How to raise a boy of 5.5 years: features of education, practical advice and recommendations of psychologists

Any parent knows how difficult it is to raise a child as an intelligent, honest, noble and strong person. But raising a girl is still a simpler job. Admittedly, the boys are more trouble, need more attention. Therefore, to learn how to raise a boy of 5.5 years will be very useful.

Features of a difficult age

Reaching 5-6 years of age, any boy continues to actively explore the world. But at the same time, his worldview is gradually changing, intelligence is developing rapidly, and his desire is becoming more and more. Therefore, at this age, he needs a particularly sensitive, and sometimes harsh upbringing.

Family ties

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is this age that is best suited for laying the foundation of psychological, mental and physical development. Having missed this moment and trying to catch up in 10 years, to achieve a brilliant result will not work, even if maximum efforts are made on both sides. It has long been noticed that children who are fond of sports or reading at this age retain their hobbies for life and often succeed.

At this age, the boy realizes that the world is not at all limited to his apartment, courtyard and even the city, in many people a thirst for adventure is awakened - sometimes quite dangerous, so you need to watch especially carefully, trying not to bother once again studying the wonderful world.

Social connections

Five-year-old boys need to communicate with their peers - this lays down communication skills that are sure to be useful in the future, both in personal life and in the professional sphere. Therefore, parents should definitely provide them with the opportunity to communicate with interesting children.

But with the parents, the relationship in the child is a little complicated. Five-year-old boys are cunning. But do not think that this is because they are bad. It’s just a survival mechanism: for thousands of years, humanity has lived in a cruel world. Only smart and strong people could survive in it. Children, not yet possessing these qualities, were forced to develop a trick in themselves, which is still observed in many today. They begin to trick, try to manipulate their parents, do less, while getting more. It is very important to notice this in time and nip it or put it in the right direction - you will always be smarter and more far-sighted than a child, at least thanks to more life experience, and must cope with such a task. These are the features of raising a boy 5-6 years old. Knowing them, raising a child as we would like would be much easier.

Who should raise a child?

And here the answer will be completely unambiguous. Psychologists believe that it is necessary to take into account the physiology and psychology of the boy when raising a child of 5 years in order to succeed. At this age, he begins to become aware of himself as a future man. It is no coincidence that up to 5 years in Russia it was customary to call children the term "child" - a middle genus, and after this age they were indicated as boys and girls.

fishing with dad

From this age, the boy needs custody and love of his mother, but his father should educate him mainly. Well, or a worthy man replacing him (uncle, grandfather, or at least an older cousin). In Sparta, famous for its great warriors, at the age of 5, the boy moved to the house of men, where he received appropriate education. In Russia, by this age, father increasingly took his son to work, hunting, so that he would remember not only all the subtleties of the work performed, but also be saturated with truly male, hard work, used to him.

Of course, today most fathers spend the lion's share of time away from their children - at work. But if he wants to know how to properly raise a 5.5-year-old boy, he can be advised to devote at least an hour a day (in the evening) and a few hours on weekends to spend time with children and show them what a man should be like, by personal example.

We set a personal example

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the right example if you are interested in how to raise a 5.5-year-old boy. A father can spend hours telling his son how harmful smoking is, how useful sports and reading are. But if he does this while lying on the sofa with a beer belly and a cigarette in his hand, and took the book for the last time at school, then this lecture will not bring any benefit. But harm to family relationships will cause: a cunning and attentive child will understand that his father’s words are very different from the deed. Of course, the authority of the head of the family will shake dramatically.

Developed child

Fortunately, a 5-year-old child is already hardy and smart enough to take with him anywhere. Tourist outing, fishing, hunting - he can accompany his father everywhere. Is there a summer house? Why not show him how his father cuts firewood, cuts boards to make a stool, or at least a birdhouse, digs up beds for greens? This will be really interesting for the child. He will understand that only selfless work can achieve the desired result. And expanding the circle of interests will always only benefit.

There is no way to go to the country? Create a tradition of doing joint workouts. Let the father put the child on his back and squeeze ten times, and if he can - more. Very soon, the child himself will begin to imitate his father, whose authority will rise in his eyes.

Read with him an interesting book suitable for age. This will bond the father and sons, and at the same time instill a love of reading for life.

Hyperactive or ill-bred?

"Specialists", to whom worried parents turn to ask how to properly raise a 5-year-old boy, are now increasingly diagnosed with hyperactivity. The child does not sit still, constantly scatters toys and other things, does not listen to anyone. Most often in such cases, medication is prescribed with extremely dangerous drugs. After this, the child no longer acts as a bully, but completely loses interest in the world around him. He eats and sleeps mechanically, like a zombie.

