When evaluating the pedigree or breeding qualities of domestic and farm animals, specialists, among other things, pay attention to their exterior. This allows you to make a fairly accurate representation of the subjects. The first concept of the exterior in zootechnical science was introduced by the French researcher and scientist Claude Bourgella in 1768.
The exterior of the animal is a body shape and external distinguishing features. Its characteristic feature is that it is formed primarily during the interaction "environment - genotype". The exterior of animals can change with age or, for example, as a result of a disease.
Why is it evaluated
By the appearance of the individual, it is possible to determine its conformity to one or another tribal group. The exterior of the animal is, for example, something that the jury members first of all pay attention to at various exhibitions held in order to identify the best representatives of the breed. The appearance of an individual can also be evaluated in order to determine the following:
- individual features;
- age
- health conditions;
- potential degree of productivity.
Methods for determining breed compliance
In agriculture, the exterior of an animal is what first of all allows calculating its potential in terms of productivity. Assessment of the structural features of the body plays an important role, for example, when farmers buy producers to replenish the herd or repair young animals. Also, the appearance of animals is an important indicator when dividing existing groups of different herds into different productivity groups.
On farms, the assessment of the exterior is usually done by livestock specialists or veterinarians. Also, similar studies are often carried out by breeders. In all these cases, specialists can use the following methods for evaluating the exterior:
- visual;
- through measurements;
- using indices or exterior profiles;
- photographing.
Also in livestock farming uses a linear assessment system.
What is a visual method?
Such technology is most often used in assessing the exterior of animals. In this case, specialists simply carefully examine the article (limbs, tail, back, withers, etc.) of the test individual. Also, visual assessment determines the conformity of the animal to standards in terms of proportionality of physique.
Inspection using this technique can only be done by experienced professionals with a trained eye. The advantage of this technology is primarily considered the speed and ease of evaluation. Its shortcomings primarily include the element of subjectivity.
Assessment through measurements
Visual inspection of animals is carried out on farms and at various exhibitions very often. But sometimes it becomes necessary to more accurately determine the pedigree data of an individual and its potential capabilities in terms of productivity. For example, simply visual inspection is often not enough when selecting livestock for the tribe. In large farms, sperm banks of cattle, small cattle, pigs and other possible highly productive breeds are often created. In this case, subjective errors, of course, are absolutely unacceptable.
That is why the assessment of the exterior of farm animals when selecting them for a tribe is most often done with additional measurements.
Studies of this type are regulated by regulations. In total, there are 70 different measurements. For example, when determining the degree of breed of an animal can be measured:
- the height of the animal at the withers;
- in back;
- in the sacrum;
- skin thickness, etc.
Index and profile score
Sometimes when conducting animal studies on the subject of potential productivity, it is not enough to know the indicators of the length of its limbs, height at the withers, etc. In this case, among other things, the ratios of these parameters with respect to each other are determined. The proportionality of the physique of animals using the indices is estimated. The ratio of one measurement to another is expressed as a percentage. At the final stage, the obtained indicators are compared with the data from the standard tables.
Assessment of the constitution and exterior of farm animals by profiles is carried out approximately on the same principle. But in this case, it is carried out not for one individual, but for a group.
This method of assessing the exterior of an animal is used mainly to perpetuate the exterior features of the ancestors of any breeds or their best representatives.
Over time, the appearance of breeding animals can vary significantly. Very often this happens, for example, when the breed is not given due attention. In the future, it will be possible to carry out work on the restoration of the tribe, guided not only by a description, but by a visual picture. This is the value of such a method. The exterior of animals of a certain breed, if necessary, guided by a photo, can be restored exactly.
The subjects are photographed when assessing the exterior in a special way. The equipment is located on the side of the individual. In this case, the camera lens is directed to a conditional line passing in the middle of the animal’s body.
Linear system
When using this technique, experts evaluate each pedigree trait of the animal separately on a scale of 1 to 9 points. Moreover, full compliance with the standard is determined by the number 5. Points 1 and 9 indicate extreme deviations.
