The information world in any approximation is represented by elements and systems of elements, words and texts, or in the last formalized instance - texts and tables. You can consider other, already known, data structures, as well as images, but other information forms have a different relation to the issues of using CSS and HTML in terms of text formatting .
The correct structure of the site page involves determining the position of each element. An HTML document is always a sequence of elements, the display of which is directly affected by three basic rules:
- absolute positioning (position) ;
- place in the general flow;
- z-index.
, CSS " ".
CSS HTML-, . «» , .
- , . : text-align , , (left, center, right, justify). , height line-height:
height: 88px; //
line-height: 88px; // css -
. display: table, display: table-cell vertical-align: middle; .
, , - . , , , , CSS, .
CSS . , .
, . , ., .
" HTML" .
, . : , CSS . , "" , , , .
- , , , , , - , .
, . , - . ( , , ..) - .
, - , . - ( ). , , , . , "" CSS " " .
Issuing a server at the request of a browser is very voluminous and contains many elements that are far from always related to what will be displayed. When designing page layout, it is important to correctly place emphasis on the presentation of information, in particular alignment. Something is better to do on the server, something on the client, that is, in the browser. You should not always rely on CSS rules; focusing on the final result is much more practical.