Most likely, there are no such parents who would not have to answer the question of how many months the child began to walk. This may be of interest to both doctors and relatives, "colleagues" in the playground. Of course, this indicator is important. So, we will understand the essence of the matter!
“How many months did the child begin to walk?”: What is meant by this question?
Quite often you can hear from proud parents that their baby is trying to walk almost from birth. In fact, this is a manifestation of a step reflex. And this can not be called conscious steps. As a rule, by 4 months this reflex fades. If you put the baby on a hard surface, he will not raise his legs, as if trying to step. This is not a reason to panic! Soon the child will take deliberate steps.
When answering the question of how many months the child began to walk, it is not worth talking about when you put him in the walker. This is also not a walk as such (by the way, walkers are a big burden on a weak spine).
It is more correct to answer this question by naming the day when the baby began to move along the support (for example, a sofa, bed, furniture). Most often this happens at the age of 9-10 months. Sometimes - earlier, but often - later. At the same time, it is interesting that the parents, answering the question of how many months the child began to walk, note that the baby can walk for a long time, holding on to a support, but did not learn to stand on its own. Such a paradox!
Then the baby will learn to move, holding the hand of an adult. This is another stage of development that can go on for quite some time.
And finally, the baby goes (or runs) himself! Do not hold on to anyone and for nothing! Let there be only a few of these steps, and then a soft landing, but this is a huge achievement!
The child started walking late: what does it mean?
First, you need to find out what the word “late” generally means in relation to the baby’s first steps. Experts say that until 15-17 months you can not worry about the fact that the child does not run. If he is cheerful, active, tries to stand, crawls, turns over, manipulates toys, pronounces syllables (and possibly words), responds to your requests - everything is in order.
Do not be equal to those who boast about the successes of their child, who ran at 8 months! Children develop in different ways. No need to encourage the baby to walk. Perhaps his spine has not yet matured in order to maintain his body upright for a long time? Why resist nature for the sake of someone?
The child began to tiptoe: what to do?
Of course, it does not hurt to show the baby to specialists (neurologist, orthopedist). But the chances are that the child is playing so simply! If usually the baby moves normally, and only occasionally walks on toes, do not panic. Well, if you see such manifestations several times a day, or the baby generally only walks like that, immediately see a doctor. Massage and special exercises will help, which the specialist will select individually.
Good luck and peace! Remember that each baby is an individual. And your task is to help this personality open up!