Names for kittens: girls and boys

It will not be a mistake to assert that there is not a single person on the globe who does not have at the moment or earlier any pet. Some people prefer exotics and start crocodiles, monitor lizards, and lion, choosing the appropriate nicknames for animals of this type. However, as adults, they begin to pose a threat to humans. The fate of such "pets" is well known, at best it is a zoo, zoo or nursery. Some of them get on the street and pose a potential threat to others. Many love birds and keep pigeons, parrots, canaries. There are a large number of dog lovers. And, of course, cats take first place among all the pets.

names for kittens girls

Many cat lovers prefer to have cats, because they are afraid of problems with the subsequent installation of kittens in good hands. However, some become happy owners of cute kitties. Choosing a kitten, a potential owner can pre-select a nickname, but this is not the best option. She may not suit the pet in appearance, character or habits. Also, when choosing a nickname, you need to think about the fact that it will need to be repeated several times a day. That is why it should be harmonious and not very difficult to pronounce. Names for girls kittens can be invented on their own or consult with family members and friends.

nicknames for kittens boys

As a rule, the selection is carried out for any distinguishing features of the pet. It may be the color of a kitten. Names for kittens-girls in this case: White, Belyanka, Haze, Ryzhka, Seryoshka, Black, Chervona, Chernukha and others. Nicknames for kitten-boys can be: White, Belyasik, Ginger, Smoke, Ginger, Gray, Chernysh.

The movie industry also gives life to many nicknames. Very often recently you can hear the nicknames of animals given in honor of the heroes of such films as The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight. For example, it is known for certain that such names already exist for kitten girls, like Hermione, Arwen, Renesmee, Rosalie, Ginny. As a rule, such nicknames are given by teenage girls who want to repeat the name of their favorite movie heroine again and again. They also express their love for the actors in nicknames. Some cats can already boast such names as Ron, Harry, Snape, Bilbo, Frodo, Jake, Aro.

nicknames for animals

Young children look at the world through the prism of a fairy tale and give their pets the names of fairy-tale characters. Very often, babies choose names for kittens-girls in honor of their beloved cartoon princesses. Thanks to this, such cats as Rapunzel, Aurora, Odette, Jasmine, Caira, Tiana live in our real world. Cats also do not stand aside and wear such cartoonish nicknames as Ballou, Abu, Basilio, Leopold.

Well, of course, you can not ignore the creators who come up with their pets extra original nicknames. For example, there are such names for kittens-girls as Assel-Kote, Acapulka-Zevanna, Belanna, Bella Maria-Rosa, Yanita-Bonita and many others. Kotikov is sometimes called Skrl, Uncle, Eros, Sex - in general, who has enough imagination.

A kitten can be called by the month or season of its birth, by food preferences, in honor of some famous person, or you can make a nickname from the syllables of the names of family members.

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