Spoiled child

But many experts who are being asked about how to raise a hyperactive boy of 5 years old generally deny the existence of such a disease as hyperactivity. Very often, the matter lies in the usual lack of education. This is most often observed in families where men are either not, or they are denied the right to raise children. It is very difficult to correct the situation, the child was instilled with the idea that he is a king and everything is possible to him, and suddenly they sharply cut their rights: they try to force them to act quietly, put away toys, and stop getting into adult conversations. This is a very difficult situation - in most cases even the advice of a psychologist turns out to be useless, how to raise a boy of 5 years. Therefore, it is better to listen less to the teachings of modern experts and keep the child in hedgehogs. Yes, it is difficult for parents and unpleasant for the child (although it is the latter that quickly adapts to new circumstances), but later it will save many problems, and a grown up boy who has turned into a man will only be grateful.

Get rid of excess energy

Another problem faced by parents thinking about how to raise a boy of 5-6 years old is an excess of energy. Probably every parent wondered where so much energy came from in a tiny, puny body. The child rushes from morning to evening, runs, jumps, makes noise, plays, crawls into every gap. Of course, if you lock it in the children's room, then the consequences will be very destructive. And if you forbid him to waste energy, this will lead to sad consequences - loss of appetite, poor sleep and as a result - tearfulness, constant tiredness, headache.

Children's tourism

How to be in such a situation? How to raise a child 5 years old? It is best to give the boy to a suitable sports section. This can be sambo, swimming, athletics, tourism and many other suitable sports. Already here he will surely get rid of the excess of strength, and when he comes home and has a tight snack, he will immediately fall to sleep without hind legs and restore energy.

Find the right hobby

However, education is not limited to one sport. After all, a child must develop both spiritually and intellectually. Of course, reading will be one of the best hobbies. At 5 years old, many children already read well. But it would be better if parents read it. Take 15-30 minutes before going to bed to read the child a good book - the benefits of this have already been mentioned above.

Great hobby

Do not forget about other options. At five, your son can draw, play the piano, collect constructors, play chess and perform many other things. Let him do it at a very mediocre level. But he has where to grow. It is very important that he himself wants to do this, and not act from under the stick at the whim of his parents.

Flog or not flog?

A very serious and difficult question. And here it all depends on the personality of the child, and on education at the age of 1-2 years. Most parents, acting intuitively, are completely right. A one-year-old child climbed to the outlet, but the cry did not help? A light pop on the pope will make him roar a little, although his parents will be much worse. But he will understand that it is impossible to argue with mom and dad (but this is only appropriate in cases where the child is in real danger). As a result, at 5 years old, a normal shout or even a simple conversation is enough.

Do not believe the many "educators" that have bred in recent years. They assure that each cotton in a soft place will make the child hate their parents. But it has been used for many centuries, and families were much more united than today. Do not believe those who believe that physical punishment allows you to grow an obedient slave. Take for example the medieval nobles. Oh, they flogged them for the slightest offense. And much, conceived to the blood. And from them grew great scientists, writers, artists, warriors. And to combine this with slavish nature is simply impossible.

But the best approach is to see in your little one a personality who needs to be helped to open up, then the belt will not be needed.

We instill responsibility

Studying the advice of psychologists on how to raise a boy of 5 years, you can notice a pattern: they note that it is at this age that any healthy child seeks independence. In no case do not bother him in this! On the contrary, develop a valuable skill if you do not want to get an intimidated, spineless, not interested in guy at the age of 18. Does he make mistakes? Yes, and learns from them, thanks to them it becomes more powerful, intelligent and far-sighted.

But, of course, at the same time, he should always feel the support of his parents, know that they will always help.

Shaping a little man

When playing, children comprehend the surrounding world, find themselves in it. Therefore, toys at 5 years old should be purely male for the boy. Suitable cars, plastic tool kits, machine guns, pistols, swords and much more. If he reaches for the dolls (this also happens) calmly, but persistently explain to him that these are toys for girls, and he is a boy, and they simply do not fit him.

Future defender

If you use the basics of psychology, raising a boy of 5 years will not be difficult, because experts say that it is important to respect a small person. Such an attitude will allow him to grow into a strong guy, and then - into a wise, successful and noble man.


Now you know how to raise a boy of 5.5 years and you can avoid many mistakes that cause a lot of trouble to millions of parents around the world. So, you can raise a son as a worthy man.

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