Wi-Fi is the favorite network of owners of all gadgets. Fast, hassle-free connection, allowing distribution to multiple devices at once. And an iPhone in relation to it can do a good service - turn into a router, recall a forgotten password or even guess an unknown. This smartphone can also be easily synchronized via Wi-Fi with a computer. How to do it all? We will talk about this later.
How to distribute WiFi from iPhone?
You can turn your iOS gadget into a Wi-Fi router in minutes. To do this, you must have mobile Internet connected to your smartphone with the optimal unlimited tariff plan. The appropriate speed for distributing WiFi with the iPhone is LTE, 3G. Be careful, working with the router will greatly affect the battery consumption.
So, how to give out WiFi from your iPhone:
- Go to "Settings".
- " " - " ", .
- " " ( ), . .
- " Wi-Fi". . - " ".
- , " " .
- -. , .
, WiFi iPhone, , .
iPhone Wi-Fi
- 5.
- iTunes 10.6.
- , Wi-Fi-.
- USB iPhone.
iPhone WiFi:
- "".
- USB-.
- , , "" iTunes .
- "" " Wi-Fi". "".
- . .
- - .
, , WiFi iPhone:
- .
- "", "".
- - " iTunes Wi-Fi".
- " ".
- , - .
WiFi iPhone?
: Wi-Fi . - /. - . :
- , " ", Mac. iCloud Keychain , , . Mac , "" - , .
- , : "", iPhone, " ", . iCloud Keychain . iCloud "". " AirPort", , "". " ". , .
- "" " " WiFiPasswords List. , ( , ).
- You can also, at your own risk, download cracking applications, which, according to their developers, are able to guess the password from any Wi-Fi point: iWep pro, Aircrack, NetworkList (only for the network that you used to enter).
Thus, an iPhone can not only turn out to be a router, but also help to find out a forgotten or unknown Wi-Fi password. In addition, he uses the network for his own purposes, including and for data synchronization.