November 19 - World Men's Day

Since ancient times, men, as defenders of the homeland and family hearth, have been especially honored and respected. Despite this, the World Men's Day, celebrated on November 19, has not yet particularly taken root. In Russia, as in many other countries, they do not forget about the Day of Defender of the Fatherland (or the Day of the Red Army in the old fashioned way), which has been celebrated on February 23 every year for many decades. It's no secret that, in theory, this holiday is intended for those who served in the army and knew all the hardships of military field conditions, and not every representative of the male half of the population can boast of these merits. Moreover, the tendency that women are joining the army and serving in bodies is actively gaining momentum. Young girls and women who graduated from higher education institutions specializing in training for military service and in the "citizen" also deserve congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, but for some reason they forget about them. Congratulations on this day are addressed to boys, students and adult men, regardless of whether they served or not.

World Men's Day is a holiday absolutely for all representatives of a strong half of humanity, regardless of their age, marital status and individual characteristics. This holiday is relatively new, first became known in 1999 thanks to the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, where it was proposed to celebrate Men's Day and thereby draw attention to gender discrimination. The event was conceived by a certain Jerome Tiluxingh from the University of the West Indies. The topic of the man’s role in society has been of great concern to the doctor for many years. It was no coincidence that he chose the date on November 19, because it was on this day that his father was born. The countries of the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and North America, as well as Australia and the United Nations, supported the idea . Initially, the organizers emphasized that there is a need to pay special attention to the health of men and boys. Improving gender balance is the main objective of the event. The idea was accepted by UNESCO.

Before the holiday became traditional for many countries after its establishment in 1999, it was also discussed in the 60s, but it was suggested to celebrate February 23 and call it International Men's Day. The first attempt to celebrate it was made in the United States in 1994, but this did not arouse public interest. Malta was the only country where World Men Day was celebrated on February 23. Congratulations were received on absolutely all representatives of the stronger half. In 2009, the date was moved to November 19.

World Men's Day is an excellent occasion not only to congratulate your friends, brothers, fathers and grandfathers on the holiday, but also to remember how important the problem of discrimination against men is, their health, their role in public and family life. The organizers pay attention to various problems that affect men, cover them in the media, conduct work in schools and universities, and educate the younger generation. The masculine problems, as the founders of the holiday themselves say, are by no means different from the women's ones, because the strong half are also worried about the topics of marriage, family relations, health care and education. The man’s role in society is losing its significance - and this is another trouble that the organization’s representatives would like to address to society. The primordial patriarchy is being replaced by equality and matriarchy, but it is time to find out whether this positively affects society or not.

In Russia on this day, all representatives of the stronger half can also accept congratulations. World Men’s Day is celebrated in our homeland on November 3, somewhat earlier than in other countries. "Take care of men!" - this is the slogan that the organizers of the holiday are addressing the people, and it is worth listening to it.

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