Poplin or calico - which is better? Poplin - what is this fabric? Coarse calico fabric

All people know that natural is much better than artificial. The same applies to fabrics. In this article I want to talk about fabrics, namely, to decide: poplin or calico - which is better? What is each of them good for and what is it to opt for?

poplin or calico which is better

About cotton

First of all, it is worth saying that all these are cotton materials, which have always been well evaluated by people. Indeed, in essence, they are natural, allow the body to breathe, and do not cause various allergic and other skin reactions. A distinctive feature of these fabrics is also strength, which is very important.

About bedding

A person may be faced with a choice: either poplin, or calico, or satin. What is better in the case when you need to buy bedding? After all, it is these materials that are used for its manufacture. A logical question may arise: "What is the difference if all these fabrics turned out to be cotton?". There is one small nuance - this is a special interweaving of the threads of each of them, which gives the desired effect. However, it is worth mentioning that some tricky manufacturers of bed linen can add some synthetic fibers that are similar in nature to cotton in the manufacture. Therefore, when buying a set of bedding, you must pay attention to the composition (look for the inscription "100% cotton"), and not rely only on your own hands and feelings.

poplin what is this fabric


Understand the question "Poplin or calico - which is better?" preferably in stages. We begin our examination with a fabric such as calico. It is inherently cotton with a simple plain weave. It is worth saying that it is this fabric that is most often used in the manufacture of bedding. The fault is the optimal combination of price-quality. Choosing a bed from coarse calico, it is worth knowing that it has several excellent properties that everyone will like:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • hygiene;
  • excellent preservation of the pattern over the years.

Reviews of many housewives suggest that such bedding sets can withstand many washings, while not losing their color and having a relatively low cost. As for the production process, the distinguishing feature of this fabric is that it is possible to make any pattern on it without problems (the fiber structure allows this). However, there are some drawbacks. Of the three poplin-satin-calico coats, this fabric is the coarsest, and its rough surface is not everyone likes and suits. However, for those who do not care about the tactile component, this material is a leader when choosing bedding.

poplin or calico or satin which is better


Analyzing the topic “Poplin or calico - which is better?”, It is necessary to dwell in more detail on such fabric as poplin. By its nature, it is also cotton; in the production, again, the plain weave method is used. However, the nuance is that silk, viscose, wool and even synthetic blotches can be added to its composition. A feature of this fabric is that for its manufacture two threads are used - thick and thin, so that it appears as if in a scar. Many may ask the seller: "Poplin - what kind of fabric?". After all, it is impossible to see differences at first glance. If you look at the calico and poplin nearby, few people will find any special features. However, everything can be felt. So, poplin is softer, more elastic, has a smooth surface and the luster desired by many. It will also be interesting that the wear resistance of bedding from this material is also very high and practically does not concede coarse calico. However, it is still worth listing the advantages of such material as poplin:

  • perfectly retains color and shape;
  • material is pleasant to the touch;
  • perfectly retains heat, absorbs moisture;
  • practically does not crease.

It is worth saying that during operation, bedding made of poplin behaves perfectly, it can be washed at various temperatures, including at 100 °. Also, many will like the price of such kits, it is relatively low.

poplin linen


Choosing bedding and thinking: "Poplin or calico - which is better?" - It is necessary to pay attention to a fabric such as satin. What are its distinguishing features? This is a cotton fabric, which is made by special weaving of a very thin and twisted thread, due to which the effect of journal gloss is obtained. Distinctive features of a set of this material will be:

  • high strength;
  • practicality;
  • pleasant tactile sensations.

For many, it will seem important that such underwear is not inferior to its silk counterparts, but is more affordable. The pattern on such material can be applied to anyone; during washing, it does not lose its color. There is a coupon satin, when, for example, a duvet cover and pillowcases are made in different techniques, have a different pattern, but are combined with one color scheme. Mako-sateen is an Egyptian type of cotton, in the manufacture of which mercerization technology is used (to give strength and shine). It is worth mentioning that, having slightly overpaid for bedding from satin, you can get not only a beautiful set, but also the highest quality.

linen calico

What to choose?

So what is it all the same to choose? Here, everyone should look at what he wants to receive. The most affordable linen is calico. However, it is not suitable for people for whom tactile sensations are important , because it has a slightly rough structure. Followed by poplin. What kind of fabric is this - figured out. Bed sets made of it will be more pleasant to feel, because they have a smooth structure. However, the remaining characteristics, including pricing, are almost similar to calico. Well, the most chic option will still be satin, which will appeal to even the most spoiled customers. Nice structure, excellent view, all the necessary characteristics - this can be found in satin bedding. And for many, the fact that there are such beautiful drawings that the bed can become not only a necessary element of everyday life, but also the decoration of the bedroom, will also become important.

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