Riddles about the computer or forced technological progress

Many grandparents, mothers and fathers in childhood could not even imagine what a computer is. They just did not imagine that in the near future even the smallest little ones would be able to control an electronic computer to turn on cartoons or view photos.

Modern riddles

Who, if not modern children, knows the computer best? Each child will be able to describe it, moreover, according to various criteria, depending on age. Young children pay more attention to external characteristics and effective actions, older children will be able to describe the functionality, remember that the computer can not only show movies, but also calculate.

computer riddle

And of course, children like to solve puzzles about the computer.

He stands in the corner buzzing

The monitor is huge.

Glows and says

But he himself is very modest.

Or another riddle about a computer for children:

He knows everything

Behaves obediently.

I give him requests

And he answers me right there.

There is one more:

Behind this car, very formidable,

Children can disappear for a long time.

She beckons them with bright colors,

The information is fun.

And eyes cry, tired

From such a stupid carousel.

Computer parts

There are funny puzzles that relate to computer topics. Of course, this is your favorite keyboard and mouse. So many jokes were invented about mice, there are so many puzzles.

He is both a beast and not a beast,

Nothing gnaws

The tail is gray, no ears.

Small, fast, different colors happen,

Do not rustle when running

But the cursor helps!


* * * * *

If there are sandwiches without leaving the monitor,

That crumbs will be in it - do not count!

And dirty patterns.


* * * * *

When you want to record

And I don’t have a pen with me,

Better not to find a friend

Than with the letters ....


* * * * *

To listen to music

Or watch a movie,

Gotta put on ...,

In order not to make much noise.


Other computer equipment

If we are to ask children interesting puzzles about the computer, then you can not do without laptops, network equipment and peripherals, widespread in almost every home.

computer riddle for children

Funny antennas stick out of it,

Its working principle is simple.

Internet through cable gets into it,

And he sends a signal to the whole house.

(Wi-Fi router)

* * * * *

Much smaller than a computer,

But he does not fit into his pocket.

It makes a little noise on the case,

Here and there.

(A laptop)

* * * * *

I wanted to decorate the coloring,

But the books are already over.

Then I asked my mom

Give the paper to the dinosaur.

He creaks and glows

But gives the paper

With new pictures.

(A printer)

* * * * *

He can print everything,

He eats paper and spits.

Draw letters, numbers,

This is our home ...!

(A printer)

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