviews

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best infant formula

Sometimes it happens that from the beginning of the introduction of the mixture, the baby feels good, and allergic reactions appear after a few weeks. Also, a child can "say" about individual intolerance by behavior: crying, anxiety, stomping. Thus, when buying a mixture, use the recommendations of your pediatrician and monitor the well-being of the baby. Children feel which good mixes are for newborns and which are not.

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