Pregnancy dogs for any owner is a crucial moment. At this stage, the development of future charming puppies takes place. Therefore, it is very important to know about the pregnancy of dogs by day, so as not to harm and take good care of their pets. The darling in position requires special care and supervision of the owner, which greatly affects the outcome of the upcoming birth. The article addresses issues such as duration, signs and symptoms of puppyhood, as well as a detailed pregnancy calendar, divided for convenience by week and day.
How many days a dog’s pregnancy lasts
Normal dog puppy can last from sixty to seventy days. However, viable kittens are able to be born on the 58th day. Birth before this deadline is already considered pathological. The cause may be a latent disease, trauma, too old or too young an organism, excessive obesity or exhaustion.
Late births up to the 72nd day are also referred to the norm. This is due to individual characteristics and the breed of the dog. If your pet hasn’t gotten pregnant before this deadline and they already begin to walk 73 days, then there is a reason to contact a veterinarian. He will perform an operative measure - a cesarean section - and help the kutis to be born.
What determines the duration of pregnancy
It has already been mentioned above, on what depends how many days the pregnancy in dogs lasts. However, these are not all reasons, and there are a number of factors. The first pregnancy usually proceeds unpredictably, so it will be difficult to determine the exact term in primiparous dogs. The breed, weight, size and number of puppies in the litter are also strongly affected.
Pregnancy of small dogs (terriers, lapdogs, Pekingese, griffins and Italian greyhounds) lasts sixty days on average. Moreover, they can bear from two to four puppies. In the womb of large-breed dogs (Dobermans, Dalmatians, Saint Bernards and mastiffs) there can be up to fifteen fruits. Childbirth occurs on the 65th day. Although there are cases that this happens on the 55th or 74th day.
It is also necessary to take into account the pattern: the more puppies in the womb, the longer the pregnancy will last and vice versa.
Why such a short gestation period?
Dogs are pregnant every day for sixty to seventy days. This is very small and unusual for a person. However, nature has an explanation for this phenomenon.
Dogs by their origin belong to the class of predators. And meat-eating animals carry their offspring for a rather short period - from two to three months. Predators follow the principle of survival in nature. It is difficult for a pregnant dog to hunt, and this can disastrously affect her and her offspring. It is much easier to take out the coots in a short time, hide them and feed them already in the den.
Behavioral symptoms of puppy
In the first month, pregnancy in dogs is still invisible, but an attentive owner will be able to determine the interesting position of his pet by behavior. Beginner breeders should note the dog’s pregnancy by day, take notes in a notebook in detail.
In the early stages, pay attention to the pet's appetite. Pregnant bitches usually lose their appetite in the first month of gestation and eat less than usual. However, not all dogs lose their interest in food, and this is not always an indicator of pregnancy. In the second month, the appetite again increases sharply.
In the first weeks of puppyhood, the pet will show lethargy, lethargy, slowness, a desire to sleep more, and ignoring the owner’s commands. But this can be considered an indicator of pregnancy, if your dog was always energetic and playful before mating. The pet in the early stages can become overly sociable and affectionate. However, there is the opposite situation, when the dog seeks solitude in secluded corners.
Signs of Dog Pregnancy by Day
Behavioral pregnancy testing is an unreliable method. It is better to rely on physiological signs, which depend on the term.
So, on the twentieth day, it is already possible to diagnose worminess with the help of an ultrasound device and see amniotic bubbles with embryos on the screen. By the end of the first month (25-30 days), the skin swells in the nipple area of the dog, and the mammary glands themselves become pink or clearly visible. Behind the ribs you can see a noticeable increase in the abdomen.
After thirty days, obvious signs of pregnancy already appear. The mammary glands swell greatly, weight and abdomen increase dramatically. At the sixth-seventh week of pregnancy (this is between the 38th and 45th days) in the uterus, you can feel individual fruits, distinguish between the bones of the skull and ribs of the embryos. During this period, using an ultrasound machine, you can already find out how many puppies will be. Such information is important to know with a large litter. It will be useful to bring along a notebook with notes on publicity, because a specialist can ask about the dog’s pregnancy by day. X-ray photo of the abdomen you see above, you can take such a picture from an ultrasound specialist.
