April marks the end of winter and the beginning of preparations for summer field expeditions and work. On the first Sunday of April, we celebrate Geologist Day. It is celebrated by everyone who seeks and extracts minerals: geologists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, geochemists, explosives, mine diggers, mine surveyors.
The holiday appeared not so long ago - in 1966. It was approved by Decree of the Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the merits of Soviet geologists in the field of the study and development of the mineral resource base of our country.
The initiator of the appeal to the Council was a group of geologists led by A. Yanshin, and the reason was the discovery of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia in 1966.
Geologist's Day is celebrated today not only in Russia, but also in the former countries of the Soviet Union. And, having noted it, geologists go on expeditions to distant areas for the whole summer. They live in sparsely populated areas until late autumn.
Geology is the science of the structure, origin, composition of the Earth, its features and changes. Currently, it includes several disciplines:
- geophysics;
- geochemistry;
- mineralogy;
- stratigraphy;
- tectonics;
- petrography.
The profession of a geologist is one of the most romantic. She is exploring the possibilities of the bowels of the earth. Geologists are in places where the human foot has never gone before. And then factories are built on this place, cities grow. They travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers in the mountains, taiga, deserts, and the well-being of our country depends on their work (to some extent).
The day of the geologist had to be celebrated earlier, because this profession is very ancient. She appeared in those days when primitive people began to make tools with stones. The geologist is also an ecologist. He protects nature and all living things.
This profession should be chosen for those people who love the thrill. Extreme in abundance: climbing mountains, diving to the seabed, heavy hiking with a burden on your shoulders. Sometimes there is no electricity and hot water, no delicacies and just delicious food. This work is for decisive, courageous and at the same time romantic natures. In extreme situations, you have to rely on yourself and the help of a friend.
A geologist studies and compares rocks, takes samples for laboratory research. He must understand if there are minerals in the region , how they are located. He notes all the finds on a special map, makes a portrait of the area in the form of diagrams, diagrams, plans, estimates the appropriateness of development.
Geologists must possess engineering thinking, know history, political science, sociology, cultural studies, mining-geological and geological and disciplines.
The main qualities that are necessary for the geologist:
- analytical mind;
- patience;
- observation;
- resourcefulness;
- ability to communicate;
- unpretentiousness.
Geologist Day is celebrated widely and cheerfully. Even students have noisy feasts. Often they go on the nature and fry kebab. It is on this day that initiation into freshmen’s geologists takes place. They must overcome various obstacles in the street and indoors. So they train their physical stamina.