Evaluation using such a technique is usually done visually. But sometimes when applying a linear system, measurements can be made.
Criteria for evaluating different parts of the body
The exterior of animals is, as already mentioned, something in accordance with which their health is determined as well. Common signs of an individual lacking certain diseases, including hereditary ones, are:
- proportional physique;
- deep chest;
- well-developed skeleton;
- pronounced sexual characteristics.
The head of animals is usually evaluated by such parameters:
- profile of the front part;
- width and length of the forehead;
- the severity of the contours.
The degeneration and degeneration is usually indicated by a pug-shaped or narrow head with a curved profile. When evaluating limbs often pay attention:
- to their height;
- fortress;
- staging.
The neck is evaluated according to the length, top line, and the size of the folds. The abdomen in animals can be tightened, rounded, saggy, etc. When examining the pelvis, they look at its length, width, top line, degree of narrowing.
Also, when examined, the staging of the animal’s shoulder blades, the width of the back and lower back, etc. can be evaluated. The udder is additionally examined in cows and dairy goats. In this case, its value, the degree of development of the glandular tissue, the shape of the nipples, etc. can be determined.
Types of Constitution
When assessing the exterior of an animal, structural features of its body and individual parts are revealed. Also, upon examination, the type of constitution of an individual is determined, which can be:
- gentle;
- dry
- strong;
- raw
- rude.
Evaluation of the animal on the exterior and constitution allows, among other things, to select the best representatives of the breed. Structural features of the body of an individual should be as close as possible to standards. This also applies, of course, to the constitution. Dog and cat breed standards, for example, may, in some cases, allow a delicate or moist physique. For farm animals, for obvious reasons, a frail or loose structure is most often considered unacceptable.
The first type of physique includes animals with an underdeveloped refined skeleton. The muscles in such individuals are usually weak and flat. Animals with such an exterior are often painful and require special care.
The dry type of physique is usually characteristic of individuals motile and highly excitable. The skeleton of animals in this case is thin, but at the same time quite strong. Their muscles are long and at the same time quite well developed and hardy.
A strong physique is characterized primarily by a massive, dense, but not coarse skeleton. Representatives of this group, by type of constitution, are usually distinguished by calm, bold behavior. Moreover, their movements are strong, confident and energetic.
Rough-bodied animals have massive strong bones and considerable muscle mass. The behavior of such individuals is calm, and the movements are somewhat awkward.
The raw body type is characterized by coarse, powerful, but at the same time friable skeleton and muscles. The movements of such animals are sluggish, awkward, slow.
Animal interior
The exterior and constitution of the animal, when determining its health and productivity, must be evaluated. By external signs, the degree of breed of an animal can be determined with great accuracy. But when identifying the potential of the animal in terms of productivity, it is important to evaluate not only its exterior, but also the interior. So called the features of the internal structure of the body, its physiological and biochemical properties.
Most often, the interior of the animals is evaluated by microscopic examination. Microbiological, chemical, clinical, physiological methods for studying various indicators can also be used. Most often, when evaluating the interior of animals, the skeleton, blood, skin glands, muscle cells and internal organs are examined. In cows and goats, the state of the mammary glands can also be evaluated.
To determine the productivity potential of an individual individual or the prospects of the entire breed as a whole, among other things, changes in various indicators with age, determined by the conditions of detention, etc. are revealed.
Instead of a conclusion
We found out how the exterior, interior, and constitution of farm animals are evaluated. Specialists can determine the correspondence of external data and the internal structure of the body of the breed with different methods. But the purpose of this procedure is always to determine the feasibility of keeping the animal on the farm.
The exterior and interior of the animals, in any case, are important indicators of its potential. Healthy strong individuals, the appearance and constitution of which fully comply with the breed standards, will subsequently show good results in terms of obtaining milk, meat, wool, etc. And consequently, a farm that periodically carries out work on selecting livestock will receive good profits.