Ten days before the deadline, already giving birth dogs appear milk. During the first pregnancy, it forms several hours before childbirth or right during them.
First week
In the first two days after mating, spermatozoa move to the eggs to fertilize them. On the third day, they pass into the fallopian tubes. On the fourth day, fertilization of the eggs takes place. At the end of the first week, zygotes fall through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and become covered with “germinal membranes”.
There are no special changes in the dog’s behavior. Therefore, there is no need to change the walking schedule, feeding regimen or limit in activity. Nevertheless, you need to make sure that the pet on the walk does not overheat and does not feel thirsty. This is highly undesirable for a pregnant dog.
In the first week, morning sickness may be a sign of weakness. However, this is not a reliable symptom. It is safer to regularly monitor the female’s body temperature and monitor changes. It would also be nice to have a diary that will help you monitor your dog’s pregnancy by day.
Light pink vaginal discharge often scares inexperienced owners. At this stage, this is considered the norm, and there is no reason for concern.
What happens in the second and third weeks
At the beginning of the second week, embryos are fixed in the mucous membrane of the uterus, which forms in the placenta. Embryos at this time in size do not even reach a millimeter. On the fifteenth day, a new stage of intrauterine growth begins: the vital organs of the future coot develop. From this moment it is very important to closely monitor the condition of the dog, since everything that happens will affect the formation of the embryos.
On the sixteenth to seventeenth day, the embryos grow to one millimeter. They form the body, spine, head and central nervous system. In the period from the eighteenth to the twentieth day, internal organs develop. Embryos increase in size to four millimeters.
At the end of the third week (on the 21st day), a heart forms. The size of the embryo is already half a centimeter, but this is still not enough to see the emerging kitten on an ultrasound scan. But you can still diagnose pregnancy: fruit membranes will be visible on the screen. At this point, the owner should control the dog’s appetite. Malnutrition and, as a result, lack of nutrients will harm future puppies.
Fourth to fifth week
During this period, you need to carefully monitor the dogs' pregnancy every day, since already from the 22nd day you need to change the feeding schedule. Your pet may refuse food due to morning sickness, so it is better to offer food often, but in small portions. From the 23rd day, the embryo grows to a centimeter, it develops eyes, nose, ears, jaw and liver. On the 25th day, you can trace the formation of teeth, limbs and spine.
On the 26th day, the embryo is already the size of a walnut, and an experienced veterinarian will be able to diagnose puppy by palpation of the abdomen. It is recommended to limit the dog in active games so as not to harm the fruit. From the 27th to the 31st day, "calcification" occurs in the region of the skull and jaws. From the 32nd day there is an intensive growth of future carrots, so it’s worth introducing more protein into the dog’s diet.
Sixth-seventh week: pregnancy is obvious
In the period from the 36th to the 43rd day, the development of embryos is accelerated. Primary sexual characteristics appear , scapula, fingers form and wool grows. The size of future carriages reaches 6.5 centimeters. On the 44th day, the uterus of the dog increases and occupies most of the abdominal cavity. Puppies can already be palpated, but determining their exact number is difficult.
It is recommended to increase the amount of food by 20%, offer portions more often, but make them even smaller. This has a good effect on dog pregnancy. Every day and hours you can paint a diet in order to simplify your task and not puzzle over how to feed a pet. On the 47th day, the expectant mother begins to seek shelter for childbirth and most of the time licks her nipples. It's time to make an aviary or equip a part of the room and gradually train the dog to this place.
The last weeks of pregnancy
From the 50th to the 57th day, the fruits are already fully formed and grow from 12 centimeters to 15. The expectant mother mainly lies and licks, and in the stomach you can see the movements of the puppies. On the 58th day, if you click on the nipples, then milk will appear.
On the 59-62nd day you need to be ready for childbirth, they can begin at any time. Stock up on essential medicines and supplies. Measure the temperature in the morning and evening. The day before birth, it drops sharply.
On the 63rd day amniotic fluid leaves, the cervix opens. The next day, hormonal changes occur. The uterus contracts strongly, which causes contractions. Puppies are born not in a row, but at short intervals.
Be sure to use this dog’s pregnancy calendar by day when your pet is in position. And do not leave her unattended, at any time you may need the help of a veterinarian.