Biovak vaccine for dogs: instructions for use, dosage

The Biovac vaccine protects dogs from the most dangerous and common infectious diseases. It is advisable to introduce puppies at the age of 2 months. However, if the animal has not been vaccinated before, then vaccination of adult pets is allowed. This will help protect the dog from viruses and bacteria. After all, diseases caused by pathogens often cause early death of a pet.

Types of vaccines

Under the brand name "Biovak" several types of vaccines are produced. These include the following monovalent vaccines:

  1. "Biovac D". This vaccine protects dogs from plague (plague of carnivores).
  2. "Biovac P". The drug prevents parvovirus enteritis.
  3. "Biovac L". Protects against leptospirosis.

In addition, biovac polyvalent preparations are also produced. They protect the dog from several diseases at once. These vaccines include:

  1. "Biowack PA." It is used to prevent parvovirus enteritis and adenovirus infection.
  2. "Biowak PAL". Prevents parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus infection and leptospirosis
  3. "Biowak DPAL". Protects from plague, parvovirus, adenovirus and leptospirosis.
Vaccine "Biovac DPAL"

Which of these drugs is best used for vaccinating small puppies? Often owners vaccinate their pets with the Biovac D vaccine. In childhood, animals are especially susceptible to plague infection, so it is necessary to protect them from this dangerous disease.

However, it is more convenient to instill a pet with the Biovac DPAL vaccine for dogs . This drug is able to prevent five diseases at once. As a result, a pet can be given only one injection, which will protect it from several infections. But it must be remembered that multivalent vaccines are well tolerated by adult animals, and in puppies they can cause side effects.

Vaccine composition

Biovak preparations contain “killed” (inactivated) strains of pathogens of the following diseases:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • leptospirosis.

Biovac DPAL and Biovac D vaccines contain live attenuated canine distemper virus. Therefore, such drugs are harder tolerated by animals, especially puppies.

Drugs are produced in the form of a powder or liquid. If the vaccine is released in dry form, then in each package there are ampoules with a solvent. When preparing the composition for injections, it is allowed to use only liquid from ampoules. Other solvents should not be used.

Different types of vaccines "Biovak"

Before administering the drug, attention should be paid to the quality and shelf life of the Biovac vaccine. If there are any impurities or sediment in the powder or solvent, then such an agent cannot be administered. You can store powder and liquid in ampoules for 1 year. It is better to put the package with the drug in the refrigerator, since at a temperature above +10 degrees the vaccine loses its properties.

How does vaccination work?

2 weeks after the second injection, antibodies to each microorganism included in the vaccine begin to form in the puppy's body. Immunity is formed, which is valid for 1 year. In adult animals, an immune response occurs 2 weeks after a single injection.

It is important to remember that the Biovac vaccine for dogs is not intended to treat infectious diseases. If the animal already has signs of the disease, then vaccination will not help. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy at the veterinarian.


The instruction for the Biovak vaccine does not recommend the administration of the drug in the following cases:

  1. If the animal is exhausted or its body is weakened after an illness. In this case, the vaccine is postponed until the dog improves.
  2. If the pet has not undergone deworming. 10 days before the first vaccination, it is necessary to conduct anthelmintic therapy.
  3. In acute infectious disease. Vaccination can worsen a dog’s well-being.

It is also not recommended to vaccinate pregnant and lactating dogs. However, there are times when there is a risk of infection. Infection with viruses and bacteria is highly undesirable during the gestation of puppies. In such a situation, the veterinarian must assess the possible risk to future cubs and the benefits to the mother.

Vaccinations are undesirable for lactation.

Unwanted effects

After the introduction of the Biovak vaccine for dogs, a swelling appears at the injection site. Slight soreness may be noted. This does not require special treatment. Typically, such symptoms disappear on their own after 3-5 days.

Allergic reactions in animals are possible with intolerance to the components of the vaccine. Such manifestations are more often observed in puppies with the introduction of multivalent drugs.

How is the drug administered?

Vaccination can be done at the age of 2 months. The Biovac vaccine is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. An injection is made in the thigh or shoulder blade. If a puppy is vaccinated, then two injections are carried out with a break of 2 weeks. Adult animals are given a single injection.

When vaccinating puppies weighing less than 5 kg, adhere to the following dosage:

  1. First injection. 1 dose of the powder vaccine is dissolved in half the solution from the ampoule (1 ml).
  2. The second injection (after 14 days). 1 dose of powder is dissolved in 2 ml of liquid.

When vaccinating pups weighing more than 5 kg and adult dogs, 1 bottle of powder should be dissolved in 2 ml of liquid.

Dog vaccine

Do not vaccinate a pet yourself. Preventive vaccination should be carried out only in a veterinary clinic. In rare cases, the dog may experience anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical attention.

After the injection, the dog should be at rest. The animal may experience lethargy, dry nose and a slightly elevated temperature. This is a normal response to vaccination.

Often, dog owners are interested in whether it is possible to walk with a pet after vaccination? If we are talking about a small puppy, then walks should begin only 2 weeks after the second vaccination. An adult dog should be walked only on a leash and its contact with other dogs should be excluded. After vaccination, the animal’s body is very vulnerable, and the pet can easily become infected. After all, immunity to infections is formed only two weeks after the injection.

Contact with other dogs

special instructions

Immediately after the introduction of the Biovak vaccine, you need to stay in the veterinary clinic for 10-15 minutes. This is necessary for immediate relief in case of anaphylactic shock. Then at home you should observe the animal for two weeks. This is especially true for small puppies. The following symptoms should alert the owner:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting
  • temperature increase up to +40 degrees;
  • cramps
  • refusal of food;
  • excessive salivation.
Fever in a dog

In such cases, a veterinarian should be visited. These manifestations may indicate intolerance to the vaccine.

In the first hours after vaccination, the puppy may whine mournfully. Most often, this is a reaction to stress and is not an alarming sign.

Vaccination Reviews

You can find a lot of positive reviews about the Biovak vaccine from dog owners. This drug protects pets from infections. There were no cases of the disease after administration of the vaccine.

There are also negative reviews about the vaccine. In some dogs, after administration of the drug, severe vomiting was observed. This is a pretty rare occurrence. Most often, animals tolerate vaccination well. Perhaps this reaction is associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Also, some dog owners consider Biovak an obsolete vaccine. After all, today there are more modern drugs for vaccinations. However, this tool is time-tested. It is very important that you follow the correct vaccination schedule and follow the timing between vaccinations. This will provide effective protection for your pet from dangerous diseases.

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